So it turns out there aren't any National City's in northern Virginia. Who knew. Can any of you locals recommend a good bank or credit union? I'm just looking for a place that isn't going to try to screw me over. Checking account perks would be a bonus.
I was thinking about Wachovia but ceres mentioned in the Switching Banks thread that she hasn't had too great an experience with them.
I would start by checking with your workplace's HR people to see if you're eligible for something through your company's affiliations - and if you work directly for the government or the school system, of course you almost certainly will have access to something.
Failing that, as far as credit unions go, you may want to look into Fairfax County Federal Credit Union if nothing else, I believe you can join as long as you either work or live in the county.
Bank-wise, off the top of my head, I can think of PNC, Chevy Chase, BB&T, and Suntrust....Although I can't really make any recommendations either way there, as a car loan through Suntrust and a few trips to get quarters is about the extent of my experience with that group. I can say that the people at the PNC near here have been very friendly all the times i've tromped in on Saturdays to get coin rolls, without even having an account there.