A few weeks ago I was watching Star Wars (4-6 The good ones) and it got me remembering Star Wars Nights of the Old Republic and how much I loved it. My brother has the game and is now many states away so I had to go out and get a pre-owend version. Played it on my 360 and got about 30 hours in and it started to freeze up on me in the same place. Brought the game back to get another copy thinking it was the game. Only to find the same thing happening. Then I thought it might be the XBox so I tried it out on my friends and still craped out.
Any one out there know what I can do?
I don't want to start over and I want to finish it so I can move on to KotOR II.
any help would be appreciated
You might want to post on the official Xbox forums, as they have a specific forum for this game. Be aware that you won't be able to log on or post until Live maintenance is completed in a few hours, though.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
For your problems with KOTOR on the 360, did you have jittery sound too? I'm playing it as well, and I'm getting that problem. I did some research online myself, and apparently some people get sound problems, some people get graphical problems, and some people get lockups. I haven't seen anything that could explain why some people get some problems and not the others. It's an emulation problem, and I doubt it'll ever be addressed.