Eh, I don't like making new topics, but the old dump thread I made was somehow disappeared! I don't know, it's gone. Anyways, I'm going to post some of the stuff I did in the doodle thread, and one more I just did. No, it's not all going to be doodles. I'm finding this weird thing that I think I got better recently without drawing, so I'm going to do some sort of finished thing in the next few days (yay for procrastinating at reading War and Peace!).
Posting all this and looking for feedback. I'm attempting to generate some sort of "style" and finding that I might be better at the cartoony range than I am at the realistic range. I don't know, which is why I need your advice. I'd have some digital stuff if I had a stylus for my tablet, and it really sucks because I've been thinking I might be able to do something
decent with it, but that'll have to wait I guess.
Two things I posted a while back, not worth img tagging. Just starting to explore this so called "style".
Something that I was thinking of finishing, maybe I'll do that sometime soon.
Some anatomy study stuff that I'm looking for advice on. I'm trying to get correct anatomy down in my head so I can use it without all the scribbly lines and screwing up. I'll probably be trying some more dynamic stuff soon.
This is what I just did tonight. I really like the hair and beard and mouth. I hate the eyes, the brow area, and that cheek bone on the right. For future reference I probably shouldn't draw so dark until I am
sure that there are no huge errors. You can't see it because I edited them out, but there were a bunch of erased lines you could see all over. I'm trying my best to keep things clean. Something that ticks me off is that I can see a better image of it in my head, but I can't ever translate my thoughts onto paper. It sucks, I never think about what I draw, I just do whatever comes out.
Yea, so that's it for right now. I figure that since I seem to be getting into drawing again I should put stuff here since I don't get much advice in the doodle threads. Expect more soon.
That's what's great about drawing from life. It's perfect practice for getting your hand to actually draw what you want it to. You can look at what you're drawing, so it's easy to see where you failed to translate it onto the page. Enough practice at this transfers into drawing things you make up, or that aren't realistic, because you can make your hand draw what you want it to as you see that image in your head. You might want to get more practice with drawing from life; it would probably help you with this problem.
I changed the eyes and that little area, and again edited out all the erasor stuff because it shames me.
Just spent a while on practicing random stuff, mostly mouths and such. Next time I'll try to have a whole face instead of all the pieces scattered. The mouth in the bottom right corner with the "hatching" is from an anatomy book, the rest is from my head. In the right corner we see the marveled One-Foot Longnecker. I know this can't really be critiqued, just trying to get my stuff better. I might start something in a bit, or tommorrow.
And, as I promised, some complete faces. I know the sketchy one on the left isn't proportionately correct, and no doubt the other ones aren't either.
Did this last night but when I went to post it the forums weren't working. Today I'm going to try some still life, maybe use charcol, so I'll have something that might be pleasant to look at instead of sketches.
In other news, this is a card I'm making for two of my best friends. They're having a join birthday party. The front will be the same for both cards, but the inside will be different in each one. It's mighty random, but that's the kind of thing my friends are into (and it's somewhat expected from me).
Oh, and I just realized, I accidentally messed something up. The letters are going to be in front of the llama (it's an R that's covered up by the ear).
I also made a cooler colored version (link). I originally did the background in black and white(link) but it looked like it clashed with the color of the llama.
It's not done yet (i'm going to abolish the straight lines on the rectangular corner thing and add more of a background), but I'm pausing because I want some advice before I go on. Is all the stuff way too busy? I'm worried about the words being washed out by everything else. Their birthday is tomorrow, so any quick advice would be helpful.
I'm not even going to attempt to understand what the card means, but to me its not funny (probably some inside joke that is hilarious to you guys).
But other than that, if you plan on printing it out, its going to look like shit on a home printer. So i'd suggest taking it to a printer and getting it done for like $3.
With the amount of time I've put into it so far, I'm not sure if there's much I can do to make the text stand out more. Anyways, I decided to go with both colors so that each card is different.
