
Time for me to sell my 360?



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    DeusfauxDeusfaux Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    sell it and buy it back when it's a jasper or later

    Deusfaux on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    urahonky wrote: »
    Resident Evil 5 is coming for the 360. (and PS3, but whatever) So if you decide to do the whole PC gaming thing just remember. No RE 4 U.

    Oh and the PC ports for RE games are terrible, so don't fucking bring them up. :P

    He's fine, he's got a Wii, remember? Plenty of RE on that.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    urahonky wrote: »
    Resident Evil 5 is coming for the 360. (and PS3, but whatever) So if you decide to do the whole PC gaming thing just remember. No RE 4 U.

    Oh and the PC ports for RE games are terrible, so don't fucking bring them up. :P

    He's fine, he's got a Wii, remember? Plenty of RE on that.

    Haha, this is true. But chances are there's no way in fuck we're getting RE5 on the Wii. Maybe on Super Wii or something.

    urahonky on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    yeah, plenty of OLD RE.

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    The_ScarabThe_Scarab Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    My friend is actually going to be in the market to sell his 360 soon (going to grad school), possibly to me. Not to derail anything, but whats a good asking price for a used 360 (pre-hdmi)?

    Half retail if it's from a friend, that's my rule of thumb.

    Or whatever you want to pay for it plus a few rounds of drinks at a pub or something.

    The_Scarab on
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    Kuribo's ShoeKuribo's Shoe Kuribo's Stocking North PoleRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I think no matter what you do (OP) you should have some sort of console, because they all have unique experiences you aren't likely to get on PC.

    don't just get rid of the 360 and pick up a wii though, the wii is a supplement to a console gaming experience, not the forefront of one.

    Kuribo's Shoe on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I think no matter what you do (OP) you should have some sort of console, because they all have unique experiences you aren't likely to get on PC.

    don't just get rid of the 360 and pick up a wii though, the wii is a supplement to a console gaming experience, not the forefront of one.

    Keep telling yourself that.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    SumDeusSumDeus Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    isaac17 wrote: »
    Beck wrote: »
    Keep the 360 and get a PS3 and the HDTV.

    Why does it have to be one or the other?

    Money, it's scarce.

    Yep, i've got the 360 premium with a handful of games. And unfortunately I haven't yet found a pit of endless money. Selling the 360 would help towards a HDTV and PS3/Bluray player.

    If money is scare, should you be buying an HDTV and a PS3/Bluray player?

    SumDeus on
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    GrimReaperGrimReaper Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    SumDeus wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    isaac17 wrote: »
    Beck wrote: »
    Keep the 360 and get a PS3 and the HDTV.

    Why does it have to be one or the other?

    Money, it's scarce.

    Yep, i've got the 360 premium with a handful of games. And unfortunately I haven't yet found a pit of endless money. Selling the 360 would help towards a HDTV and PS3/Bluray player.

    If money is scare, should you be buying an HDTV and a PS3/Bluray player?

    Money isn't necessarily scarce, it's more a fact of if all the games I can get for the 360 I can also play on a PS3 then why don't I sell the 360 to help pay for the PS3/HDTV thereby saving me money.

    What i'm worried about is down the line games coming out on the 360 that won't be available for the PS3 or the pc.

    BTW, to the other persons mention of the Wii. I'm very happy with it, and it's my main console. (I play on the Wii much more than I do the 360)

    GrimReaper on
    PSN | Steam
    I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
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    KlykaKlyka DO you have any SPARE BATTERIES?Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Guys, could we stop acting like the OP wants to get rid of the 360 because it sucks or the other alternatives are obviously better? Cause it's not like that. It's just not a machine/experience for the OP.

    I still say sell the 360 and get what you really want.
    I wanted a 360 and am amazingly happy with it, doesn't mean you won't be happy with an awesome HDTV and a PS3 and your PC. And instead of letting the 360 collect dust,just get some money for it.
    Honestly,by the time some game might come out you really REALLY have to play on a 360 you will probably get one for under 100$.

    Klyka on
    SC2 EU ID Klyka.110
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    RoxtarRoxtar Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Speaking as someone who considered buying a 360 only to see all the games that I wanted except for Dead Rising and Chromehounds come to PC, well, I'd sell it. Contrary to what cakemikz says, there are plenty of games for the PC that are awesome: this is a list of games coming out in '08 and this is a similar one for '07. With Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, GTA IV, Bioshock, etc all on the PC, plus PC-centric stuff like Company of Heroes, World in Conflict, the Orange Box, CoD4, etc, I don't see myself as needing a 360 and I'd be selling it if I had one.
    I would just like to say I hate you and you thoroughly suck! I had completely convinced myself to not get a new computer this coming year (in bad need of an upgrade) due to computer games being lame and consoles taking over. I read your link to the 08 games initially being like "see its all craptastic RTS#23095 and adventure games noone cares about" And then I got to the RPG section.... DAMN YOU!

