I wanna talk about some math. Math is fucking awesome.
Maybe you didn't like math in school. That's cool, because there, math was all tangled up with
homework, and homework sucks. Here, we just talk about zany shit in math. No homework, just the neat shit.
For example, if you measure something (anything, really, like the length of a river, or the frequency of a tone, or some dude's income over a year,
whatever), the odds are about 30% that the first digit in the measurement will be a 1, but only about 4.6% that it'll be a 9. Really. It's called
Benford's Law.
Let's talk about crazy math!
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And that's because it has letters.
Not even once
trig 4 lyfe
rather than actually learning the formulas for all the new stuff i was supposed to learn, i basically derived it all from scratch come the day of the test
i am a terrible math person
But they are forming a trefoil, which is knot theory, which is math.
Also, they have a quarter-twist, making them a variety of Moebius strip, so more math.
That's two maths to your one technology. Math wins, because 2>1.
There's another math.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
He's stood on a block of ice
He was a fish
He parachuted into the desert
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
Those are riddles, you sodding fuck.
restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Perform the quadratic formula and get the two X-intercepts plus the vertex in less than thirty lines? Yes.
The monk will be in the exact place going up and down the mountain one time
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
they don't let you do that anymore
Yeah well try typing with just your maths, see how far you get!
Yeah, told you.
i used to get yelled at in math class because i always found the easiest way to do things and would get most of it down in 4-5 lines (i skipped a lot of writing because of this method) and i got F's all the time because i arrived at the answer "in the wrong way"
Nine Thirteen, Personal note: When I was a little kid, my mother told me not to stare into the sun - so once when I was six, I did. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal. I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly, daylight crept in through the bandages, and I could see. But something else had changed inside me. That day I had my first headache.
this is my first year and I am excited
sounds like my highschool
fuck that shit
"Why didn't you show your work Alex?"
"Because I didn't need to? Here, let me demonstrate so you don't think I'm cheating."
"Sorry, I can't pass you."
But we can never really teach them to love.
And thats where math fails.
here's the kicker.
she only assigned us even numbers.
i got up on the board and did it all on the board and i was like "see?"
"yeah but you need to show your work"
I'm like "here you go," *did it all and showed my work* "only difference there is it took about 3x the time"
i am weird with math. i don't solve problems like normal people would i break it up in my head and solve it without even realizing what I'm doing half the time. when i slow down i drop numbers off all the time.
when we had started a new unit our teacher didn't explain the formula and wanted to see if anyone could solve it as a fun game.
i got the answer in 5 seconds and couldn't explain how I'd done it
she thought i used one of my friends in an earlier class
it took 15 minutes for me to work out how I'd done it
For most of algebra I was able to infer the answer with no or little actual written work.
Holy shit geometry kicked my ass though.
I'd get a 50% or a 75% on every test I did in that class.
Because it was half off for not knowing the name of the theorum used to solve the problems.
A fucking vocabulary test during geometry class.
But I remember it being pretty satisfying to be able to see my own progress as I learned trig and calculus.
I also believe it got me a better scholarship than I would have gotten otherwise, due to the recommendation of my math teacher.
There are some bits of knowledge I've lost and haven't used in a long time that I wouldn't mind relearning.
Like derivatives and whatnot.
Secret Satan
I hated this fucking bullshit
Hated it
I mean I got the answer right, what more do you want from me?
Algebra fucking ONE HALF.
nobody cares how easy it is for you to do problems in your head; to be a mathematician you have to show your fucking work
seriously, this is like taking an english class, only writing introduction and conclusion paragraphs on essays, and then whining when the teacher fails you