So for all you people out there who like killing other people over the Internet, Steam has a hell of a deal for you.
You can buy Red Orchestra for $5. Great, huh? Oh, you want to know what
Red Orchestra is. Good question. Well, the short answer is that Red Orchestra is a retail game based on an old mod for UT2k4. It's a realistic, tactical first person shooter set on the Eastern Front in World War II. You play as an infantryman or a tank crewmember on maps ranging from destroyed cities to wide open fields. The two teams are Russians and Germans, but mods add
the North African arena, which brings with it the British,
the Romanian part of the war which adds Romanians, plus mortars, or the newly released
Normandy Mod which for the first time in the history of World War II first person shooters focuses on the Americans and all the ass kicking they did while France's army was surrendering.
Yes, that really is the short answer. What's the long answer? Well, it's so long it possibly breaks your H-Scroll:
Brave Red Army troops advance across the rubble of Germany, looking for food, mostlyMore Russians, this time aiming at unseen enemies. If they're lucky the God of Artillery will not notice that they're standing togetherA Tiger tank contemplates how awesome it is. It's really awesomeA Russian tank gunner scores a hit on a German tank, and hopes that the other German tank is just a mirage (it isn't)
More pictures later. Now you read more! Red Orchestra is a great mixture of white-knuckled, frantic gunfights, tactical cooperation, tanks, Russian and German curse words, grenades, and more tanks. And teamwork! Always the teamwork.
These men are working as a team to pose for a screenshot
If coordinating an intense period of grenade lobbing and bayonet charging under the cover of smoke in order to overwhelm a German machinegun position sounds like fun, then Red Orchestra is fun. If defending a newly-taken warehouse from hordes of Russian infantrymen with your bolt action sniper rifle sounds fun, then Red Orchestra is fun. If cowering beneath a bridge while an enemy tank rumbles overhead, only to cheer as it's blown apart sounds fun, then Red Orchestra is fun. If dressing up as Princess Leia and covering yourself in honey sounds fun, and you are pretty, please PM me pictures. If being the guy who blew up the enemy tank sounds fun, or if being the guy inside of the destroyed enemy tank sounds fun (whatever), etc. Everything cool that has ever happened in a World War II movie has happened in Red Orchestra, except for the parts where anyone is speaking English.
This is what Russia looked like in the glory days of Communism, before it went to crap. Thanks a ton glasnost.
Except for those mods I mentioned, of course. Those have plenty of English. And American, which is the only English that matters when it comes to Normandy.
I hear you. We all get WW2 fatigue. But Red Orchestra is not just another World War II shooter. Here's what makes it unique:
- Unique-ish setting (Russians! Romanians! Britishtopians!)
- Realistically modelled infantry combat: iron sights are the only way to aim for every gun, except the ones with scopes. Bayonets make your gun heavier, causing increased sway after a time. You can rest your gun on any surface to increase accuracy. Bullet drop. Bayonet charges. Etc.
- Unique tank gameplay: instead of pumping shell after shell at the enemy until they explode, you have to think about the angle of their armor and its thickness. Don't even try to penetrate a Tiger from the front.
- Huuuuuuuge maps, if you so fancy. Intense urban combat maps if you also so fancy. Great integration of tanks and infantry, unless you don't like that, in which case there are plenty of maps which are only one or the other. There are like a million maps.
- Lively mod community. Some mods (like Carpathian Crosses) even integrate straight into RO, so you can play a server running the original game AND the mod.
- 5 freaking dollars. I mean come on. Holy crap. You spend more on lunch.
- It doesn't rip off Brothers in Arms and Saving Private Ryan shamefacedly.
- The sniper rifles are really cool.
- Did you ever see Enemy At the Gates?
- You can be like that sniper dude, but you don't get to bang Rachel Weiss or whoever played the token sex object in that movie.
- You can also play as one of the guys running up the Volga who doesn't get a gun but that's not fun and you'd have to drop your gun to simulate it anyways.