    To OP. What exactly are you expecting to get for your xbox360? 100$ I doubt it will sell for much more honestly. I agree with others, you mind as well just save up a bit more for a PS3. Hell get the cheapest model and then go buy a notebook hardrive, not like any of the newer models have any of the perks the old ones did aside from that.

    Roxtar on
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    Invoice NinjaInvoice Ninja Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    I'm going to post this here since I don't think it warrants its own thread...

    I'm actually looking to purchase a 360 in the near future for the opposite of the OP's reason for selling his - my computer's so wimpy that it just can't handle anything beyond WoW. With a 360 I'll finally be able to play all these rockin' titles (Orange Box! Woo!) without all the expensive upgrading and whatnot.

    I've just got a quick barrage of newbie questions for you fine chaps...

    1. Can I simply run a network cable from our router to get it online, or does it require some funky adapter / wi-fi thing that I should know about?
    2. Do you need the paid gold account to do the whole achievements thing? Or can you start with that simply by setting up your system/gamertag?
    3. Anything I need to know about? Any recommendations for a first-time Xbox owner? Other than the whole dreaded red ring issue. Although didn't they redesign the systems to make that less likely?
    4. How well does it handle the whole backwards-compatibility issue? I'm sure I missed out on a lot of original Xbox games, and now that you can get them for dirt-cheap it'd be worth picking them up if it can play them without exploding.

    Thanks in advance!

    Invoice Ninja on
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    GdiguyGdiguy San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    1. Can I simply run a network cable from our router to get it online, or does it require some funky adapter / wi-fi thing that I should know about?
    For wired, yep, you just need a cable; for wi-fi you need to buy an adapter, but wired is better anyway!
    2. Do you need the paid gold account to do the whole achievements thing? Or can you start with that simply by setting up your system/gamertag?
    Nope, gold is basically only for online multiplayer; everything else (achievements, buying XBLA games, friends lists, I believe voice chat as well?) comes with the Silver account
    3. Anything I need to know about? Any recommendations for a first-time Xbox owner? Other than the whole dreaded red ring issue. Although didn't they redesign the systems to make that less likely?
    It's less likely, and worst case scenario you're 360-less for a month... buying an extended warranty (or using a credit card that automatically extends warranties) isn't a horrible idea, though, if you're super paranoid. Otherwise, don't put one of those stupid coolers on it, and sit it somewhere there's airflow (i.e., don't run it in a carpeted box), and you should be fine. If it's going to red-ring, it's going to almost regardless of what you do to it
    4. How well does it handle the whole backwards-compatibility issue? I'm sure I missed out on a lot of original Xbox games, and now that you can get them for dirt-cheap it'd be worth picking them up if it can play them without exploding.
    backwards compatability list - most stuff I've tried that's listed works perfectly well, though you can occasionally run into slight issues... but a pretty decent chunk of the good games are up there

    Now getting back to the OP - if you're really that much in favor of playing games on PC as opposed to 360, I would have recommended not buying one in the first place; trying to sell it, though, basically comes down to how much you value the 360 games you currently have / uses you currently get out of it... you're not going to be able to get a huge amount on a used 360 (especially an older one with the red-ring issues), so I wouldn't anticipate it covering more than half the PS3 cost anyway. Since it doesn't seem like it's so much of a money issue, I'd almost recommend buying the PS3 first, see if you ever use the 360 in the first month or two, and then if it's never getting touched sell it then... it's not like it's going to lose more value in the next couple months

    Gdiguy on
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    Invoice NinjaInvoice Ninja Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Thanks Gdiguy!! :D

    Invoice Ninja on
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    GrimReaperGrimReaper Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Hmm, I do admit this is a hard choice to make. I will probably buy GTA 4 for the 360 tomorrow even though I just know it'll appear for the pc in a few months.

    Funnily the 360 with GTA 4 will now actually get used for the first time in quite a while.

    GrimReaper on
    PSN | Steam
    I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    Hmm, I do admit this is a hard choice to make. I will probably buy GTA 4 for the 360 tomorrow even though I just know it'll appear for the pc in a few months.

    Funnily the 360 with GTA 4 will now actually get used for the first time in quite a while.

