I figured that instead of cluttering up the main thread with funny stories of the launch people could put their tales of what happened picking up their copy here.
I went out last night with camera in hand determined to get some nice pics for the forums here at G&T and MSXBOX-WORLD. The night ended up being rather epic for me:
Bamelin's Launch Night Story
So I attended a few launch parties last night officially on behalf of
MSXBOX-WORLD, unofficially to get some pics for G&T forums. I had a preorder at Futureshop but decided to swing by Best Buy first, as there was a 360 event happening. When I arrived at Best Buy I was immediately arrested by these lovely ladies:
Apparantly there had been a major heist and the entire area was cordoned off:
I was carted out to the waiting cruiser:
A reporter from Naked News as already slammed against the side of the car:
After being "frisked" by the LCPD, I was taken to an interrogation centre and waited while the guy ahead of me pleaded with the cops that he was innocent:
Lucky for me they had no proof that I had stolen anything though and had to let me go. As soon as I left Liberty City News was all over me:
I noted that LCPD was still watching us menacingly 360 controllers uncocked in their holsters:
And at this point I decided to see if I could get my copy of GTA IV at Futureshop, another downtown store holding a midnight launch party. To my dismay I was greeted by security AGAIN:
Panicking I started babbling about my media credentials, as sketchy as they are. The mob out front was not impressed thinking I was trying to skip the line :whistle:
I got lucky though, Kyle, a PR Associate from Sony heard my case and whisked me in the doors, shitty Cybershot camera and all. Very nice of him considering I work with MSXBOX-WORLD, and this was the Canadian Playstation Launch. I'll admit I did mention my active community participation here in the G&T forums 8-) Inside the store it was a bastion of peace and calm compared to the mob outside, with much swag for the taking:
Heading upstairs I took some shots of the one thing everybody was dying to get:
At 12:00 sharp the doors opened and a mob of preorder holders rushed in, ready for GTA joy:
I waited a couple minutes then integrated myself into the line, as I just so happened to also have a preorder at this location. :whistle: Thus ended one of the most interesting launch nights of my life:
The local Gamestop in the mall here had three giant TVs set up with Guitar Hero 3, Smash Brothers, and Rock Band on them.
I showed up about 9:30 PM and started playing the drums (I'm an expert-level drummer). I ended up playing for the next two and a half hours, as no one else wanted to try the drums. Finally I took a bathroom break, then got on the drums for about fifteen minutes more, and at 12:30 or so I got my copy of GTAIV, after the rest of the line had died down.
Everyone who had played Rock Band with me was fantastic.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I was amused... it was a hell of a launch.
(also great post, Bam... good to see fun being had somewhere and by someone)
some guys have all the luck.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
EDIT: oh jeez, the irony of me posting this article
I went to the Saskatoon Futureshop, I had preordered my two copies (one for my brother) and went in at 11:00 am this morning. There was an error with the way the teller took my preorder initially, but there were ALOT of copies around. Due to the error I got both games without tax saving me $12 and she gave me two of the pre-order hats, which I was not expecting in the first place.
So all in all, I've got my copy, and will be playing in approx 30 mins.
Gamespot can burn in hell with their preorders.
Major cities have all the fun.
About 10mins later (when I was just around the corner from where I live) some chav runs up behind me and punches me, knocking my glasses off. He takes the game (doesn't ask for my wallet, phone, anything like that) and runs off.
At this point I run home, wake my flatmate up and ring the police. After they come to take a statement, one of them says "I can't believe you spent 45 minutes and £68 on a video game"
I managed to buy a regular edition the next morning (without a preorder), but I've had to buy a new pair of glasses, making it one of the most expensive games I've ever bought
Nintendo Network ID - Jammers007
3DS - 1418-6751-8378
Steam - Jammers007
That sucks Jammers, but at least you weren't seriously hurt. I read an article about some guy in the UK that got his jaw and nose broken when they robbed him for his copy of the game while walking home.
Hell even when I was walking home I was watching my back the whole way. You can't be too careful and these midnight launches are magnets for little punks.
Is it ironic that people are mugging and stealing to play this game in which you mug and steal?
Really though, it seems like the main issue is with people out and about after midnight that caused most of the trouble.
edit: My story is yesterday my brother went to best buy during lunch break and bought one of the many copies available.
tl;dr....I cut in front of the line of ~150 people, without a pre-order, and they probably sold me someone else's pre-order.
It was a shorter wait than Halo 2, at least.