Another version (not written by me) is at
Very much a work in progress (especially because I am still missing immoral and silent, but deadly)
Stray Cat 5 points
Have T. Kemper join the player as a support character.
part of the tutorial.
All Together Now 5 points
Do a 3-member Team-Up Attack.
to perform a 3-member team-up attack, tycho needs to be at least level 4 (so he has a special attack). To get people's special attack meters to increase, you
need to not attack once their regular X attack is ready. this will cause the special attack meter to start to become ready. Once all three people's meters
are ready (aka, once slowpoke tycho has stopped reading his book) press Y, select the nearest bad guy, then be sure to select the teamup icon over the bad
guy (a silhouette with the number 3 on it) and flail away.
A Winner Is You 10 points
Successfully complete the first episode.
beat t3h game
Nine Lives 15 points
Kill an enemy using T. Kemper's basic attack.
You must get an enemy down to one health point, and then attack with T. Kemper. Gabe generally does the least amount of damage per attack, then the player,
then finally Tycho. The trick is to avoid queueing up attacks against foes that have already taken damage.
Pack Rat 15 points
Find and collect all of the hidden collectibles scattered around the game.
concept art
#1 1st screen on desperation street (starting from your house, or lack thereof), 1st mailbox to right of your non-house
#2 1st screen on desperation street, 2nd mailbox on bottom to the right of the sooty car
#3 2nd screen on desperation street, 1st mailbox on top to the right of the park
#4 anne-claire's room, painting above window
#5 anne-claire's room, end table to right of bed
#6 hobo alley, 1st room, poster on witch-b-gone
#7 hobo alley, room north of entrance, in pile of garbage NE of urinologist
#8 hobo alley, room east of enterance (grove bend), red poster in right window of pub
#9 hobo alley, the shithole, clown painting right next to exit door
#10 pelican bay, room east of enterance, near ice cream shop (north of flying pricks)
#11 pelican bay, room east then north of enterance, red poster two shops north of vandalism game
#12 pelican bay, room 2 eat of entrance, anchor
mapping of inventory collectables
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 11 12
#1 mailbox in front of t. kemper (1st screen on desperation street)
#2 examine meat stamper in the shithole
#3 anne-claire's room, radio on bookshelf behind anne-claire
#4 entertain the fortune teller
#5 beat the final boss
you may also need the phonograph horn
Steel Devils 15 points
Explore the world to find all the robots, and defeat them all in combat.
you will get this going for clean sweep
Pacifist 15 points
Only use counterattacks, health items, or distraction items to win one battle.
This is best done in the first fight that you do as a party. You cannot do it earlier as you need to do the attacks that you are being trained on, and the
fruit fuckers you first encounter as a party are very weak. Note: to counterattack (which is the only way to inflict damage as a pacifist) you must block at
the right time when the enemy's HP gauge is flashing.
Silent, But Deadly 30 points
Fight, and destroy the final Boss without using any healing items.
NOTE: you CANNOT beat the boss normally, then come back to try and kill him without healing items. Beating the boss gives you an automatic save.
Immortal 20 points
Play and win the game without allowing a character to die during combat.
save often. if you die, restart
Fight 'Em With Items 20 points
Find and use every item in the game at least once.
Use all the combat items in the game (the items that display under "Combat Items" in the inventory @ the detective agency, or the items you can use in
combat). Note that this doesn't have to be a successful use, i got the achievement for using a mime box against a clown)
Level Awesome 20 points
Kill enough enemies in the game to get the XP necessary to get all party members to Level 15.
you will get this going for clean sweep
Clean Sweep 30 points
Find and kill every possible enemy in the game.
desperation street (19 spare parts in total)
2 FFs on 1st panel of desperation (2 spare parts)
3 FFs on 1st panel of desperation in milk bottles (3 spare parts)
2 FFs on 2nd panel (2 spare parts)
2 FFs on 2nd panel (2 spare parts)
3 FFs on 3rd panel (3 spare parts)
7 FFs on 4th panel (7 spare parts)
hobo alley-prelube
desperation street
lots of hobos
hobo alley-round 2
end with 60 parts
the only hard part I had was finding all the FFs in paradise pier. They are hiding in seagulls, milk bottles, etc. The two hard ones for me to find are the toolbox thing just north of flying pricks and a seagull by a bench north of the fortune teller.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
Wow! it's about time *grin*
Don't forget to post FAQs etc. to Gamefaqs. I think it helps raise the visibility of a game when it hits all the FAQ and 'Cheat' sites out there. Currently I don't think there is anything available at the usual places.
tell me about it. Im playing through again, Ive killed 3 times with this little bastard for NO achievement.
Disclaimer: This video was not made by me.
Uh. You just replied to yourself.
You have to kill them with the attack that does 1pt of damage, not the one that does 99999 or whatever.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
For some reason King's tip didn't work for me, the FF'ers had 25 health on all difficulties. So I improvised;
In the start area Gabe will get his first special attack. With Gabe's special attack you can set how much damage he will do by pressing space an exact number of times, it will go up in increments of 1. You can stack up just enough damage to get the enemy to 1 hp and let Kemper do his/her thang.