is this lazy 15 year old cunt at work.
I don't understand they let people that young have jobs. Actually no, she should have a job, but in a coal mine. Or a sweatshop making cheap wallets...and in that sweatshop I'm The Warden, beating her with a belt for kicks.
But really, it's 11:00 and you want to go home before 12, and if everyone does what they're supposed to, you probably will. But no, things can't be that easy, there has to be this fat-lazy-cunt-bitch who decides she doesn't want to do her job. I understand that dishes aren't a thrilling task, but if you're a woman, you should be an expert, and I swear to god if I have to close with this bitch again and she doesn't do anything I'll elbow drop her ugly cuntface into oblivion.
Oh, and it's not that she's only lazy, that just happens to be one particular annoying trait amongst several. She's a fuckface as well. She blasts her shitty music when she comes in to work and I swear to god her earphones must have been marketed as "EXTRA BLEED-THROUGH SO YOU ANNOY EVERYONE WITH YOUR SHITTY TASTE IN MUSIC" because it's like a Mylo Highs concert when she walks through the front doors.
She's also a 15 year old girl, and she throws shit at me and asks me retarded questions that I don't even answer. I filed a harassment complaint on her and they must have passed it off as a joke. So, now I need to take things into my own knives. Ugh.
I just need to repeat the mantra
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
"Life in Canada is only 25 years"
way to ruin something
i poison people to fist them
Amazon Wish List
shut the fuck up
but he's doing pretty well by himself
man don't do this
I'm listening to the Flight of The Conchords album, how is everyone doing?
*holds the flood gate lever*
Didn't you used to be Richie Rich when you were alive?
i really need to buy that
i'm speaking in generalities, so yes
callin' each other names like dork
Amazon Wish List
Novelty folk-parody-rock, I guess.
I wish the album had included "Who likes to rock the party?"
the awesome kind
after said weekend i may as well just go outside and fire it off because good god someone's liable to get hurt
Bowie's in space
Bowie's in spaaaa-a-aaaace
aim down
see if you can achieve liftoff
we give you money as you leave
it's free, the money that is
Are you receiving me on your nipple antenna?
nailing traffic with it
just walloping some van that just flies off the side of some bridge
Can't we just talk to the humans?
A little understanding could make things better.
Can't we talk to the humans and work together now?
No, because they are dead
I said the humans are dead
The humans are dead
The humans are dead
Yay, dead, dead, dead.
We used poisonous gasses
(With traces of lead)
To poison their asses.
(Actually their lungs)
Binary solo:
TECHNICALLY, binary is groups of 6 digits, but hey
try to nail that thing nasa just landed on mars before it leaves