Please bare with me if my description of the problem is horrible. It took me ~40 minutes to get here.
So to access internet here on my University Campus I normally used a router(jack in the wall, then prompt screen where I enter my stupid id and pw)- then wireless with WEP. After awhile I couldn't access the internet with my router- figured they blocked it's mac address or something? So I had been using wired directly to my wall. And right now I am in the "commons room"
Up until last night everything had been working- then I am not sure if it was a computer or network related problem but. I feel like the internet is "pulsating" on if it works or not. 98% of the time when I try to go to websites Mozilla status says stopped in lower left, IE doesn't work either. I ran Spy bot, Panda anti virus, Defender, Ad aware and found nothing. Reset my bios as well. I'm still having this problem here in the common room and others are not- so this leads me to believe its my computer.
I tried disabling windows firewall and exiting panda anti virus, no avail. The questionable thing is I can always get on aim. When I try ipconfig /release i am told "The requested operation requires elevation", when I run ipconfig /renew I am told "No operation can be performed on wirelesss network connection while it has media connected"
I can do a print screen of my ipconfig or something -as long as you guys promise to tell me what to blur out :P, I'm also available on AIM if anyone feels kind hearted enough to help.
I'm not an absolute networking guru, but I can take a stab and say they're blocking the HTTP port to your computer, but you're still getting through with your AIM port. In any case, this looks like something you should be taking up with the campus IT department.
I found out having a router in the section of housing is "against the rules", but their policy is to come down and talk to you, not disable your internet. I'm not sure how they could block my http if I am online right now?
It's finals week and I really need computer access, and aside from walking to the library I don't have much other choice than to try and fix this.
Thanks for your input.
On a side note, do not run different anti-virus programs simultaneous (McAfee/Norton) they tend to screw up many things.