I'm looking into getting a casual, recreational kilt. Why you ask?
1. I want to wear a dress, and I'm a man.
2. I'm of Irish decent (yes I know kilts are of scottish origins).
3. The ability to moon/flash people more efficiently
4. Aaaaand I've started training with some friends using some strongman style implements.. i.e. atlas stones, log presses, firemans carry... etc. This has raised my interest in highland game-type events. I may try to compete in them in the future. (This is the real reason)
Now, I've looked around online, and have seen prices range from 50 bucks on ebay, to around a few thousand dollars for the hand-made, full attire type stuff. This site here seems to have some good quality kilts, and the economy kilt seems to be a good choice (only 100 bucks):
I would like to know if anyone has experience purchasing kilts and has some extra info, or maybe a cheaper alternative like making my own. I really need something that will last, as this thing will most likely get dirty and take a beating. I honestly don't expect a lot of replies :P, but whatever help you can give me, I'll appreciate it.
15 years! and I still wear it.
Actually if you're just wearing it for highland games type stuff a reasonably durable, well priced kilt is the way to go but you should also get a nice dress one.
I have never had to wear a tux in my whole life and I tell ya, the ladies love em!
If you want one for wearing to outdoor events you want a durable one, but not a formal kilt. Try asking for those or checking UK sites - people buy casual ones to wear to the rugby for instance - this is what you want.
I think they're bad fashion and a cry for attention, but that's just me.
A slightly less expensive option. I have no experience buying them, though.
I'd liken it to a suit. You get what you pay for. And although you'd never wear a 'formal' kilt to an outdoor event, you could still pay a bit extra to get a proper kilt for what you're looking for.
Check these web sites out, you can search for your surname:
this one purports to have Irish tartan.
and this one has world-wide tartans.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
If I am mistaken and Celts refer to more than Irish people, then, well, Irish people wore them too.
The utlilikilts are very nice but the models I have seen come in worksman colors(not tartans) and designs(with pockets and such)
I dunno, they just scream "I need attention!"
In my book, it's in the same category as a mohawk or black eyeliner on a dude.
I don't really disagree with you, and I know that some people will always think this. A lot of people feel the same way about nice cars. In reality, I don't wear my kilt nearly as much as I did when I only worked part time and I could be outside while it was nice out.
If things like this always scream to you "I need attention" then perhaps you haven't considered how comfortable they are to wear, or that it was a very common mode of dress (hahaha) for men. ALL forms of clothing say something about you, whether you intend it or not. I never find anything screaming "I need attention" to me. More like "I don't give a shit what you think." I suppose if I were to ride a segway down your street you would think I was looking for attention too, or that I was 'too lazy to walk.' Perhaps it would never cross your mind that I was on my 18th mile of a ride, or that I enjoy it simply because it is fun. But perhaps it would cross your mind. I would find it difficult to be so judgmental all the time.
Scot, not Scott.
First off, the modern kilt (and, in fact, the whole concept of clan tartan) is a recent invention dating back to the 18th century. It is not an example of an ancient tradition jealously guarded by the myriad peoples since designated "Celtic" (another, equally anachronistic, nonsense word that has been accepted by the masses). Highland dress (if you can even call it that) was basically a thick woolen shawl that was primarily useful for keeping us northerners warm. Could be used as a makeshift blanket if need be. So, don't worry about your pedigree, it doesn't really matter from a historical point of view.
Do you look good in them? Do you feel uncomfortable with your nethers being unprotected from the elements? Can you afford the extortionate price of a decent one? These are the relevant questions to ask.
Personally, I'm not a fan. In fact this particular rant stems from living in the west of Scotland, where men are asked if they are wearing a kilt to every fucking formal event on the calendar. Ignoring the fact that lowlanders are as entitled to wear tartan as, say, a Nigerian is expected to wear lederhosen, actual Scots really shouldn't be as gullible as they are in regards to this kind of thing.
At least, in the sixth grade, that's what the big men with the bagpipes told us.
I thought this, but he could mean the surname 'Scott'.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I will be using the Fermanagh county colors. Up to 46" inch waist will fit me fine. It comes to roughly 280 dollars, this is with shipping. Thanks again guys.
I have the whole formal kilt setup, but It's beginning to fray.
You have the same colors as Ludicrous Speed tm!!!
lol, I think you're right!
"They've gone to plaid."
Hope you enjoy the kilt. I've always wanted a formal one. Need nicer suits first though; can't wear a kilt to court. Yet.