I hate to ask this, but is PAX gonna still be around in, say, five years?
I ask only because I'm 17, and this is my second year coming, and I'd really love to come when I'm 21 so I can go and get drunk and have a good time with all of you fine video game lovers, instead of hopping a bus back to Bellevue at six. (No I don't drive, my folks won't let me get a license till I'm 18, it's retarded, I know.)
But I'm just a bit nervous; I've seen cons like these come and go before, and I'd really hate to see this one go, both for obvious reasons and for the fact that I would feel like I never really got to experience it to its fullest.
So what do you think? Is it a safe bet for PAX '12?
Having a place to go each year to celebrate geekiness of almost all flavours is a fantastic thing.
~The Management
OMG don't jinx it! The "Seattle area" is overdue for a "massive" earthquake, much larger then the one 7 years ago or whenever that was.
And yes, PAX has grown immensely each year since it started, and at the rate it's going it won't die down anytime soon. So yeah, as long as we keep supporting them, I'm sure that will help too. Speaking of which, The Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode 1, is finally launching next Wednesday (5/21) for only $20. Support it people!
E3 2006 was the last big blow out and we are not likely to see anything like that again. Something had to step in and fill the void and it certainly wasn't going to be E4 Everyone. PAX is for people who like gaming, regardless of its form and we also share the humour of Mr Tyco and Mr Gabe. It is for that reason that it has some people dubbing it 'Gamers Mecca'. In other words if you're a gamer you have to go, at least once, in a sort of pilgrimage way.
It is because of the above reasons that PAX is not likely to vanish any time soon. Sadly however nothing lasts fo ever, but I think 5 years from now they'll still be a PAX, especially if Gabe and Tyco continue to make us laugh with their satirical swipes against the hobby we all have far too much interest in....
I wouldn't worry so much for an earthquake as for old Rainier pulling a St. Helens and turning Seattle into Pompeii.
That, or a tsunami.
Violets are blue
And no more talking about natural disasters, China just lost 12,000+ in a major earthquake... And that would kinda suck
Not sure I would want to even see peak numbers. Granted its good that people show up, but it is not good for me to wait longer than 15 minutes to play me some videogames.
Edit: I retract my vote because Moe is a smart guy.
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.
Oh man. '06 was fucking cramped. I remember the line to get into the expo hall was so long, I just gave up. And the smell. Oh god the smell. As soon as I walked in the entrance it hit me like a punch to the face. With that many people crammed into such a small place, it was bound to happen, though.
lol yes '06 brings back interesting memories. That place was insanely packed, and it was like 90 degrees outside. I remember the line just for the Red vs Blue panel and it wrapped at least half way around the convention center. And at the rate PAX is growing each year, I'm sure it may eventually use up the entire WSCTC, but like Moe said, even if that was the case, there's other places "next door" that could be used.
I didn't make it in '06, but I remember the line for the concert in '05 went around the block and people were stopping in their cars and asking what the line was for. I was somewhere past the Dairy Queen. The Meydenbauer just wasn't designed to contain all that awesome.
Everything I've heard about '06 almost makes me glad I didn't get to go that year. Almost.
At least at the WSCTC they've got room to grow for the next few years.
I think your view is colored by your Enforcer status. Objectively from every attendee I've talked with about it, 06 was the "worst" year. Not that it wasn't enjoyable, I'd do it over and over in a heartbeat. However, the crowds, combined with a anti-climactic Omegathon, made things less than they could have been in a larger facility and if those n00bs had known how to play freakin' Tetris...
lol we could make it like a "Burning Man" for gamers...set up next to a nuclear power plant to make sure we never run out of power, and voila!
PSN: Quintonious
Or maybe its just colored by the people you talked to :P I know a lot of people that I met at pax (my list of general pax people on my IM lists is like well over 150) that enjoyed 06. But the majority (60%) of them were BYOC and able to escape crowds :P
I like crowds myself so thats why I enjoyed 06 more than 07. Plus I liked the MBC better in general over the convention center. Too many rules/regulations to follow in the WSCTC
yeah that was a horrible game of tetris
I wasn't there, though, I just saw the video, but holy crap, who plays tetris that badly?
Violets are blue
Well judging by the comments from the back rows of the huge crowd watching... nobody else in that building.
And I do have to say that 06 and 07 felt different to me. I can't say that one was better then the other since they both had pros and cons... but I was feeling a different vibe the second year. I'll let you know after this year's PAX what my final judgment is for the 3 of them. (since a group of 3 is the smallest group where one can be considered an outsider of the other two.)
We got space.
Uhh no :P pax is only using about 60% of the wsctc right now.
People underestimate how large the 6th floor is :P
from 19,000 to 37,000 was a quite a leap. If it keeps doubling, we're not going to have to worry about running out of space, we're going to have to worry about running out of oxygen.
One part of me like the hustle & bustle feel of how busy it was... and how close everything was and whatnot... its the same reason I like living/working downtown... busy with lots of people... but it had it's problems.
Last year PAX felt "empty" in comparison despite the fact that twice as many people showed up. I think once PAX figures out how to optimize the space at WSCTC it'll be even cooler. I don't want to feel packed, but I also don't want to feel like some events are just way out there by themselves down the street and under a rock. One of the issues with WSCTC is how open/public it is, with the stores and vendors all over we can't just control one or two entry points and claim the rest of the building to ourselves
This guy gets what im saying about me liking 06 over 07
This year should be a lot better to remove some of the empty feeling.
You can always get screwed and end up sitting next to "that guy" at a panel... and by the end of a hot August day in Seattle, odds are in any area where there's a stationary crowd (a booth in the expo hall, a line for a panel, or in a panel itself) you're gonna get a bit of a wiff from some inconsiderate fellow who's stinking up the place.
But in the open areas, walking around, most the expo hall, etc... wasn't a problem. But anytime you're shoulder to shoulder with people, gamers or not, there is usually someone who is a bit ripe.
Just be glad its not down here in California. I would gladly take your hot august days instead of the ones here. Hell, Its not even officially summer yet and its hotter here in May than its been the 3 years I've been to PAX. Its another reason I love going, to get out of the heat here for a weekend.
Mike Krahulik big word joke:
Is that some kind of factory that makes Olifs?
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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No, then it would be an Olif-factory.
Olifactory is a factory that makes Olis.
Violets are blue