Hello all, I have a question/request to all the fellow Green Lantern fans out there. I am looking into getting a GL Tattoo and need ideas and such. I am thinking either a standard emblem (old school) with surrounded embellishments, or one of the many badass Hal Jordan poses out there. However, I am having trouble finding adequate material and would very much appreciate any input/links/scans that you wanna send my way.
Thanks much!
Or a bust of Kilowogg would be pretty cool.
For some reason, I just freaking love it. It's not the standard Lantern logo, and it just says fuckawesome to me. Of course, I'm a pussy, so I've balked at the actual getting of a tattoo...
EDIT: beat me to it smokmnky
Get all the various Corps symbols on your fingers.
There are eight total, one for each regular finger!