So for the past week, my Saitek Gaming keyboard has been a total asshole to me. About a week ago, I turn my computer on and as it's loading up, it makes this odd clicking sound that I haven't heard before. Then when I finally boot up Windows Vista, as soon open up IE and start to type in an address, it proceeds to go nuts just typing "
" over and over again until I press backspace to stop it, and even then it only stops for a second or two and if I try to type something, it'll start "lo-ok-ing- like- t-hi-s". I then realize that this is happening at every text prompt as soon as I click on it.
Now it doesnt do this every single time I turn my computer on, but about 7 out of 10, and every time it happens it's preceded by that odd clicking noise as it booting up. The only thing I can relate it too is that about a week and a half or two weeks ago, I download Trackmania off of Steam, and some people in G&T said that Saitek keyboards don't work with it unless you disable one of the USB Human Interface Devices in the Device Manager. I did that and the game worked fine, but a few days later this bullshit happened. I've renabled the device, I even deleted Trackmania off of my computer, but nothing doin.
What the fuck is wrong with my keyboard? Do I have some kind of super annoying new virus? Norton 360 doesn't seem to think so. Will getting a new keyboard fix this? Any help I can get will be GREATLY appreciated.
Oo\ Ironsizide
Is it your keyboard that clicks on boot up? Or your PC?