Hey all, recently I've been considering buying a PS3. I am the proud owner of an Xbox 360, and a slightly less proud yet still happy owner of a Wii. I am seriously contemplating buying a PS3, yet I can't decide if it would be a good purchase or not. I've come up with a list of good points and bad points...
* Metal Gear Solid 4
* Cheapest way to get a Bluray player
* Metal Gear Solid 4
* Some genuinely good games available
* Metal Gear Solid 4
* £300 pricetag (more than double what I paid for my Wii)
* To be honest I don't really give a shit about bluray. If i had a bluray player i would buy bluray movies, but I can live without it.
* About 20 of my friends have 360's, meaning i get to play them over xbox live, whereas only 3 of my friends have PS3's
* Most of the best games for PS3 are also available for Xbox 360, and given the choice between the two platforms I would probably get the 360 version for the achievements or the ability to play my friends on XBL
Can anyone else give me some more points that might help persuade me one way or the other?
Also, the online community on Nintendo WFC is nothing compared to Xbox Live (Just look at the difference between playing Mario Kart online on NWFC compared to playing Burnout Paradise online on XBL and you'll see what I mean), what is the PS3's online community like?
That's the only reason I'm getting it for, and here where I live, that one game will cost me (according to the current conversion rate): 759.58 USD
That's an expensive game.
I really hope the game bombs so people stop doing this shit.
Really just get the PS3. Obviously you want MGS4, and that's the only way to get it. I would personally hold out for them to drop the price some more, but that's just me.
* blu ray, which will be awesome once I get a hd tv.
* free online play. While I can afford live, I find the idea of paying for what should be free distasteful.
* built in wireless. This may not be a big deal for alot of people, but I need it and the 360 wireless adapter is $100. I realize there are cheaper ways, there is even some diy ways to hook this up, but most of those solutions lead to more wires and a external device that could be about the size of my wii.
* mostly the same games on both system.
* I think ps3 will be supported by sony and have games come out for it long past the 360. See ps2 versus xbox.
* the 360 is notorious for breaking down. this could be less of an issue for new hardware revisions but it still makes me nervous.
* the ps3 is supposed to be alot quiter then the 360. again this is probably a non-issue for alot of people, but since the system is going to my primary dvd/blu ray player I want the thing no to have an audible hum.
* my brother had a 360 and I used to live at home with him, so I really just want to see something different.
* I suspect microsoft has something planned to counter sony's blu ray advantage, could be a price drop, could a 360 blu ray player. I want to wait and see what happens.
That being said, the 360 has an awesome selection of games, the people I care about playing online with have it and it has a better controller. I will probably in the long run end up getting both.
EDIT: Forgot two more.
* The ps3 as a device is more open. I can install linux on it, which opens ups alot of possibilities. Also down the road, past when it is no longer used as a game device, I could just run linux on it and make the device useful.
* Better backwards compatibility. Since peter moore's rant on the subject microsoft has come out and said they were still actively working on it, but the amount of updates they've released makes me think otherwise. I have alot of xbox games and a bunch of them would not work on the 360, and even some of those that are listed as working don't work very well. My ps2 game collection is much smaller and most of them should work on the ps3.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Oh yah, and Little Big Planet.
And as someone else said, GoW3.
And then there's Wipeout HD. Not to mention Killzone 2, Resistance 2, and ... yah.
So in the end, it'd be smart to have as a BR player, it is BC for PS1/2, and you get to play MGS4. I'd buy one if I had the money. Too bad I don't, cuz I want MGS4 like fish want water. They don't actually want water, it's more like they need it to survive.
Vespa: It's my industrial-strength hair dryer. AND I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
Buying a new console is a hefty investment, especially when aiming for the most expensive of the bunch.