    For toying with fate you'll probably get the RRoD the second you put the disk in. :lol:

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2008
    Klyka wrote: »
    Guys, it's not about triple A games all the time. Do you want to know how many 360 games I have bought?
    47. 47 retail games. Not always for full price, but more than half of them.
    Now tell me how many triple A games are there? 5? or maybe 10? That still means I've bought more than 30 games who are NOT triple A games. But I enjoyed every single one as much as the AAA titles. Cause there are so many GOOD and GREAT games on the system. Heck,even the PS3 has a lot of good games now.

    Still everyone is all "wah wah wah MGS4 FF13 TEAM ICO GOD OF WAR"

    So you guys buy a console for 4 games? or 5? Come on, don't mock me.

    Actually, I think you are in the vast minority there. I'd be inclined to say that most people buy a console based on a minor selection of games available on it. I'd even go so far as to say that the majority of people may even buy a console on the strength of one single title. Certainly a lot of people can't afford the time or money to play 47 games in one systems lifetime and many aren't even interested in doing so. Most casual gamers probably buy five games max per console. Even people like my sister and her husband who probably play more console than most are primarily interested in a handful of social games like Mario Kart, PES or Fifa and maybe a multiplayer FPS (although they personally haven't played one since Goldeneye as far as I'm aware).

    I think most people buy a console based on the strength of one or a handful of titles. Even the 'hardcore' gamers are likely to do this and only get interested in other games once they have the console to play them on.

    Triple A games represent, in theory, the best a system has to offer. This is why I look at the PS3 with MGS4, Final Fantasy Who the Fuck Cares What Number it is Now, GT5, ICO and God Of War and decide that the PS3 isn't for me. Because I'm not interested in that line-up, I deduce that I'm not likely to be interested in any of the Double or Single A titles either.

    Hell, I only really bought a 360 for GTAIV. I'm mildly interested in some of the other games, so will play them on it eventually (even some I could play on PC I'll probably play on the 360 either for convenience or just because some types of games I prefer to play on a console), but primarily it was the cheapest way to get GTAIV at launch which is what sold me on the choice.

    So yeah, that's what people do sometimes.

    As for the OP - my own personal hording instinct is to not sell any consoles or games ever. Of course, you're own circumstances prevail; if you need the money or the space or simply aren't interested in hording things you know you'll never use again then I'm not sure what would be stopping you from selling it.

    PS: Why is everyone saying that GTAIV is coming out on the PC? Are we just all working on assumptions based on past experience or has it actually been confirmed officially

    Szechuanosaurus on
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    GrimReaperGrimReaper Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    Hmm, I do admit this is a hard choice to make. I will probably buy GTA 4 for the 360 tomorrow even though I just know it'll appear for the pc in a few months.

    Funnily the 360 with GTA 4 will now actually get used for the first time in quite a while.

    For toying with fate you'll probably get the RRoD the second you put the disk in. :lol:

    It'll just happen now, I know it... :P

    Some people have made good arguments for retaining the 360, I was originally leaning to sell it. But now i'm back in the undecided area.

    But then I think, I won't be able to play GTA 4 online because of Xbox Live. I just find it incredibly insulting to have to pay for something so basic when that money doesn't even go towards any kind of real infrastructure like dedicated servers. It's a principle thing.

    GrimReaper on
    PSN | Steam
    I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
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    DirtyDirty Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Klyka wrote: »
    Still everyone is all "wah wah wah MGS4 FF13 TEAM ICO GOD OF WAR"

    So you guys buy a console for 4 games? or 5? Come on, don't mock me.

    The big titles are just the reason you buy the console. The smaller titles are the reason you keep it.

    Dirty on
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    KimFidlerKimFidler Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Just get all 3.

    KimFidler on
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    SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2008
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    Hmm, I do admit this is a hard choice to make. I will probably buy GTA 4 for the 360 tomorrow even though I just know it'll appear for the pc in a few months.

    Funnily the 360 with GTA 4 will now actually get used for the first time in quite a while.

    For toying with fate you'll probably get the RRoD the second you put the disk in. :lol:

    It'll just happen now, I know it... :P

    Some people have made good arguments for retaining the 360, I was originally leaning to sell it. But now i'm back in the undecided area.

    But then I think, I won't be able to play GTA 4 online because of Xbox Live. I just find it incredibly insulting to have to pay for something so basic when that money doesn't even go towards any kind of real infrastructure like dedicated servers. It's a principle thing.

    It's a GTA game. By the time that you're done digesting the single player game it'll be September 2009 and surely it'll be out on the PC by then ready for you to sell your 360 and spend the next year playing GTAIV4PCONLINE.

