I'm having storage problems and finally decided to get an external hard drive that I'll be able to store video, images and other assorted files that would be useable on the network for my laptop or PCs. I'm just going to get a 500 GB one and it'll be USB based, so no eSATA suggestions please.
However, I've never owned one before and my Google searches bring up nothing but out of date articles when I try to find some top 10 lists or reviews of current models. I'm a Western Digital man when it comes to my internals, so I was leaning towards their external option, but, like most computer based things, I wanted to make sure I wasn't backing a dud in the external market before dropping the $100+.
NCIX seems to back
Acom, which I've never heard of in the internal market, so I'm a little confused it's their main choice, since thye've been my Canadian based online site for a while. Anyone know how decent they are? Most I've been able to gleam is they are a good "cheap" alternative with limited warranties. And here's a
Seagate 500GB model on sale at
NCIX.com (no New Egg for Canada). It's running at $135ish with a hefty rebate.
Here's the
Western Digital MyBook 500GB External I've been eyeing. The link is for Futureshop.ca and is going for the same as the Seagate version.
Is this the best price I can hope for in Canada? Also, anyone have experience with externals that may be able to shed some light on which is better and why or if there are better alternatives?
If you buy that kind of thing at Future Shop or Best Buy you're paying nearly double what you need to.
I've got a NexStar. I love it. That and a 500 gig drive barely broke 100 dollars.
You can order online for $150 (shipping included), or pick it up in store if you have a membership (in-store price will be less than $150 by about 10% - roughly $135). No hassle with rebates.
Also, the MyBook at Costco is the Home version - so it has USB 2.0, Firewire 400, and e-SATA. Much better than the Futureshop Essential version (only USB 2.0).
It should be noted that the "rebate" is instantaneous savings on that NCIX deal, plus if you're ordering from them outside of BC they don't charge PST. It looks like you've found the alternatives already hovering around the same range, so I'd say just go with the brand you trust most (I've heard anecdotal allegiances sworn to both WD and Seagate, I personally lean towards the latter because of their 5 year warranty). TigerDirect had the 500GB Seagate model on for $100 for the long weekend but they seem to have... retracted the deal or something.
Same here. I'd recommend an enclosure and a Seagate internal drive. That way, the drive itself has a 5 year warranty.
Also, I have a MyBook, and it died after 3 months. The innards were standard internal drives, but the way the book kept spinning the drives down and running fans at intervals seemed to contribute to its quick death. The drives themselves seemed to run hotter than the standard internal drives as well. Dunno if they use cheaper drives in those enclosures or what, but I can't recommend 'em.
Edit - if you don't want to go the enclosure route, I'd recommend a LaCie drive. They're quite excellent.
I don't believe it - I'm on my THIRD PS3, and my FIRST XBOX360. What the heck?
*edit* I've used this one for the past 2 years with no problems:
That's a good price, but the reviews on the site seem overly negative. Many complain the Seagate has heating issues with the base (not the harddrive itself) and loses connection frequently. Some complain about data loss and outright failing. While the price is good, i think the reviews have pushed me away from buying that particular model altogether. Thanks for the link though.
Want to thank everyone for the input. Really helped me with making my decision.