Here are both, with the insides for each one. (I am omitting the text inside, for it would be seriously confusing, too many inside jokes). The paint spatterings are behind certain words of emphasis, not just randomly placed everywhere.
If anyone has last minute advice, go ahead. I'll wait to print them until tomorrow afternoon in case there's anything important (Forbe, I will try to fix some of the stuff you mentioned). Otherwise, here's a "finished piece of art." Yeah, I realize it's photoshop shapes and brushes and such, but I spent a few hours on it.
[edit] Scratch that, I just realized that the text (and font) are fairly illegible, and I think I'm going to try to fix that. The "True Scenesters" on the bottom is kind of annoying, and I'll either toy with it or take it out completely.
Ok, I changed the font to the one that used on the inside of the card. Didn't take the time to change the colors, but does this look better?
I'm going to say this is done, because it appears no one has anything else to say. I changed a bit, added some dots in the background. I just have a layout question. Does it work better if it's facing the left:
Or facing the right:
I think the one facing the right might read better, and things might flow better when flowing to the right and flowing towards the side the card opens on. I'll also take any other advice in the next few hours.
[EDIT] In response to theory's post below: ok, got it.
The first one where the Llama's head extends from the right.
I'll might still finish it, or just clean up the shading on what I have, yeah, I should clean up the shading, it's scribbly. So...yeah...
[EDIT] Oh yeah, they loved the card, here's the final version that I printed (the inside stayed the same):
And I forgot to post this yesterday, I did it two days ago. Just a quick sketch of an apple of all things. It's always the apples...
-this is not meant to be a phallic object-
Pencils are too messy...I need money to get a new stylus. I ache so to improve my digital drawing skills like everyone else.
So, here's another two cards. One I did for my mom's birthday and already gave it to her:
And this one is a WIP for a friend who's going to Italy on exchange for a year. I've come not to expect a whole lot of advice, but anything would be appreciated. I'm not liking the "grunge brushes'" texture, it's too soft, and my other ones were sharper. I need to find a way to fix that.
As you can see, I'm following a similar layout to the first one (technically two, but they were both based off of one). It shall become a trademark in gifts to my friends, until I'm good enough to make real art that doesn't heavily use photos and downloaded brushes.
What ever it is, if I ever had it, I lost it. I really wish I had it though...
So, to the true purpose of this post: the card. I completely gave up on the Wookie thing, it just wasn't working. I've moved on to something else, though I don't know what you'd call it. I think it fits more with the whole travel thing, and so far I like it, but it might get too busy so I should probably come up with a central object or text, so I don't keep getting carried away with all the little stuff. The "Kiwi" isn't random, it's her nickname, and this is still a WIP (also, I'm doing this all in black and white, and then adjusting the colors after).
[edit] UPDATE
[edit] UPDATE 2
I'm torn on whether this is really "Art art" or just "lame art" or even art at all, because, yes, I am using downloaded brushes, but then again, I'm doing my own thing with them, and making something that never existed before, and I certainly think this looks cool and the first one I did looks cool, but maybe that's just because I made them. I mean, I didn't just get a can of "Instant Picture" and paste a whole bunch of stuff with no thought. It's more like a collage of different stuff mixed and overlaid together.
I don't know...What I really want to do is make something like this but animated, but I hardly have the skill or time to even attempt that. Any advice is appreciated, in fact it's begged for, because I'm worrying that since I get so little advice no matter where I post, my stuff must be so terrible that no one really wants to say anything...I know that isn't the case, but I don't understand why I'm not really getting much advice. Maybe because I don't do enough finished work...I don't know. Ok, that doesn't give credit to those who have helped me, so thank you to all those who have with my previous stuff.
Well, it seems that I am not done, for I still have the inside to do, and I'm going to try to make it just a cool as the outside. I'll probably write a poem on the right side, what I'm posting now is the left side. I think I'll get rid of the jumping girl in the left corner, I'm not liking her. I also figured out how to make the silhouette people (never really thought of it), so I might just make my own instead of downloading all of them.
