How about a spot for us to post the rules and regulations of all the neat games we invent? Feel free to post your game ideas here, that way we can all enjoy the creativity! I will start with two that have come to mind already:
Granted, some of these may be similar to or even exactly the same as other multiplayer modes, but we won't know that until the game comes out, will we?
One person brings a sweet ride and parks it at a specific location known to everyone. One team goes off and hides, gets their shit together, etc. The other team has to keep them from blowing up the sweet ride by any means possible. Only rule is that the car has to stay in the same spot. No driving it. You may or may not want to turn off rocket launchers, as they may make it too easy? Or only the defending team can use them?
To win: First person to reach the "Statue of Happiness"
Starting at your beginning spawn, or "standoff" where all players meet: Rules are you must obtain a cop car from that spot first before heading to the Statue and drive it as far as you can. So obviously everyone is on the same team in the beginning and has to start shit to get the cops to show up. Then it is a free for all to try and steal the cop cars that show up and get out of there.
Six men, six giant..... voices.
Up 'til 2 Vocal Band
A team of one or more cops take their cruisers across town in attempts to slam into another players car. That player must exit the car and then blow it up (or something similar). Then they stand there and wait, essentially frozen like in freeze tag.
Those playing against the cops need to make it to a safe zone determined prior to the game starting, but may also drive by and pick up their "frozen" comrades. Game ends when either everyone is frozen or all of the criminals and reached the safe zone.
Car Tag / The Warriors
Select a portion of the city or whatever to play this in so people aren't roaming around all over. Essentially there are two teams - one group is on foot fleeing from the other group that drives around trying to find them. You can use baseball bats to "tag" people. The group on foot has to make it from one part of the city to another part while the drivers roam the streets trying to stop them from making it. This could also be called Warriors! (come out to play-ay) Those 'tagged' or frozen are taken into custody (they ride with the drivers - maybe Zombies/Infection style they change teams when captured).
Yeah, we've already pretty much just been doing this in the regular thread. There's no need for another. This will just degenerate into another GTA thread, anyways.
Why not recreate one of the best car movies ever? One person drives the semi, their teammate runs interference with a sweet sportscar. The rest of the players are the police. The semi must make it to the set destination before the "Bandit" (maybe also the semi, if you want) is caught, destroyed, killed, etc.
Up 'til 2 Vocal Band
Up 'til 2 Vocal Band
There's already a thread for the game. Fall in.
Two Players. One drives, the passenger is armed with some sort of rifle.
The driver calls the legal targets before taking off. Any Ped carrying grocery bags, or any Ped driving a truck, or any Ped in a blue shirt, for a few examples.
The driver screams around the city careful to dodge traffic and obstacles while maintaining as high a speed as possible. The passenger then must shoot any of the described targets he sees. Haven't quite figured out the scoring, because I just thought of this. I would think the more difficult the kill the more it's worth.
Say your target is a blue shirt Ped and you shoot a vehicle nearby causing that vehicle to run-over your target, that's most likely max points. Shoot him in the leg, causing him to roll down some stairs into traffic, just as good. Simple clean headshots would fall somewhere under pulling off something like that.
The player driving the motorcycle is at liberty to take any route he chooses, but cannot go offroad for extended periods of time to intentionally find no targets. The driver is free to drive as erratically as he wishes so long as he does not crash the bike on purpose.
If the passenger gets killed, he has to turn over the gun and drive. If the driver can't escape the cops and gets the team busted, he has to turn over the bike.
Just a rough idea of a game I used to play while tooling around in SA with the Peds Have Guns & Peds Riot codes, plus recruit a Ped. I'd recruit a Ped with a M16, hop on a bike and drive around the riot, seeing who my passenger could take out.
Any ideas to expand on this?
So a thread outlining the free mode that exists for a game that isn't out for 6 days when there's already a discussion thread for said game.
So it's a poll thread?
I think as long as the topic warrants it, it should be allowed.
That being said, I think this is a great subject. Keep it going. I'll be back in about 5 days.
("helicopter polo"...something has to be light enough to shoot or blow around with one of those things)
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Anyway, this depends on just how bikes and the like work in game, which I'm honestly not sure about, but anyway:
Railroad Rash
The players, all mounted on bikes, continually run a circuit of the subway and railroad tracks (preferably only a few dozen meters ahead of a speeding train) with the goal of trying to knock as many other players off their bikes while remaining on their own, accomplishable through ramming, forcing them to collide with environment objects, or, if possible, beating the shit out of one another with standard melee weapons ala the namesake. Depending on if they're wiloling to keep score of who knocked who, the winner's either the last man riding or the one to have thrown the most people under the train.
Depends on the host setting. IIRC, one can change pedestrian density.
This is (terribly interesting) news to me. How high does the density slider go, I wonder?