soooo, yeah. I've had these off and on since grade 6, so over 10 years now. Usually I get maybe one every year or two. But between end of Dec and end of Jan I got like 4. And I just had one last night, that last waaaaaaaaaay longer than every before (wasn't majorly strong, but lasted like 10 hours instead of less than 2 like normal).
Yes I went to the hospital's emergency clinic, no they couldn't do fuckall other than have me sit there for 2 hours til it passed and no doctor even saw me. If I'd been thinking, I would have gone to the minor emergency clinic that was in the other direction, but whatever (the first few hours I was trying to a) make it go away and b) get some damn sleep, since it started getting bad around 1am)
Anywho, the stress/anxiety is from lack of job/money post-grad (uni)... but yesterday I was unofficially offered a part time summer position (should be officially offered it today sometime) that, while isn't directly related to my degree, will help me get my foot in the door since a lot of places want at least some office experience.
Anybody know any good tips about getting rid of panic attacks? typically yoga helps me loads but it wasn't doing anything last night... help!
Alternatively, you could try to get a hold of some Zantacs. In my experience it has completely eliminated all my anxiety as well as fucking me up pretty good. Of course I was taking it for recreational fun, not for an illness. They can be addicting and mind altering so I wouldn't recommend using these as a permanent fix, but it could help to have some around for when it gets overwhelming.
This is sort of how I got over it. I was going to a counselor but honestly, just living with somebody that logically deals with their problems was the biggest help. My friend showed me that there was always a solution to any problem I thought was insolvable. He also would listen and give me feed back when I was feeling overwhelmed. If you have a good friend of family member that you can talk to, i would recommend that first.
The other thing about zantacs is that if you get some, and you only want to use it to help with stress, make sure you don't take more than half a "bar" or you will be pretty useless for a few hours. I take 1/4 or 1/2 a "bar" sometimes when I am particularly stressed out. It can help greatly.
Are you sure you don't mean Zoloft or Xanax or something? Zantac is used to treat heartburn and ulcers. It's an antacid. It's also available over the counter, so I strongly suspect this is not what you mean.
To ihmmy: I'd suggest trying to find a therapist or counselor to talk to to work on dealing with the underlying issues. If that isn't successful after awhile, you could potentially talk to your therapist or doctor about going on some type of anti-anxiety medication (Zoloft, Paxil, Prozc, Xanax, etc), but this should not be the first step as they really only tend to work on 50-60% of people taking them.
Avoid creatine. That will only aggravate your attacks. My buddy weaned himself off of his meds with therapy and excercise, but he mistakenly took some muscle recovery products that had creatine and it brought his attacks back in full force.
So when things are going bad, especially successive things, remember that you have people to support and help you. They can't make your financial problems go away, but they can be a shoulder to lean on and a good mental supporter. Don't ever feel like your problems should isolate you or make you crawl deeper inside yourself. If you have friends and family, they want to help you out and want you to share the bad AND the good. Just keep telling yourself you'll make it up to them some day. When they have a crash or mental breakdown, offer to listen and help them out. It's not a debt - it's something that helps bring people together.
Of all the people I know that have anxiety / panic attacks, all of them are very strong willed and independent people. People won't always see your problems as weakness because you're taking on and dealing with a LOT of responsibilities. People who are casual and unmotivated don't GET stressed about important things.
Hah yes xanax, it was early, they sound similar.
i'm on ran-citalopram, which has chilled me right out while not affecting me in any other way
(well, orgasms are tougher, but i'm willing to try harder).
Can't recommend the medication enough. Life is liveable again for me, and i'm actually doing stuff, opposed to before, when i just tried to sleep all the time to make up for when i couldn't sleep from panic, which was all the time.
They aren't really regular... I haven't had one (til last night) since January. And before the rush of them in Dec/Jan, it had been a bit over a year before one as well. Hence the wanting to avoid a regular med that I'd be taking daily for what is typically a once a year problem
Thanks for your suggestions so far!
i'll get the name for you when i go home, if you like.