Shamelessly stolen from fark:
Unfortunately, there isn't a detailed breakdown of the articles of impeachment, but I'll update with that as soon as it's available.
Bravo, Dennis. Not only do you have a smoking hot wife, but you're doing what 1/3 of the country has been begging for since 2002. I'd like to talk about the possibility of anything coming out of this, and what it could mean to have a president impeached in a time when the executive branch's power is growing out of control. The thing I'm wondering is if our congress has the balls to risk voter alienation by supporting this. I know that a lot of southern folk tend to dislike Kucinich's gun control policy, so a vote for this is a vote against the NRA and its followers (according to crazy southern logic). So D&D, do you stand behind him? Do you think this could realistically go anywhere? Are Bush's actions worse than Bill Clinton's, specifically because there isn't concrete "proof"?
My favorite part of that video is Edwards laughing at the Patriot Act crack.
God I love this man.
That's how you establish your role these days.
Kucinich isn't in the Senate, he's a Representative, which is where impeachment starts.
Granted the meaningless part sticks, but it's not out of his jurisdiction.
I mean really, can anything bad happen from the Republicans getting kicked the fuck out of the white house sooner?
Even if they could actually had soild "legal" grounds to begin proceedings no one sane would try. There are many reasons a president picks their VP.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Fuck. Seriously. You really want that nutjob Cheney to be in an even more powerful position?
I think that's why he's only doing it now, right at the end of the term.
In other news the sun rose this morning
Other than that some of the stuff from Kucinich reeks of conspiracy theory-level exaggeration, that is.
I'm not really sure how the process works, to be honest. How did Clinton's half-impeachment begin?
I'm pretty sure that if Bush or Cheney had publicly committed a felony they'd be strung up in a heartbeat except, hey, wait, they haven't really done anything illegal. They've been shitty fucking executives, but that's not cause for impeachment.
Except he does this like every six months.
It's nothing but Kucinich screaming HEY LOOK AT ME I'M IMPORTANT
So didn't Clinton's go through the same process Kucinich's is going through? Is there a big difference here? I fail to see how Kucinich's proposal has absolute zero chance. And even so, I don't think it matters. At this point it's a gesture.
Clinton got a blowjob from Monica Lewinsky. You can't get blowjobs when you are the president.
Isn't lying to the public to get into war illegal? o_O
What about the kind of shit that goes in Guantanamo?
Can't we impeach the president based on mere incompetence?
And are you really going to tell me that both Bush and Cheney didn't actively lie to Americans and to Congress and to the press and so and and so forth? That seems willfully ignorant to me.
Has not yet been found illegal, and would be subject to Ex Post Facto clause if it was so found later.
Not sure if that's what he's invoking, though.
All of which is moot because hey no conspiracy
tell me how much and i'll double it
I'm just trying to figure out exactly what he's being charged with.
Seems likely, but I'm not sure what he's doing aside from grandstanding. I mean, at this point everyone knows what's up with Bush being horrible; most people just don't care, as cynical as that sounds.
My guess is "high crimes and misdemeanors."