Ooo my first girl thread. How exciting...
There's this girl that I've known since the beginning of college, two years ago. Recently, as of a couple weeks ago, I started having feelings for her.
Yesterday was my twenty-first birthday, and her along with several other friends of mine went out to dinner to celebrate. During the whole event, I got the impression that she has feelings for me too. Lots of physical touching...walking to the restaurant, she had her arm around my waist and was practically hanging off of me, and other such things (not to mention that two other lady friends I had there said we're really cute together and they are pretty sure she likes me, from what they've seen). We really like spending time with each other, talking to each other etc, and as I left her apartment afterwards, she was at the door and telling me to have a good night, happy birthday, and telling me a bunch of other things while I was walking down the stairs...I got the impression she didn't want me to leave so quickly which was a dumbass move on my part.
Here's where it gets a little sticky: this is the last week of the semester. After this, she's going home and I'm staying in college, which is a good five hours from "home." My busy schedule will really limit any visits I can make home. Even worse (for me, at least) she's going to study abroad in Switzerland during Fall Semester, so I will only be seeing her a few times at the most within the space of a year.
I really want to start bumping this up to the next level, but I'm not sure if I really should be doing that with my inability to see her much within the next year or so. There's not really time for us to do anything within this next week, and the long distance thing might put a strain on our (potential) relationship.
I've got some extra birthday cake left, so I was thinking of inviting her over tomorrow evening to have some. I can gauge her reactions from that and sort of play it by ear whether or not to bring up the subject of my feelings for her and talk about the future, so to speak.
Any advice you guys might have would be awesome - comments and criticism. Thanks!
My advice: Don't think too far ahead or over think things in general. So the timing doesn't really work for starting a relationship. You should still make a move. Don't even try to start a serious relationship right away. You'll be able to keep in touch over the summer, maybe even see each other once or twice, but you don't want to start off trying to maintain a long distance relationship. Keep it light and flirty. Just keep the spark alive so you can pick up where you left off once the new school year starts. If you don't make a move now, I think she'll probably be more likely to start dating someone new over the summer, or just lose interest.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
I'm just trying to think of the best way to bring this up. "So my friend messaged me on Facebook after dinner and said that we'd make a really cute couple..." and go from there, but I think I'm just going to say "Hey, over the past few months I feel that we've grown a lot closer, and I just want you to know that I'm really going to miss you."
This is very good advice for anything, not just the topic of this thread.
Nah, just kidding.
Seriously though, I couldn't lime or quote Ryadic and Chemist enough times - at best you gain a more intimate relationship, at worst you'll still be great friends. Best of luck, man. I'm sure things will turn out well.