I'm almost finished The World Ends With You (love this game). The DS is region free, but I can only play PAL games on my PS2. I own:
DS games:
Mario Kart DS
New Super Mario Bros
Super Mario 64 DS
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon
Metroid Prime Hunters
LoZ: Phantom Hourglass
Guilty Gear Dust Strikers
Hotel Dusk
Phoenix Wright 1 and 2
Apollo Justice (not going to play this until I have bought and played Phoenix Wright 3)
42 All Time Classics (also known as Clubhouse Games)
Animal Crossing
Elite Beat Agents
GBA games:
Mario Kart Super Circuit
PS2 games:
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
FFX (I love this one) and X-2 (don't love this one)
Dirge of Ceberus (I love Vincent!)
God of War
Fatal Frame 2
Jax and Daxter, Jak 2, Jak 3
Devil May Cry
Fahenheit (this one is good)
MGS2 and 3 (liked MGS2, MGS3 not so much)
Shadow of the Colossus (didn't like this)
I want to pick up Rogue Galaxy, Shadow Hearts, Summoner or Summoner 2, Odin Sphere, and possiby XenoSaga. Are they any good?
I like RPGS (turnbased or whatever), puzzles, fighting games (like Mortal Kombat), racing games (like Mario Kart and WipeOut) and Pokemon.
Definitely pick up the first two Ratchet and Clank games (I've never played the third, so I can't recommend it.) I'm sure you can get them for a bargain by now and they're worth full price anyway.
Get the third Phoenix Wright. It's quite a bit better than the second one and maybe even better than the first.
Definitely pick up Shadow Hearts though. Fantastic games. Don't start on 2 or 3 without playing 1 though because 1 sets up the story for 2 and if you play 2 or 3 first you'll have a lot of trouble with the judgment ring in 1 because the colors are much duller.
-Devil May Cry 3 - totally better than 1, and even 4.
-Ratchet & Clank Trilogy - awesomesauce.
-The Hitman Trilogy - if you like thoughtful stealth games, you'll love this.
-Prince of Persia Trilogy - also known as 'the good shit'.
-Odin Sphere - is excellent - some people complain about the combat being shallow, but I loved it. The story, the audio, the graphics, all amazing - and I really enjoyed the combat.
-Okami - frickin' masterpiece.
-God Hand - go to youtube and enter god hand videogaiden in the search - it says it better than I ever could.
-Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - best superhero game ever.
-GUN - best western ever.
-GTA: San Andreas - best GTA short of 4
-Fatal Frame 2 - scariest shit ever
-Tenchu(s) - sneakiest ninjas.
This is not an accepted fact.
I can dig it.
It is in fact contradicted in the very post by mentioning Shadow Hearts in the same sentence.
Puzzle Quest for the DS should make you happy.
You're assuming that the "they're" didn't just refer to SMT, I see.
Get anything SMT related. Seriously.
Limed for the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the freakin' truth. And that's the fact, Jack!
Persona 3 FES is a perfect example. You get the Persona 3 with some updates and changes, AND you get The Answer, which is a mini-followup to Persona 3. All for $30 bucks!
Gladius is also pretty damn good, a turn-based gladiator game.
Now for the DS, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, awesome puzzle game!
I also recommend the SMT games. I don't know if FES saw a PAL release, but from what I've gathered from these boards you can find all of the older ones easily in your region (cheap too).
Oh you mean Boss Simulator? Yeah... Increase the FPS, and make it less of a chore to go from the temple to the other colossus... And maybe it'll be good.
Honestly I'm much more excited by EO than any of Atlus's other RPG efforts which are good but nowhere near the best ever. Unless you are some sort of goth kid or something.
Pick up both Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 1 and 2. I loved EBA and Ouendan is even better.
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
Ah, yes, the way you phrased it made me think you only meant the SMT games. My apologies then
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Pre-Oder Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2
I agree 100%.
I'm not saying that I love it, I've just noticed people tend to get defensive around here if you mention you don't like it.
Personally, I made it past the giant bird and started playing something else.
The game takes a ridiculous amount of patience to see through, but once you get through the entire experience, there's nothing quite like it.
The story's epic in every sense of the word.
The gameplay, on the other hand... tedious is an understatement.
SotC is a fun single playthrough, but I wouldn't want to play it again.
The effect of the ending being a very big part of that.
Each SMT's a little different. Devil Summoner's an action RPG, DemiKids is a straight Pokemon-esque monster rancher, Persona (3) is part life sim, and Nocturne and the first two Personas are more about playing demonic diplomat.