This is basically from a Mechanical standpoint, so there's not many spoilers but well. It's about Ep2 so be warned if you haven't beaten 1 yet.
First of all
Levels. Are we going to go back to lv1 and regrind up to lv15 again? I wouldn't especially mind this so long as the combat was still as balanced and difficult as in 1. I think I'd much prefer to go from lv15-30 though, and so on untill at the end of the series we're basically tiny gods ourselves.
This raises two more questions however:
What's going to be done with
Specials? If we relevel from lv1 I dearly hope the specials will be of a whole new set, regrinding the same 3 again would feel a little cheap. However, assuming we do go from lv15-30, will we keep our old moves? Or get 3 completely new even better specials?
Can you make something more awesome than throwing a Gas can at someone and shooting it?
And on that same note
Weapons. Or more specifically the players weapons. I can see a few more upgrades to the Fists and even a few more for the gun. But well, I think short of slapping some Barbed wire around it we've reached the pinnacle of Rake technology. Don't get me wrong I loved that my weapon was a fucking rake! It was awesome, but still, will it continue to be so in the next few games? Or will I/all of us upgrade their selection?
Wondering what everyone else would like to see/thinks about these aswell. How would you prefer this done?
Myself I'd prefer to end Ep2 at lv30, more than twice as powerfull as Ep1 wielding the mother of all Hoes(Or a spade?).
That said, it's an assumption that doesn't take into account the ... deity-level enhancements to the weapons.
And as far as specials? My only real gripe was once you got the higher level stuff you don't really need the lower tiers, I'd like it if you have one attack that causes a bleed or another that ignore a certain amount of armor, instead of one attack that does everything and hits everyone.
Any ideas on when it will be 'released'/avail for download/playable by the public
And the first one came out a couple months ago
Assuming they stick to their goal of every 4 months, that would put it in September for release.
Now this wasn't a fact they would release every 4 months, just that was what they hoped to achieve.
I wonder if we'll be able to choose from different team attacks? That would be neat.
Tycho does mention in the game that the unstable-energy bullets are shaking the gun apart, so them having to use new weaponry is likely.
I wonder if we'll be able to buy items as well? Or are we going to keep the same searching from items in trashcans and boxes? Either or would be fine with me.