And here's the outside, made a few more additions/changes, and added the back. The dots on the back are text that I filtered out.
Previous post is fix'd. Yay, new page, can't see Frank's thing.
[edit] God damn you frank, now I can't look at it without thinking of the globe as testicles. Go to hell! </3
Frank- That was a sarcastic "go to hell </3 ", sowwy
Erm, update? I made the silouhette in the bottom right corner, and I'll make the rest that I use...but I'm not going to go as far as to use the pen tool or take the photos that I use myself...just use getty or GIS.
Uck, I'm making update posts too frequently, I'll just stop until I'm done or I need advice (which is always helpful).
Abstract Tobi (WIP)
It's based off of a sketch I did first.
On the finished piece, the orange is going to be blue and I don't know if I'll color the critter thing. I wish I hadn't done the weird swquiggly lightning bolt thing so dark, I kind of want to erase it. I actually should have been doing work...stupid school giving me stupid summer work.
Inspiration for this came somewhat from: Neo, Bucke, and the guy from creatures in my head.
Advice is welcome, though there might not be much to say.
[edit] Actually, the line I wanted to erase looks like a cliff face, which is what I wanted it to be, but I thought it didn't work. Now it's working for me.
And an inconsequential update on the card...
Besides making it a custom shape, is there anyway to save a shape/path that you've been using to work on it later?
Wee, new art! First time I haven't posted every single part of the process. Also the first time I've ever digitally inked something with the pen tool! Yay! I think it's pretty good for having never done it before. I found a way to make it easier for myself (explained below).
Don't ask why it doesn't have a head, hands, or's deffinately not because I couldn't draw them.
Original (leveled and erased a lot of pencil/erasor marks):
[edit] Damnation...why didn't I use the reference more? I sketched the drawing, then just forgot about the reference and changed a whole bunch. When comparing them, the pose in the drawing is way more bland. Blargh! least it's good inking practice.
"Abstract Tobi" is updated a bit above, kind of lame, I'm going to wait for my new stylus to finish it (as I said before). I think I might also ink it. Also, the card is updated in the last post.
So, I did it by taking the ellipse tool and using the "add anchor point" tool a whole bunch and trace around the line. I liked doing that more than making each's just easier. Then copy the shape, make it smaller, and then line the second one up with the first one by lining up all the anchor points (because when you shrink it they don't line up at all). Then, make the second shape "subtract from shape", and then there you go. Whenever I try using the pen tool things just go awry, though I was able to get a few spots with it this time.
But seriously, is the only way for me to get a response to be really good or pretty bad? I don't think I suck to the point that I should get so few responses between posts...I know a lot of my stuff isn't complete...but I think this one is done enough to get some sort of response. I'm sorry it doesn't have a head or legs, but come on. I guess I just won't post art until I can make something completely finished, head to toe, good enough for people to notice.
Yeah, making that picture was a tad immature and stupid, but I don't care. Also, here's a pointless update, I know, background sucks, whatever. I'm done with this.
Finished the card for my friend. Changed the layout some...I don't like it that much, but I had 4 days to do it when I got back from guatemala. The text is from a story I've come up that goes with the card. I might make it into a screenplay (planning on going to film school)...I don't know. The card is more of a piece of art, and less of a "going away card".
And today I just did something similar for my Myspace profile. I don't really use Myspace at all, but I figured it would be a nice challenge to figure out how the code works, and tie some "art" into it. I'm just trying to stretch my "graphic design" skills, because I enjoy that aspect of art above others.
I'm definately not going to have time for art anymore (not that anyone cares), way too much school work, and on top of that I'm heading my school yearbook, and I do layout for our school magazine (though those might help with my graphic design sense soon).
