You will find yourself standing in line this year, there's no getting around it. So rather than engaging in pictochat wars or heckling those poor saps at the end of the line, why not get to know your neighbors with a rousing game of Line Limericks? Turn to your companion, the guy behind you, or the cute chick in front of you, and let loose with a little limerick! Men and women alike will swoon before your amazing poetic skills!
Limericks (pronounced lim'ricks) are easy, catchy and fun. Their form is
as such:
There once was a [person] from [place]
Whose [body part] was [special case].
When [event] would occur,
It would cause [him or her]
To violate [law of time/space].
So here's mine, which I made in about three minutes...I'll probably have to work on a better one than this but here goes!
This is the PAX Limerick thread
So start making one in your head
so while standing in line
you can have a good time
and you might get someone in bed!
In all likelihood, this is my fault. If the current situation is not my fault, please let me know as soon as possible so that I may rectify this oversight. Thank you.
~The Management
Who had a bouncing blue ball
When the ball bounced up
The crowd would shout
Then the ball would fall
Until it got stuck on a ledge
wearing a shirt, big shoes, and some slacks
He walked through the door
Stepped onto the floor
and said, "the noobs will all bow to my HAX"
not perfect, but meh
There once was a whore from Montana
Her name was Aunt Jemima
When the sun would go down
So would her gown
Until she was eaten by a bear
that was some quality.
my attempt:
PAX begins with cries of joy.
Thousands of eyes shine like a brand new toy.
Scandalous fun for every girl or boy.
"EXCELSIOR!!!" moans Fruitfucker as he poops out some soy.
Who was perusing the verses at hand
They got really descriptive
and most had expletives
so many a user was banned.
Who despite everything that he said
Was really in heaven
When coloured as lemon
Just ignore the top of his head.
that didn't make sense when first read.
They were doing poetry
but with 1's and 3's
L337 5P34k h4D cr0PP3D UP 7h3r3 1n5734D.
Whose winner was named Accalon
He drank to success
and wound up in a dress
There's pix on the interwebtron...
There once was a man from peru
who's limericks end at line two
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Haha, that's brilliant. Reminds me of this one:
There once was a man from Japan
Whose limericks just wouldn't scan.
When asked why this was,
He said, "It's because,"
"I insist on trying to fit as many syllables into the final line as I possibly can."
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Who would target their enemies - t3h lamers
Their opponents they'd frag
"Wait a sec, there was Lag!"
was the cry of all the complainers
There were parties beyond mere mention.
I think there was more,
Don't know for sure;
Alcohol killed my memory retention
, ` & #
$ @ | + . -
8 7 6 5 4
" * _
? ; ! AS;DOFB2
(Comma tick ampersand hash,
Dollar at pipe plus dot dash.
Eight sev'n six five four,
Quote star underscore,
Question mark semi-colon bang MASH.)
thats amazing
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
For truth.
Promising a villain to the fold.
"Thompson's here!" we all thought,
As we prayed him to rot,
But instead we had been Uwe Boll'd.
The second of Mario's spree
was not perfect, we can agree.
Thought Miyamoto
in retrospect, "You know,
Maybe I'll stay awake making 3."
What's that you say? Best ever? Why thank you!
Violets are blue
here's a good love poem that i didn't write tho.
Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
Are belong to you.
It's old, i know. But oh so epic.
My money control is too lax.
I'd save a whole bunch,
but spend more on lunch,
So my PAX bill is paid with pawned Macs.
Enjoyed playing games while rails rattle.
Chugged some Bawls while in line,
Linked your DS to mine
Treated like a good friend and not cattle.
I was gonna go quote that one, because I submitted it.
But beat'd, it seems.
There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it.
While wiping his chin,
He said with a grin,
"If my ear were a cunt, I would fuck it"
Jesus I'm scarred for life
Violets are blue
happy to enjoy PAX all day.
a panel she wished t' see,
over in room six-B,
but for photos in the hallway she'd stay.
haha yeah, i guess so... ^^;