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Closing registration

NucshNucsh Registered User regular
edited June 2006 in H.Q. Reception Desk
So, all of these bots coming in droves. We can stop them by taking away registration again, right?

Or am I just being too bitchy and moronic.

Nucsh on


  • SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I fully support this idea and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

    SyphonBlue on
    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
  • HamjuHamju Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Do you really need The Monkey Den to be that clean? I think that when Alpha's got some free time (and had some well-deserved time off) he could maybe institute that "new members can't post for 24 hours" thing.

    Hamju on
  • NucshNucsh Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    Hamju wrote:
    Do you really need The Monkey Den to be that clean? I think that when Alpha's got some free time (and had some well-deserved time off) he could maybe institute that "new members can't post for 24 hours" thing.

    Well, it's not just the Monkey Den anymore. Some spammers have spilled over into G&T (lexapro being the most recent example, which has been deleted).

    Hell, if the 24 hour thing works, awesome. There's always shutting down if it doesn't.

    Nucsh on
  • ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I think just applying one of those graphical things to registration where you have to identify the characters in the picture would probably fix most of the problem, wouldn't it?

    Thanatos on
  • GoslingGosling Looking Up Soccer In Mongolia Right Now, Probably Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited June 2006
    I'm gonna go with Thanatos on this one.

    Gosling on
    I have a new soccer blog The Minnow Tank. Reading it psychically kicks Sepp Blatter in the bean bag.
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited June 2006
    Uh, I don't really see the point of this thread.

    Tube on
  • LinksvilleLinksville Registered User regular
    edited June 2006
    CT, I have to make you a new avatar.

    Linksville on
This discussion has been closed.