- Or you could get your gun shot out of your hand which actually happens.
- What was I talking about?
- Oh right cool stuff.
- There's dismemberment! Grenades and artillery can blow you apart.
Heed the call! Defend the motherland or the fatherland or if you're British, your perfectly legitimate colonies!
There are free weekends every once in a while if you want to get a feel for the game, but look. It's $5. According to the Taylor Formula, which is a
real thing in
actual economics, anything $5 or under is free.* So Red Orchestra is free.
Stalingrad is calling
Need more convincing? Here's a stat sheet borrowed/stolen from Steam, and edited to remove stuff that honestly couldn't even convince a crackhead to smoke crack, if it was about crack instead of Red Orchestra:
Crew 16 fully realized vehicles with highly detailed exterior and interior models
Choose from 30 authentic infantry weapons
Full 50+ player online Multiplayer Support
Engage enemy tanks at 800 metres and more with the Simulation-level armored vehicle combat
Fight the full range of combined arms infantry and vehicle combat in detailed environments based on real-world data, from city-centre to deeply rural settings
Realistic bullet and projectile ballistics will make you duck for cover
Authentic Immersive Sound FX and 3d Positional Sound System
3D “Iron Sights” and unique 3D scope system
True weapon deployment system including resting rifles on support
Historically accurate artillery system
Distance-based sound system dynamically creates the battle ambiance
Advanced player movement system featuring diving over obstacles and leaning
Russian architecture circa 1942
I expect to see all sorts of Penny Arcadians swarming all over various Russian and German locales within the coming minutes. YOU HAVE LITTLE TIME.
I've helpfully and thoughtfully acquired a list of everyone here who plays RO (pending your help) which theoretically allows you to find them with the ingame browser, but SteamIDs is the real way to find people to play with. Also the Steam browser works with RO.
Ingame name/SteamID (post your own in this thread!):
because it's fucking awesome
Avoid tank combat unless you're looking for a serious WW2 tank sim feel. There's people who live for it, but the average player will really prefer the infantry combat in this game, assuming they like it at all.
Yeah, the Tiger likes it from behind, and you have to buy it dinner first.
Steam ID Tachyon13
Shit man, it's going to be right up your alley.
I wish this could have waited till after my exams but oh well, I need to take advantage of this bargain.
Oh it's such a nice day, I think I'll go out the window! Whoa!
Nope, didn't have this. Been in a gaming rut lately and Suds was trying to convince me to get some new stuff. Hopefully he picks this up since he was trying to get me to get DoD Source, but for some reason it didn't sound interesting. I might have to go get that too now.....
Also you aren't in my friends list, you should add me.
adding you now, you jerk, I have to bring up charmap for your goddamned umlaut
$5? Why not.
How about you just copy/paste the name above my Avatar. Dummy. =P
The only way I could ever get enjoyment from tank maps was using the anti-tank rifle against "soft targets".
I'm so ready for some StalingradKessel. The most overplayed map? I can't wait to overplay it more!
EDIT: woot I'm coming
I'm da best mang
I deeud it
Well, what will probably happen is I'll join a random server, shoot my teammates in the face, get flustered and embarrassed and leave, but that's not much different from when I last played.
Can't wait to see what's changed since I last played, probably more than a year ago. More maps would be great.
I'm also sure there will be a flood of new players that I can shoots
Hope to see you guys online later, downloading now!
Wouldn't that be VAT?
In the US, the final price is still $4.99.
> turn on light
Good start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.
Just played a few rounds and they were all on shitty maps, lame. :P
XBL - Follow Freeman
Its one of the best realistic online shooters ive played, if not the best. Its well worth the price given on steam, either 20 or 5 dollars.
Let me download updates, I'll be getting on.
Yes I make it easy
Edit: Took about 2 seconds to update, nice
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Steam ID in sig.
Unfortunately my gaming PC's internet connection is down so I won't be able to actually play it until like Monday.
They're alive and and shooting.