Welcome to Mayorial Round Robin.
What this game is is a city planning simulation: A way to become a mayor without the tedious task of college and whatnot. It is your duty to make your city appealing for people and make them want to move in. (Or not, if you're a douche.)
How our game works is this: People claim reigons within the unmolested by mankind (Okay, we built a canal but that was it) version of New York City, and proceed to build. Once 25 years pass, they post the city here, and once three real-life days pass, I compile it into one big map and share with everyone and the cycle starts once more.
For uploading files, I suggest rapidshare. To find your city's file for Windows XP (similar for Vista), go to My Documents, SimCity 4, Reigons, New York. Then find your city's name among the files. Upload that.
When you download the .rar or .zip of the new map, go to the Reigons folder, bring the current New York folder to somewhere else just in case, and place the new one in the Reigons folder. If it's your first time, you will already have a New York folder, just so you know.
Since it's NEARLY impossible to buy Simcity 4 alone now adays, the expansion pack, Rush Hour, is required, as well as Network Addon Mod.
The latest map can be found HERE: (Updated 7/2/08)
This is the map number thingy, by the way. It's so people can claim reigons ahead of time without having to go 'The one three reigons to the left and down of the big area'.
NAM is available here:
What NAM does is it makes the Sims take the fastest path to where they want to go, rather than the shortest. They find alternate routes and it makes dealing with traffic bearable, unless you make all your streets roads like a certain other mayor. It is not REQUIRED, but it will certainly enhance your gaming experience.
You are FREE to work on other people's cities. You simply need to keep in mind that by doing so, you must NOT completely destroy the other person's work.
Some other things of note:
1. Never leave the city losing too much money. -$1000 a month is a bit much, unless you're in the millions.
2. Never PURPOSELY leave things poorly- I.E. leaving all the schools on max budget
3. Never gonna give you up
4. Never gonna let you down
5. Never gonna run around
6. And desert you
7. Also, don't trade with other cities. Normally, in a single-player version, this wouldn't matter, but suddenly finding yourself losing money because another city is selling you water is kinda annoying.
And tips!
1. Health and Education are usually the LARGEST drain on your budget. If you want to earn money, you might need to neglect your people a little.
2. I've never seen a green city. Which is to say, air pollution is to be expected.
3. Don't clump things all together, as it tends to weaken development. Try for a bit of mosiac.
4. Dirty industry may be a load of bastards, but once they're actually there you can jack taxes waaay up and they'll stay. This is not always a good or bad thing.
Any questions? Just ask! Feel free to report about your city, too, but that's optional.
1. Download map
2. Put map in reigons folder
3. Claim a reigon
4. Build
5. Finish 25 years
6. Post city here
7. Rinse and repeat
6/24/08 UPDATE:
Broke half a mil!
Page 8 has some pretty city pictures.
Let's Play is when the OP plays through the game and comments on everything either taking screenshots or making movies.
Game On is when you get people to play whatever game. Hope that helps.
Well, this is one way to find out.
You should be able to edit the thread title, btw. Folks do it all the time.
Edit: Oh! It's under advanced options.
For the terrain, I had what I consider a fairly bright idea. I'll work on terraforming a few blank reigons, and you guys can help me decide which one would be best. Edit: Hmm. I'm not too good at it.
Another option is to use a pre-set reigon.
If I'm understanding, the first stage is setting the region - all of us work off of that ONE region, picking different lots to start our cities... then, after we've started some time with our sheltered, neglected cities, there will be a save file that compiles all the cities, and we continue with our one region. Am I getting it? I haven't done anything like this before... but it sounds sexy awesome.
But your way is a great option too; which would you guys prefer?
EDIT: I vote for playing w/ rush hour. Makes the game much better*. Ideally, we'd play with the Network Addon Mod, but I imagine some people might not be up for messing with their installs.
"Hey, can you draw a heart in the sky?"
"Fine jeez. If it weren't for the budget I'd plant some trees but nooo. Ingrates."
"Great job! ...Wait... I... heart... dic-- Oh that's not cool."
"...we have a population of TWENTY! Jesus! Can't you people wrangle up an angry mob or something?!"
And Lawl, if you own a game (Y'know, paid for it) it's legal to make backups of the game. Did you? Also, if it's still installed, you can probably get a NoCD patch so you don't need to worry about the missing CDs. The same thing happened to me with Black & White 2...
The difference is that we build a canal through the main part of the landmass- That way, the two sides share their water access, so ferry terminals can get to much more places. Perhaps we'll fatten up the thin island, too, so it'll be a much better place to citify.
The black lines (Done in MSPaint, of course) show the proposed canal's path.
My own two creations are: A) A giant crater and 2) Mountainous, seaside reigon.
Side note: How do you image tag?
Also I just know this game will end up like that episode of Metalocalypse where Nathan Explosion becomes governor of Florida.
I never asked for this!
And, random: Nuh-uh.
See, because each person would switch off, no single person will have control of the entire reigon.
The major thing it does is totally revamp the pathfinding AI for traffic so that sims don't always try to take the shortest possible path in distance regardless of travel time, but instead take alternate routes to avoid congestion. There is some other stuff too.
There are some reigons off the map. Not much I can do. If you want one of those, tell me, but otherwise simply post the reigon's number.
I'll pick last since it seems unfair for me to go first.
But if I can, may I request #21?
I'm installing now.
Gonna need at least two more to at least agree on a reigon before we can start.
New players can join in at any time!
Is there any sort of time frame we're planning on? I imagine it will take me at least a few days to get through a hundred years, what with things I have to do.
Also, since someone took 25 I'll take 26 and be all neighborly. What happened to the canal idea?
I was thinking 10 years if we wanna do a day by day thing, and maybe 25 years per 3 days. I played a bit and realized that a hundred years is WAY too long- You can seriously build a major city by that point.
So right now, it's 25 YEARS, 3 DAYS. When we start, players will have 3 DAYS to go through 25 SIM YEARS.
No mods. I know NAT sounds extremely useful, but it might present problems to some users.
And, SimCity Deluxe is a go. It's actually required, but still.
I'm going to make the canal now then I'll post the area.
I'll take 20 so we're all connected.
So! 3 days, 1/1/25 in-game is when you should stop. Upload your reigon to this topic so I can compile. The number convention is different for the reigon save file.
TO FIND YOUR FILE AND WHERE TO PLACE THIS: (If you have Windows, don't know Mac) Go to My Documents, SimCity 4, Reigons. UnRAR the "New York" folder into that. If a New York folder already exists, rename it or delete it. Once you've finished your city, go to this directory, go to "New York", and share the "City - (City Name) (#) file.
NEW PLAYERS CAN STILL JOIN IN! Just give us a heads up first.
You can edit your reigon's terrain so long as it isn't too close to the edges.
That sucks, man.
...Wow, only SC4? I'm not even sure you can buy it seperately anymore.
I think I made quite the city, if I say so myself.
Note: Talking about your city is completely optional.
I just like showing off, really.
This is the city, and the basic finances. 55,000 people, and earning a 1k/yr profit off of it.
So while finances are good, the education is going great, as is High Tech job demand. I should probably increase the tax on Manufacturing industry and HT will take off.
General health is mediocre, but it should go up since I just added water treatment plants.
The major problems the city faces is air pollution and traffic, but hey not my problem anymore!
Oh, what the hell. Unless anyone makes a strong point against it I say why not, let's go for it.
Have you used it before? We should probably decide on a standard version/settings.