This link leads to my profile: (if you use IE, then the PNGs will come up with grey backgrounds. They're supposed to have trasparent backgrounds. There's not a way to fix this (use firefox)).
It might not let you view it. If not, here's the background image I spent most of my time on:
Definately a lot of similarities with the card. When I get better at art, I'll probably bend my style towards what I'm doing here, and do this stuff without preset brushes. If I tried that now, it would be ugly.
Anyways, don't know if I expect a response, this'll probably be the last of my work until I get a break.
Just to point out, there is a way to fix this. Go to and check it out. Not sure if it is possible to use it on a myspace page though, but basically the guy has made a javascript that you simply link to in your html and it fixes IE's problems with css such as transparent pngs.
I like your recent stuff by the way.
When I get the time to learn how, I want to turn most of this stuff into a Flash page, but first I need to learn how to make links in Flash, and second have the time to make the animations I want to make them. Probably won't do it on myspace though, probably will do it when I get my own homepage.
On the actual page I added some text, "The Circus" is basically just a metaphor for life, if you didn't catch on. That's what the premise of the story/screen play will be if and when I write it.
First, here's a sketch I did in class. I kind of liked it and want to "finish" it, but it's on a scrappy piece of paper
And some random thing for the sake of it:
And here is the purpose of my post. Now, this isn't just plugging a website, because it's my school website, and it's not even something anyone looks at. I'm just giving this link because it has pdf versions of the six school magazines I've done all the layout for (Oct '05 - Nov' 06, someone else did the previous editions).
I'm just looking for any opinions, mostly on the latest one because I've received many opinions that it looks much more professional than the older ones. I'm not expecting anyone to read all the stuff in each edition (which is all contributions from students). I'm just wondering how I could make it look better, what I might be doing wrong, things like that would help. I'm basically wondering how I could improve my graphic design sense (like, how is the table of contents in the Nov '06 one?).
So I don't just leave you with a link, here are the headers for the January edition that I've started the layout for:
When it comes to this kind of design that merges with text... I believe you've done a good job when ppl don't notice the background. Go look at your deodorant, it's label has a background too... but the text is more important and therefore it has all the attention while the design in the rear is a complement to the text.
As far as the magazine goes, let me say good job on taking this project on! However, amongst the most pressing matters is the way the content is layed out.
Have you noticed how most magazines and papers lay their information out on colums (not paragraphs the width of the page)? The reason for this is that ppl get tiered of reading something that goes across one end of the page to another.
Just looking at the paragraphs on some pages felt like it was gonna be a chore to read. Had you layed it out in colums, it would have looked shorter. Also, add more pictures! Ppl will also get tiered of reading a solid page of colums. If you add a break in the page using pictures, your magazane will look better and will be easier to read.
You can create breaks in pages in lots of creative ways. Look at how newspapers always
It's meant to break the colum.
I recently bought a really really good book on layouts... but it's in Spanish. I'll look to see if there is an English version available and post the name for ya.
And, omg, I wish I could space things out with pictures. The only problem is that we don't really have anything to take pictures of, and very few students submit art for publication. It's definitely a tricky business (I'm also the co-editor) running a magazine that relies mostly on the students.
I totally see what you mean about the text getting lost in the background. I find that when I'm making it, it doesn't seem distracting because I'm looking at it, and then later I realize other people could find it bothersome. I'll definitely fix those headers. It would help if we could print in color, because then I could just use subtler and less saturated stuff for backgrounds.
You just reminded me that I should look into outside sources to learn how to make some of this stuff better. Only recently did I even glance a more professional magazine to see how to make this one look better. I'll definitely look up some books and stuff, which would help me and whoever I train to take my place before I graduate.
Thanks for the advice MT, t'will help me out in this next edition.
PS, if someone does actually happen to read it, I'm I.E. Cooper, and you'll realize that our staff is mildly unprofessional in our writing style, but we're trying to keep the students interested (and we only have 75 of them).