With recent releases such as "Super Smash Brothers: Brawl" and "Mario Kart Wii" I seem to be finding myself with an increasing need for an actual game controller to play on instead instead of the Wii"s "Sticks", and was wondering if anyone out there would mind giving me their opinion or recommendation.
I originally looked at just picking up some cheap 3rd party controller, however I cant seem to find anything with a long enough cord to use comfortably (The recent white controller released by nintendo falls about one foot short), and a wavebird is out of the question because using a controller without rumble feels like an
awkward step back.
So after a bit of searching I have come across two possible solutions (All links go to Amazon, ill shop around for better prices later).
1.) Buy a bonafide, Nintendo licensed, Gamecube controller and use one of these
Link 1 Link 2
2.) Buy a third party wireless controller with "Stock Vibration"?
Problem is I've never heard of either of these, and I get the sinking suspicion I would just be buying a hunk of plastic junk.
Hopefully someone out there will have heard of either of these or have a half decent solution.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
IGN has some nice things to say about this controller, so ill check into it. Thanks.
I do have to admit that a game controller wasnt the first thing to mind when I read your post. Did the founder of the company loose a bet or something? "Thrustmaster" Seriously?
They always made excellent flightsticks. I've still got one somewhere...too bad I no longer have the port for it.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51