    Szechuanosaurus on
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    mugginnsmugginns Jawsome Fresh CoastRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    I find myself playing significantly more on the pc and the wii than I do the 360. Am I missing out on some games here?

    mugginns on
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    SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    I find myself playing significantly more on the pc and the wii than I do the 360. Am I missing out on some games here?

    What like? What awesome games are 360 exclusive?

    Szechuanosaurus on
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    mugginnsmugginns Jawsome Fresh CoastRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    I find myself playing significantly more on the pc and the wii than I do the 360. Am I missing out on some games here?

    What like? What awesome games are on 360

    Forza Motorsport 2
    Halo 3
    Mass Effect
    Gears of War
    Test Drive Unlimited
    Dead Rising
    Rock Band
    R6 Vegas 2
    Saints Row
    APF 2k8

    mugginns on
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    SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2008
    Right, but that answers your question not my question.

    Szechuanosaurus on
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    mugginnsmugginns Jawsome Fresh CoastRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Right, but that answers your question not my question.
    Do you only play exclusives on your consoles

    mugginns on
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    SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    Right, but that answers your question not my question.
    Do you only play exclusives on your consoles

    No, but if the motherfucker plays them on his PC or Wii anyway, he's not missing out, he's just playing them somewhere else.

    Szechuanosaurus on
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    UltaruneUltarune Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    don't just get rid of the 360 and pick up a wii though, the wii is a supplement to a console gaming experience, not the forefront of one.

    I think this is pretty silly. I utilize my wii as my only console, enjoying exclusives like Brawl, Mario Kart, NMH, RE4 (the control scheme makes it an exclusive imo), and stuff like Trauma Center & Wii Sports. I use my computer for shooters and rpgs because I personally prefer the mouse and keyboard to the controller and enjoy modding my games. The price issue is fairly overblown as well, with the xbox costing 350, an additional 100 I hear to even connect to the internet, new games being priced at 60 compared to the typical 40-50 with pc games, and the 50 bucks a year you pay for Live. As a member of the PA forums I assume you are either knowledgable enough to put together an impressive, if not bleeding edge pc for around that much, or know which threads to look into for advice. Driver/compatability issues, while not fictional, are also over-stated in this debate. I'm confident the average PA forum user can navigate such trials themselves, or know where to look for for help.

    If you are willing to give up modding and prefer controllers to keyboard/mouse, than the 360 is a shoe in over the pc. But honestly, the monetary and technical issues leveled at the pc are inaccurate. Were I in your shoes I'd sell your 360, since the only game it has that appeals to me personally that hasn't come out on pc is Dead Rising.

    Ultarune on
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    mugginnsmugginns Jawsome Fresh CoastRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    Right, but that answers your question not my question.
    Do you only play exclusives on your consoles

    No, but if the motherfucker plays them on his PC or Wii anyway, he's not missing out, he's just playing them somewhere else.

    Mass Effect isn't out yet for PC, neither is GTA. Missing out yeah

    mugginns on
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    UltaruneUltarune Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    mugginns wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    I find myself playing significantly more on the pc and the wii than I do the 360. Am I missing out on some games here?

    What like? What awesome games are on 360

    Forza Motorsport 2
    Halo 3 Likely coming to PC
    COD4 on PC
    Mass Effect coming to PC
    Gears of War on PC
    Bioshock on PC
    Test Drive Unlimited on PC
    Dead Rising
    Rock Band Coming to Wii, with no DLC, which does suck, but may change
    R6 Vegas 2 on PC
    Saints Row
    APF 2k8
    GTA4 Likely coming to PC

    So 2 GTA clones, 2 racing games, the awesome zombie killing simulator, and Chromehounds & APF 2k8 which I don't know anything about.

    Ultarune on
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    UltaruneUltarune Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    mugginns wrote: »
    Right, but that answers your question not my question.
    Do you only play exclusives on your consoles

    No, but if the motherfucker plays them on his PC or Wii anyway, he's not missing out, he's just playing them somewhere else.

    Mass Effect isn't out yet for PC, neither is GTA. Missing out yeah

    Mass Effect is getting pretty good upgrades for pc, and the pc version of the GTA games always come packaged with extra features as well, time passes, I don't think delays = missing out exactly.

    Ultarune on
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    FaceballMcDougalFaceballMcDougal Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Obviously if you have a "PC" the 360 is useless right guys?

    FaceballMcDougal on
    xbl/psn/steam: jabbertrack
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    mugginnsmugginns Jawsome Fresh CoastRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Obviously if you have a "PC" the 360 is useless right guys?

