Game Scholarship

NoChanc3NoChanc3 Registered User regular
edited April 2008 in PAX Archive
Are they still offering the gaming scholarship? I remember reading about it for a past pax not sure if they continued offering it.

NoChanc3 on


  • Amber FechkoAmber Fechko Registered User regular
    edited April 2008

    The deadline is on April 30th -- 9 days from now. :)

    Amber Fechko on
  • MegamaniacoMegamaniaco Madrid, Spain (again!)Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Awww, I don't study at the US T___T


    Megamaniaco on
    Steam ID: Megamaniaco // LoL summoner: Corcorigan (NA), Megamaniaco (EUW) // Hearthstone: Megamaniaco.2120

    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
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