So I got bored at work today, and even though my previous attempts at finding distractions have gotten my internet privileges yanked, I'm still perfectly capable of finding ways to waste my employer's time and money.
As it happened, I started thinking up
Tom Swifties. For those that don't know, they're kind of a one-sentence pun of sorts where Tom says something in a way that calls back to what he's saying with a play on words. Knowing Tycho's infatuation with words, it occurred to me that there may be others here who might be entertained by this sort of thing, so I put it to you now: how about some game-related Tom Swifties?
I'll start you off with ten of my own:
"You may like playing first-person shooters online, but I hate it when people camp out my spawn points," Tom responded.
"I wish I hadn’t been squashed by that Thwomp," Tom said, depressed.
"I thought I’d kick Kano’s ass, but in the end he was the one who got me with his fatality," Tom said, disheartened.
"I totally kicked your ass with Cyclops in that X-Men game!" Tom beamed at his opponent.
"We played Ninja Turtles, but I got stuck playing Raphael," Tom sighed.
"I think it’s funny that Naked Snake is this super-stealthy spy, yet he loses his lunch so easily when he eats something he doesn’t like. I keep getting this picture in my head of him hiding from a group of armed guards and taking a bite of a candy bar, only to have his gag reflex attract their attention," Tom said quietly, trying to keep down his snickers.
"I played through Oblivion’s assassin’s guild once as an evil character, but I have a new character now who’s more of a hero. Can someone tell me if there’s any way I can play through it again without being, you know, a bad guy?" Tom requested good-naturedly.
"I’ve been playing Pokemon in the last few days while I’ve been sick to try and get my mind off of my illness, but even though I’ve put dozens of hours into the game, I don’t think I’ve caught a single poison-type Pokemon yet," Tom said, not noticing his wheezing.
"GTA4 has helicopters, but that’s it as far as airborne vehicles. The Dodo isn’t in this entry in the series," Tom explained.
"You may have beaten me last time we played Cooking Mama, but it’s only because I made that mistake while working on the dessert. This time, you won’t stand a chance," Tom retorted.
And yes, I know. This
is the nerdiest thing ever.
Some of those are pretty funny, dude.
Edit: Got one!
"How do I get combine these two Personas?" Tom asked confusedly.
"Some of us are able to get headshots from the other side of DE_DUST without cheating," Tom sniped.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Well I get it but I think it's pretty stupid. So count yourself lucky..
I never asked for this!
Not coming up with stuff like:
"How does Link carry all that stuff?", Tom Swifty quipped.
"Guys! GUYS! Have you seen the new pics from SC4? Ivy and Taki sure are exaggerated," Tom busted in.
Wouldn't "busted out" be more appropriate?
Well, I figured it kinda' fits in both, but this is the forum I hang out in, soooooo...
"Touche sir! I see you play this game better than I.", I riposted.
"My D&D cleric needs more experience," Tom said levelly.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
These things are great for a few laughs. Props to the OP and some of the wittier ones!
"I hate using Electrodes!" Tom exploded.
",em llik esaelP" said Tom crabbily.
"This devilish game is too hard!" Tom may have cried.
"I'm going to make the best enchanted leather armour ever," said Tom craftily.
"It makes me said that the later Monkey Island games didn't have an Open button specifically for doors," Tom disclosed.
"Okami is awesome," Tom drawled.
"I'm never the first to strike it rich on the Yukon trail," Tom declaimed.
I could do this all day
"Holding my breath, going around this last corner...I wish the bikes could spark to the second level like the karts," Tom thought, turning blue.
"After I was done exploring Vivec, I warped back to Balmora," Tom recalled.
"Morrowind is so big, I have to keep changed the spot that I Recall to," Tom remarked.
"Oh my god guys, this game is so much fun," Tom yelled, coming forward.
"Whoa, the gravity is all strange in Mario Galaxy," Tom said energetically, bouncing off the walls.
"I'll still level them up, but some of these Pokemon designs are just weird," Tom said, raising an eyebrow.
"Ha, I grabbed you! Take that, Falco!" Tom shouted, flipping the bird.
"Damn, Contra 4 is so hard. But how shall I describe its difficulty?" Tom thought, cocking his head.
SE++ Map Steam
I tried to think of one for that sentence, but I suck, apparently.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
"Well you shouldn't have gotten hit by that bomb-omb in the first place" Tom boomed.
"I'm just not good at Platforming games." Tom said, pitifully.
"I like dick in my ass!" said Tom, gaily.
Or is it meant to be about games?
"Mario likes my dick in his ass!" said Tom, gaily.
"I love Conker, but I hate that part where you keep having to walk back to the keg when you run out of ammo", Tom said, pissed off.
"I love being on top", Tom paged.
“You want to play that old first-person shooter?†Tom quaked.
“I can’t believe they’re making more Halo games,†Tom said morosely.
“I’m going to beat you, Crash Man,†Tom said, with an air of enmity.
“I can’t believe your Hitmonchan beat the Pokemon I got at the fighting-type gym,†Tom said weakly.
“Wow. It sucks what happened to Mary in Silent Hill 2,†Tom said, sickened.
“I finally found the Chamber of Secrets in this Harry Potter game. It’s stupid what I had to do to get in,†Tom hissed.
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
"Why did it polymorph me instead of identifying my items?" Tom wondered.
"Rock Band 3 seems unreasonably hard," Tom mused.
"HOLD IT! Phoenix Wright is a great series, and you really need to take the time to play through them," Tom objected.
"I should have put more points into Blacksmithing," Tom bellowed.
These are kind of fun.
"If you do, I can help you put it back on," Tom rebutted.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
"These Larry games are really fun", Tom said leisurely.
"Snaking ruined MKDS", Tom rattled.
"I baked you a cake", Tom lied.
"Everytime a chant or shout ends on you, this effect is reapplied", Tom echoed.
"OSU!", Tom cheered.