    Eh, I'd say it is mostly about when people say "I'll wait for it on PC" they really mean "I can get it free on the PC!"

    mugginns on
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    mugginnsmugginns Jawsome Fresh CoastRegistered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Ultarune wrote: »
    mugginns wrote: »
    mugginns wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    I find myself playing significantly more on the pc and the wii than I do the 360. Am I missing out on some games here?

    What like? What awesome games are on 360

    Forza Motorsport 2
    Halo 3 Likely coming to PC
    COD4 on PC
    Mass Effect coming to PC
    Gears of War on PC
    Bioshock on PC
    Test Drive Unlimited on PC
    Dead Rising
    Rock Band Coming to Wii, with no DLC, which does suck, but may change
    R6 Vegas 2 on PC
    Saints Row
    APF 2k8
    GTA4 Likely coming to PC

    So 2 GTA clones, 2 racing games, the awesome zombie killing simulator, and Chromehounds & APF 2k8 which I don't know anything about.

    That is ignorant.

    mugginns on
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    LewiePLewieP Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    Obviously if you have a "PC" the 360 is useless right guys?

    Eh, I'd say it is mostly about when people say "I'll wait for it on PC" they really mean "I can get it free on the PC!"

    Because clearly there are zero beneficial features of PC gaming over consoles other than easier piracy.

    LewieP on
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    KlykaKlyka DO you have any SPARE BATTERIES?Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Getting GTA4 tomorrow on either PS3 or 360:

    "Oh shit dude best game ever let's do some shit!"
    "Guys Guys I got it early I am so happy and my pants are ruined and omg everything is so shiny!!!!"

    Getting GTA4 in like 10-12 months for PC:

    New Thread,
    "So guys,I just got GTA4 for PC anyone want to play?"
    "Oh is it out? Sorry man,I only got the 360/PS3 version. But it's a great game,enjoy it."
    "Dude,you should buy <flavour of the month game> it's so awesome and everyone is playing it!"
    "Sure man,I'll play, I got it for PC too after playing through the 360/PS3 version and getting a bit bored with it."

    For most people that is what "missing out" means.

    Klyka on
    SC2 EU ID Klyka.110
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    SzechuanosaurusSzechuanosaurus Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited April 2008
    Obviously if you have a "PC" the 360 is useless right guys?

    Totally, I just got mine to fill a gap in my TV unit. Now I don't have anywhere to keep my Wii Fit board.

    Szechuanosaurus on
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    UltaruneUltarune Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    Obviously if you have a "PC" the 360 is useless right guys?
    mugginns wrote: »
    Obviously if you have a "PC" the 360 is useless right guys?

    Eh, I'd say it is mostly about when people say "I'll wait for it on PC" they really mean "I can get it free on the PC!"

    If you can't honestly appraise the Pc and the 360 and say "Hmm, these 2 machines have significant overlap, I bet different people will find one of these two more appealing for personal reasons", and instead respond with sarcastic martydom or accusations of piracy, then
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    First of all, i'll preface this by saying i'm not trying to start any kind of flame war. So if anyone wants to flame you know where the exit is.

    Ultarune on
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    UltaruneUltarune Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    mugginns wrote: »
    Ultarune wrote: »
    mugginns wrote: »
    mugginns wrote: »
    GrimReaper wrote: »
    I find myself playing significantly more on the pc and the wii than I do the 360. Am I missing out on some games here?

    What like? What awesome games are on 360

    Forza Motorsport 2
    Halo 3 Likely coming to PC
    COD4 on PC
    Mass Effect coming to PC
    Gears of War on PC
    Bioshock on PC
    Test Drive Unlimited on PC
    Dead Rising
    Rock Band Coming to Wii, with no DLC, which does suck, but may change
    R6 Vegas 2 on PC
    Saints Row
    APF 2k8
    GTA4 Likely coming to PC

    So 2 GTA clones, 2 racing games, the awesome zombie killing simulator, and Chromehounds & APF 2k8 which I don't know anything about.

    That is ignorant.

    Well Forza Motorsport 2 and PGR4 are racing games, right? Crackdown and Saints Row I have heard referred to as GTA clones many times, and I don't think the term has an automatic derogatory meaning. Spider-man 2 and Hulk Ultimate Destruction are partial GTA clones and rock. Dead Rising IS an awesome zombie killing simulator, I can attest to that personally. The only thing I'm ignorant about is Chromehounds and APF 2k8, which I admitted to in my post. What part of my post was ignorant?

    Ultarune on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited April 2008
    KingGraham wrote: »
    If I had the cash I'd sell my 360 and get a PS3.

    If you had the cash, why not keep the 360, buy a PS3, and own both?

    Seriously, you ARE NOT required to "choose sides".

    Evander on
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