
A Tribute to Awesome Arcade Games (NFS56K/FW)



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    shyguyshyguy Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    God I miss arcades. I can't even begin to guess how much money I put into games like TMNT, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Metal Slug, Marvel Super-Heroes, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, and a host of others. I love the arcade atmosphere, and deeply mourn their loss. Most of the games I play now are still of the arcade-y variety, and I would kill for perfect ports of stuff like the X-Men, Simpsons, and Spider-Man beat-em-ups.

    For reasons I can't fathom because I haven't played the game in, literally, decades, I was obsessed with this game as a kid:


    Fuck, I loved me some Peter Packrat.

    shyguy on
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    KatyaKatya Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    shyguy wrote: »

    Fuck, I loved me some Peter Packrat.

    Oh god, Peter Packrat. That was a fantastic game.

    Something about his little dance would fill me with glee and happiness for the rest of the day.

    Katya on
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    A-PuckA-Puck Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    There was this game that I can remember almost nothing about other than the fact that I loved it so. It was 20 years ago, gimme a break.

    The set up had two screens, I THINK that it was 2 players on each screen, but it might have been one per screen. Standard DnD type fantasy fare for characters (fighter, thief, mage, cleric). The thing that I remember about it is that the left screen and the right screen didn't start in the same place, so you had to run in to the other player somewhere in the game. Standard level up type formula, except that leveling up in a video game was somewhat rare at the time. I don't recall any way to save a character's progression, but the only cabinet I knew of was 1.5 hours away at the beach so I didn't get a chance to play it much.

    *sigh* I know why arcades don't really exist anymore, but I really do miss going to the arcade and plonking down some quarters. (Actually there is an arcade not to far from where I live, but it's only a good place to go if you don't mind the danger of getting stabbed.)

    A-Puck on
    Soon... soon I will install you, my precious.
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    slacktronslacktron Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Bamelin wrote: »


    Have you been sneaking into Jazz's basement and snapping pictures again?

    slacktron on
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    JedocJedoc In the scuppers with the staggers and jagsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008

    T-Mek, bitches.

    Every time one of my friends would have a birthday we'd force his mom to drive us all the way to Amarillo so that we could spend all day at the Buffalo Nickel Arcade, formulating ludicrously complex tournament brackets for this game. Between that and the inevitable lunch at Corn Dog 7, these were undoubtedly the greatest days I will ever know.

    Jedoc on
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    mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Every time I walk by the only quasi-arcade in my town, and gaze upon the poorly maintained and horribly outdated machines that grace it, a part of me dies.

    I mean, I know that arcades and arcade machines are still not entirely dead in major metro areas (where there are more pockets filled with more quarters to keep them going). But damn, in small towns there's just nothing anymore. It makes me sad, because I remember as a kid growing up in a small town walking to the local arcade, meeting some buddies there, and dropping dollars upon dollars worth of quarters.

    Though, really, I guess it's not so bad...it's not like the kids today really know what they're missing, or care. Times change, I guess.

    I still want to get me a Galaga machine, though. Houk was talking about his local Red Robin having a 1943 machine and wanting to buy it...trust me, they won't sell it. If they were going to, they already would have by now. I tried to pry a Galaga machine away from a local establishment, and what it came down to is that they would have rather had the machine there for ambiance even if nobody played it than sell it for any reasonable price. Add to that the fact that people did play it, to the tune of a few bucks a day, and there was just no way I was convincing them to let it go.

    mcdermott on
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    SilpheedSilpheed Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    One of my happiest arcade moments was when I introduced the concept of an arcade for my girlfriends 11 year old brother. Being of the younger generation he was solely raised on home consoles and had never had the opportunity to see a proper arcade before but once he had seen one he had a hard time going back to "normal" consoles.

    Silpheed on
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    ArrathArrath Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    1940-something. All I know is that over the course of several years my brother and I pumped so goddamn many quarters into this game and finally beat it, however WWII era planes fly on the moon I dunno, but we felt so good for finally making that game our bitch.

    Arrath on
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    Houk the NamebringerHouk the Namebringer Nipples The EchidnaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Houk was talking about his local Red Robin having a 1943 machine and wanting to buy it...trust me, they won't sell it. If they were going to, they already would have by now. I tried to pry a Galaga machine away from a local establishment, and what it came down to is that they would have rather had the machine there for ambiance even if nobody played it than sell it for any reasonable price. Add to that the fact that people did play it, to the tune of a few bucks a day, and there was just no way I was convincing them to let it go.
    Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking. Cuz I mean, this cabinet is in perfect condition. No major damage to the box, the screen is still bright and clear, someone there obviously cares about keeping it in shape. So I can't imagine them ever selling it. In a way though I'm glad. Not enough people care about stuff like that.