I'd recommend waiting at least a little while. Wait until after MGS4 is out.. or wait until E3 or something. That's what I'd do.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Yes PS3 is very expensive for a console, however for a DVD/bluray, streaming media player that can also surf the web and play some pretty impressive games its not a bad deal. (thats how I looked at it)
I have in my entertainment system a TiVO, PS3 and my amp. Gamecube is in my closet, vga cable broke and I refuse to play my shit in 480i, I keep the cube games on the chance I get a wii sometime in the future. Oxbox also sitting in closet which ran Media center till it stopped displaying in color. Its obsoleted by ps3, oxbox was too loud for a media device anyway I should really throw it out
Edit: Oh shit, after reading slash's comment I reread the OP and see that you already have a 360. If you already have a 360 then the value of the PS3 to you is decreased. Personally I'd only buy the ps3 now if you have a real nice TV, cause blurays DO look much better than DVDs if your TV is large/good enough. (or, in my case, you sit close enough) Otherwise I'd wait a bit and hope the price drops.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
edit: i'll say though, anyone looking to get a bluray player should take a good look at the ps3. its a pretty nice one that gets regular uodates.
Only you know how much you're willing to spend for the certain number of games that personally appeal to you to make it worth the cost of entry.
All we can do is tell you about what good games there are of every type, and what features the system can bring, and what comparisons can be made.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
You should buy me a PS3.
But Accualt... if he buys you a PS3, is he not buying a PS3?
If either of those games deliver as hard as they claim, the PS3 will be entirely worth it for me.
Replace "Metal Gear Solid 4" with "LittleBigPlanet" and you have my view on things.
(I'm also considering taking the jump with a PS3... but I don't have a 360 either... hmm)
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
I have a gaming PC and a Wii, and I would love a 360 or PS3 but have held off until now out of pure indecisiveness.
Also wallet rape
PS3's are breaking down too. There have been quite a few threads about that.
Reasons given on games can change at any time. There was a time everyone thought GTA IV would be PS3exclusive.
Get a HDTV first, thats my advice.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
this is sound advice, in my book
The ps3 confuses things because the model changes often, so you might not just be waiting for a price break but for a model change. Sometimes I think waiting for a price break isn't worth it if you really want one now. If you have the money, you could already be enjoying your system already instead of saving some money. If you want one, get it.
I'm also really close to getting one for MGS3, but my friend has a ps3 so the urgency isn't so great.
Oh ya, think about whatever your hd situation is too.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
It's a sad day when that's considered a good deal for a video game console (and it is).
also theres that chart of console prices, adjusted for inflation. if you really want to go down that road.
I guess I'll just have to buy my own.
Actually the wife was all, "Do you want a PS3?" while we were at Best Buy on Sunday and they have that 18 month financing thing. I was all :shock: "uh huh, yes I do" so then we walked over to the PS3 section to look. They actually only had one on the shelf but her comment of, "Haven't you played most of these games on your Xbox?" was like a knife to my back. She quickly cooled to the idea, deciding she could live without blu ray, and we ended up getting a camcorder instead. I was not pleased. I suppose I could buy it with all of my own money but that is a lot of damn money, plus I'll catch the eye.
Great story... so close . Well camcorders are cool too right? (I love almost any electronics) You might have to wait it out a bit till Little Big Planet drops, or try to play up the whole convergence angle by explaining its actually 4 devices in one (ps3, ps2, dvd, bluray not counting media streaming) and will be able to get rid of the dvd player and ps2. While the 360 does the media stuff the ps3 does it quieter.
Considering how much my wife loves playing PixelJunk monsters coop I think she is going to love LBP. (I think PJM is probably her favorite coop console game so far.)
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
She probably started having flashbacks to being utterly ignored for hours while I would play Crimson Skies online.
The major draw for me is definitely MGS4 as well, but there's also stuff like Uncharted, Ninja Gaiden Sigma (I've not played a single Ninja Gaiden), Ratchet and Clank, DBZ Burst Limit, and to much lesser extents, DMC4 and Assassin's Creed. As far as upcoming for the PS3, Valkyria Chronicles and Little Big Planet definitely have my attention as well. Having Bluray is another enticing feature, so killing two birds with one stone is what I'm looking at here as well.
I guess I'd be stupid to not jump on the 80 gig MGS4 bundle, right?
Gamer Tag: LeeWay0
PSN: Leeway0
if you want a ps3 and mgs4 anyway its pretty much a no brainer
I am getting a PS3 when the bundle comes out, but now I am a bit worried about the TV I have, its a JVC D series 27", it has both component as well as composite hookups in the back. It has looked great for my Wii and PS2 games, is the PS3 going to look like ass? or will it look ok? I assume I will want to hook the PS up through the component for the best picture quality?