I didn't know if I should necro my old thread or not, but I figured because this is a new issue all together, I'd make a new thread.
This is the best picture I could find of my dogs:
Harvey is the brown one and Wiley is the white one.
Harvey's appointment to see the vet is Jun. 9th, which is coming up soon and I'm excited about it. He seems to be doing better, and I've stopped giving in to his demands for all things human, and he's losing weight and I've been taking them both on longer walks.
However there is now another problem.
I found Wiley had a flea on her a couple of days ago, which was weird to me because she had been clean for awhile as has Harvey. I tried to get it off of her, but Harvey got excited and jumped on us before I could locate the bugger. Ok, not a problem, we don't have dog shampoo right now so I used hair shampoo I had to clean her off real quick to help me locate it. Since then she's been scratching her ear like a dog on a mission and only today did my parents find out she had a tick in her ear
I gave her and Harvey another bath and fine tooth combed them both to see if I could find anymore.
Obvious answer is to run out and get flea/tick shampoo which I WILL be doing and they WILL see another bath tomorrow along with another fine tooth combing. However, this presents a problem because I am increasingly running out of places to walk my dogs. There are cats running around out here a LOT, some even live in my bush behind my house and I assume the cats brought it over to where my pets like to pee and poo.
I live in North Philadelphia, and the only spacious places I've found have been fields designated for schools. But I don't want my dogs becoming infected EVERY TIME.
Another thing is, what do I do house wise? I now have the urge to deep clean everything to prevent ticks from hoping onto me. This isn't really an imposition because I have company coming for two weeks next Thursday so I have to deep clean anyways. Is there special items I should wear to keep from getting bit? Should I wash my sheets? How do I clean my futon? Should I fine tooth comb my hair to see if I have any ticks on me? I'm already having allergy problems (my nose is now clogged with tissue, no matter how much I blow, snot keeps coming out) to which I still haven't found the source of, but now I'm worried about ticks and Lyme diseases. I have latex gloves, long sleeves, etc but the humidity, high temps and lack of AC in the upper parts of the house could cause heat exhaustion and it doesn't help with having a fan that's just pushing around hot air.
TL;DR I'm utterly fucked. Dogs have fleas/ticks, I'm trying to find way to combat the fuckers. Worried over my mind I will be bitten. Need to deep clean but allergies and high heat temps are getting in the way. How do I play it safe and deep clean and not worry?
Don't bathe your dogs so often, either; they're like people in that it'll cause their skin to freak out and flake, ugh.
How long was the tick there? It needs to be attached for like a day or two for there even to be a chance of the dog contracting lyme disease even if the tick is carrying it.
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Liza loves getting the Advantix because I give her heartworm medicine at the same time, and those things are like candy. Seriously, she'd prefer to eat heartworm pills to just about anything else.
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So far she's still fucking crazy as hell, so I'm trying to keep an eye out for anything..
So no worries. But as mentioned, get some flea and tick stuff for your pets, collars, drops, pills, etc. Cuz thats nasty.
Only a certain kind of tick carries Lyme's disease, and while they do occasionally find people to munch on, it's usually the dogs that get it. Said type of tick is almost invisibly small and you probably won't notice it doing a quick once-over. YOU probably don't have to worry (check yourself for ticks after you go out on walks anyway), but seriously: check your dog, and have him tested as soon as you can for the disease.
I also live in the Philadelphia area and spent several months working in a vet's office here. The one thing we had to tell everyone was to get their dogs VACCINATED for Lyme's disease, because it is disgustingly common for dogs in this area to contract it. There is a real problem with deer ticks here, and people frequently don't believe it or that their dog will contract it because they never hear about it and have a yard or whatever, deciding to refuse the $15 shots because they never knew someone whose dog caught it. It was never easy to explain to them that we have huge drawers full of files belonging to dogs (whose owners thought the same thing) that are now marked with a highlighted "Lyme +".
Call your vet's office and tell them what happened, and see if they have something sooner. Most treatment centers leave several 15-30 minute time slots open every day for emergencies... if your vet thinks the situation qualifies, well, it's good you told them and they'll work you in. If they don't, ask them what kind of flea/tick shampoo THEY recommend; don't just pick something up, because something that's unnecessarily harsh can be ruinously harmful to your dog. And whatever you do, next time you get in with BOTH of your dogs, get them tested for Lyme's disease and vaccinated against it. This is especially important if you live in Eastern PA.
The only issue is seriously convincing them because I've been known to be paranoid. My dad flushed the tick down the toilet (D:) so I don't know what it looked like. But for now I'm keeping an eye out. And will do something about them both getting vaccinated.
How fast do the symptoms appear in dogs, and is it commonly fatal? Also, does it have to be caught early in order to be treated or can symptoms appear and it still be ok to treat?
they're kinda blurry, and my gloves are in one of them, so if I need to take better photos I will. She's still ok though, but I wanted to be sure.
Sorry, I seem overly paranoid but she's like my baby so I get very protective and this is the first time I've had to deal with this issue. She was found on the streets last March ad we adopted her that month, so I don't know if either dog was given the shots...I should go see that actually..
I don't have a job, I don't drive and the vet only had one appointment that we had given to our other dog last week before this tick thing happened. So even if I was able to get the appointment, I don't have the funds nor the transportation to make sure she gets what she needs.
Like I said. Call in and talk to a vet or a tech. It can't hurt, and if they tell you not to worry, then you know you can relax. If they say BRING HER IN NOWZ then maybe your parents will reconsider.
i don't think the op has anything to worry about with regards to the tick.
also with regards to shampooin a dog with fleas, always start at the head, that keeps the fleas from jumping in the ears to hide
I believe the already scheduled vet appointment is for the other dog. Now it may be possible to just ask the vet if it's okay if he takes a look at this dog at the same time, but it's not quite as simple as more than one issue per visit, it would be more than one dog.
OP, if you call, let us know what they say.
We wouldn't be able to get them both in because this vet goes between both New Jersey and some other states, so this was kind of a tough call (I feel like I'm in the movie "Sophie's Choice" just a bit). I'll update on what happens Monday at the vet. Till then I keep combing both of them to make sure they haven't gotten any more ticks on them after their walks.