    Houk the Namebringer on
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    PunkBoyPunkBoy Thank you! And thank you again! Registered User regular
    edited May 2008



    I loved this game. I always played as the laser-tonfa guy, and I'd always do well against whoever I played. I haven't seen a machine of this in a long while...

    "Die Hard Arcade"


    Right up there with Turtles in Time and The Simpsons as one of my favorite beat-em-ups. Plenty of cool weapons (the anti-tank rifle for example would send enemies clear across a room), and one of the first games with QTE's I've ever played.

    PunkBoy on
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    maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    PunkBoy wrote: »
    Die Hard Arcade"


    Right up there with Turtles in Time and The Simpsons as one of my favorite beat-em-ups. Plenty of cool weapons (the anti-tank rifle for example would send enemies clear across a room), and one of the first games with QTE's I've ever played.

    Die Hard Arcade was, to me, the killer app for the Saturn and the sole reason I wanted one when it was on the market.

    maximumzero on
    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Mortal Kombat 2

    The Simpsons

    TMNT: Turtles in Time

    So many quarters lost on those three.

    Oh, for more recent ones, Mario Kart Arcade GP and F-Zero AX rock socks.

    AbsoluteZero on
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    ClevingerClevinger Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Hey, could someone help me name what game this is? I played it when I was younger at a penny arcade and it was one of the most fun game experiences I've ever had.

    It was a side scroller shooter, where the screen is slowly moving to the right. You (and the second player) start in a plane that has a chain at its end that has a hook at the chain's end (and at the start it has a bomb hooked to it.

    You can swing the chain around and throw the bomb, and you can pick up pretty much anything with it including the second player.

    You can get out of your plane onto the ground and just run, or you can get in another vehicle. You can ride in pretty much anything, which includes cars, motorcycles, and fucking giraffes (I'm not kidding).

    Anyways, if you know the name of the game I'm talking about, please tell me because it was so damned fun.

    Clevinger on
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    bobAkirafettbobAkirafett Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Roxtar wrote: »

    However I have played this fist of the northstar punching game and it was sweet as hell


    Man I bought a cabinet of that game. I got it working kind of finicky then it just decided to not get past the rom check and said to check the Flash-ROM every boot up. Pissed me the fuck off, and I still want to fix it somehow, but no idea where to really begin. I don't know anyone that knows korean to translate emails to a support site. So I just said fuck it, and somewhat stripped it and put my ps2 and DC in the cabinet. If anyone could help me get that old beast working again I'd love them forever. Or jerry rigging the pads up to a numeric keypad, or rigging it to a pc or anything really to get the pads working again.

    bobAkirafett on
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    cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I have Time Crisis 1 almost completely memorized. At very least, Stages 1 & 2.

    It still has the best final battle of any of the games. Wild Dog > all.

    The fifth needs to have him as the final boss. Enough of this 'yes sir' nonsense. Wild Dog should be in charge. I'm sick of the recent bad guys who come out of nowhere and die just as quick(yes, including Wild Fang).

    Sherudo coming back would also be epic.

    cj iwakura on
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    ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Just real quick, I'm only going to add games to the OP when you post screens or video because I'm too lazy to dig them up myself

    Zombiemambo on
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    ZiggymonZiggymon Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    I cannot remember the name of this game but it was basically the arcade/sequel of U.N Squadron, was so amazing to play in the arcade.

    Also Alien 3: the gun.

    Ziggymon on
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    B:LB:L I've done worse. Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Tecmo Knight

    I've only seen this game in arcades ONCE, in Vegas a long long time ago, and I am glad that I sat down with a fistful of quarters and beat it.

    One of the greatest beat-em-ups I've ever played. You had four forms: default weakling, riding on a BUFF DUDE WHO JUMPS ON THINGS AND NOOGIES IT TO DEATH, TIGER FORM for spin-round decapitations, and a Dragon Form that breathes fire.

    B:L on
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    Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    edited May 2008
    Oh - don't forget the amazing:


    God I LOVE this game - always play as the Baby Commando.

    Lindsay Lohan on
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