that's right guys
Bionic Motherfucking Commando.
if you don't know what it is, you suck, but I'll tell you anyway.
So you're this guy named Radd Spencer (a name I personally like a great deal) and you've got this arm that you can extend inspector gadget style and grab onto ledges and shit.
So you use that to beat up bad guys.
But Shoe isn't this game like a billion years old and not on virtual console or anything why should I care
we're getting TWO Bionic Commando games this year. Both of which I am looking forward to.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
This is an XBLA/PSN/PC game that is basically a pretty version of the old game
except there's
co-op, deathmatches, and a level editor, I believe
none of the multiplayer is online as they sort of added it in at the last moment, but it is still awesome
it is rated M for one scene at the end that I will not spoil for the 3 people who do not know about it
Bionic Commando
This one is the full fledged ps3/360/pc sequel to the original NES game. This one's a little iffy, but if anybody can make this game awesome, it's these guys.
The lead guy on both these games, Ben Judd, basically begged Capcom to make them. He loves Bionic Commando so much he's basically staked his job on it.
The developers do a podcast every other week that's pretty good, you should give it a listen
and hey
robo hitler in full 1080i?
Flame on
actually Microsoft said hey this game is so fucking awesome you guys can break the limit
true story
the first time I played Bionic Commando I was like, what? this asshole can't even jump, I quit.
i thought the same thing dude. Didn't even get past the first place for weeks. I r dum
Rearmed should include a classic mode that emulates the NES cartridge. that would make me VERY happy.
Isn't that all PS3 owners do anyway?
I know it is
but this is how I remember it so leave me alone <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
and I really really don't want it to
if they can't do it right then it just has no business being a 3d game
I'm just worried it will be "generic anti-hero with gruff voice #30649" game with a Spider(hyphen)Man swing-around mechanic in it.
I don't think it would be that easy to rectify
the only versions I know of that aren't the nes version are the game boy and game boy color games
one of the capcom collections has the arcade game, but it was awful
so yeah you should be fine waiting
I need to pick up that Ultimate Spider-Man game.
it's good but the web swinging's kind of dumbed down
That's what I heard.
I still play Spidey 2 and just web sling around the city doing not much at all.
Keeps me entertained for hours.
Yeah, I played this game so much when I was younger. The zone system was a really cool way to move through levels, plus they also had small parts where you fight from a bird's eye view, like Ikari Warriors.
Plus, I just found this cool Lego version:
I would pay 10 dollars for a game that was just the swinging engine. I've said this before.
Just swing around, no villains to fight, no combat, no objectives.
I really had hoped that they would use that engine and build a much more solid combat system and make minor improvements, to it, and just kind of go nuts with a dynasty of games.
I was disappointed when they changed the web slinging and such for ultimate and then it just sort of gave out.