Mmm, pretty screens
Yeah, they're alright. For a free game designed to be played at korean lan cafe's
So, what exactly is it?
I'm glad you asked. This is Combat Arms, made by NEXON, known for such incredible games as Maple Story. Wikipedia is dreadfully quiet on this, so I go straight to the horses mouth(do they have horses in korea? probably...)
Prepare to drop into an ever-changing theater of conflict, where you are in control of your gameplay-from your fully customizable character, to your lethal arsenal of weapons, to the scenario's you want to experience. Experience fierce battles online with up to 15 of your friends (and enemies) in dense jungles, frozen tundras, industrial wastelands, and more!...Ok, that doesn't tell me much
Yeah, companies aren't great at that. Basically, this is a free to play FPS, with the usual "pay for better weapons" setup. However, there is good news: This is the "closed" beta! Which means, you can't even pay for better stuff right now, so everyone is equal. However, that also means things like friends lists and clan functionality is pretty much no complete.
Well, it sounds ok. How does it run?
Excellently. On my decent rig, I run at highest settings at around 100fps. The recommended video card is a Geforce FX5600. You can run it.
But... is it fun?
Yeah, its pretty fun. There's only four maps right now, and about half the weapons aren't available to use at the moment, but the core gameplay isn't bad. There are two modes: Team Deathmatch and Search & Destroy. Team Deathmatch is the same as it is in every game ever made, and Search & Destroy is basically counter strike mode(plant a bomb, die and wait for next round).
So, how are we going to play together?
I think what we'll do is have a regular server/channel, and just hope to find eachother there.
We will be playing on Recruit Server 1, Channel 10. If you don't see a game named Penny Arcade, make it yourself.
For now, lets just do 16 player exhibition, any map fine. We can decide later if we want to change that.Well, sounds goo... wait a minute, isn't this a closed beta?
No, its a "closed beta". Which means you grab your key off fileplanet, download, and play. Here's some instuctions:
1. Get your Beta Key
2. Activate your Beta Key at
3. Login to, if needed, to create your Nexon Passport ID.
Download the client from FilePlanet
5. Install and play on Now!
Man, this is the worst OP ever
This is my first Game On. Please be gentle.
I cant url good so add me on steam anyways
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Gameplay wise, I'd say it's like a cross between Quake's frenetic pace and Counter-Strike's love of one shot kills.
It's worth some time though, quite fun if you don't mind this kind of thing.
Origin is the exact same as my Steam, in case you're needing a Support or Assault in BF3.
Nice of them to open the beta to all Fileplanet members, not just the paying folks.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Ive got it up and running, playing as Fandanglehof. DjinnAndTonic was too long a name
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
Yeah how good is this compared to some of those other games? I mean I've got crysis and bf2142 so i don't think i'd play this unless it was super good. (well super good by free korean game standards)
I never asked for this!
Personally, I didn't like either crysis or bf2142 online. So take that as you will.
The game is fun. You kill people about as fast as in a battlefield game, the maps are pretty short, but max people in a game is 16. It works pretty well.
My only complaint is how overpowered sniper rifles are. I've been averaging about a 5:1 kd using two sniper rifles and an m4a1.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Also, just an FYI, the game installs GameGuard. That's unfortunately common in this genre, but still worth a warning.
Ok, so now that I've spent a bit of time with it... does this use the same engine as War Rock? There are lots of similarities in the menus, server/chat interface, shop, etc. Looks pretty similar too, though I haven't played War Rock in a while.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
I still hate equipment rental schemes that don't have a perma option. So far drops from dead players have been plentiful enough that I haven't felt the need to buy anything.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
I have noticed this is causing a lot of AFKing, people just leave there guy logged in but walk away because they have other things to do but can't quit because if they do they get penalized and get no money.
Also, I find this game is easy as pie. I find it abnormal if I get lower than a 5:1 KD ratio every single time. Also, sniping is extremely easy. Also running around with an assault rifle, a LMG, a sniper rifle, and a shotgun makes pwnin noobs all the much more satisfying. Also I get called a cheater almost every single round.
In game name is Jenner.