makin' a gaaaaaaaaaame thread, doot doo
hey guys did you know this game was coming out for 360 and PS3
I know some of you guys like DBZ, and I know some of you guys like fighting games, and lord knows I could use some dudes to play against
check this shit out (spoiler'd for huge)
it's made by the guys who made the original budokai games, so it'll feel more like those than the tenkaichi games
if you pre-order it for 360, you get the first 7 episodes of the show on a dvd, if you pre-order it for ps3, you get the first DBZ Movie, The Dead Zone, on Blu-Ray
considering I have the first four seasons already I'm sort of jealous of the ps3 folks this time around
but yeah
who's gonna get this so I can punch the shit out of them
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Because the Budokai games had plenty of grunting.
Also, they were pretty terrible fighting games.
but what the fuck is going on in those backgrounds.
guess you should've gotten a PS3!
or you could still pre-order the PS3 one, get the blu-ray, and either not pick up the game (if they give you the bonus early) or just return the game the next day (if you get it with buying the game)
I'd need a blu-ray player to watch it, though
but I'm more likely to get people to play with me on 360
but you plan on getting a PS3
no it's Speed Racer oh wait
anyways if you don't like it, hit the bricks
I do
why'd you have to quit gamestop anyways
I could've gotten the hook up
you're an idiot
but you're off the list
so goku as a secret character in SF4 confirmed?
You would debate that Budokai was an awesome fighting game?
Hope you enjoy such awesome combos, like Square Square Square Square Circle.
yeah because if it's not overly complex and complicated it's not a combo
do you also hate smash brothers
no see scorpion is fighting him
quarter circle forward, semi circle backward, left-diagnal, up+down, a b b b a b a b a b a = high punch
if you pre-order it on PS3 you get Steel on Blu-Ray
man, if this were true, i would so pre-order
you tease
so you lose double no matter what
Man it is hard to say why but holy crap this is a retarded post. The shows are basically nothing alike in my opinion. A lot of people grew up with DBZ, therefore it has nostalgia factor.
Also naruto is a horrible show and I hate to think that it seems to be representative of most anime for a lot of people.
but I already own both these movies!
(I really do)
well I'll be dipped in shit and rolled in breadcrumbs
you also own The Smokers
okay this post is pretty dumb too dude
dbz and naruto are almost exactly alike
now, do not get the wrong idea
i love dragonball z for nostalgia reasons
but holy crap is it terrible