Ok, so i live in Mt.Vernon,WA. I want to go to the PAX so bad. But, i'm only 16 so i can't drive there (i don't have my license yet) and my mom has to work. she did say that i might be able to go for one day, but if i can only go one day is there really a point of going at all since it most likely be Friday. So what can i say to get her to let me go.
I was planning on going with the people from NooBTooB, but my mom won't let me stay for the whole time and only for one day. So if any NooBTooB people who read this that live near me, could they give me a ride or something.
So i just need to know, if going one day for part of the PAX, like only 3 or 5 hours, is really worth going at all.
Thanks for any help.
So, keep up the lobby!
Remember Its alot easier to ask for forgivness than it is for permission
that, and all moms are push overs for tears
"And thanks to some internet advice, Dracomaster01 was never seen again. I am John Walsh and this was America's Most Wanted. "
::Cue Theme Music::
Oh come on.
Get a part-time job with the goal of saving up for PAX. This will probably not enable you to go this year, but it will still be there next year. Make some friends and split the involved costs (namely, accommodation), as well. You could even be there for all 3 days, then.
Considering the costs of airfare and such, I can't see how being there for 3-5 hours one day would be worth it.
Yea you might want to do a little research before you say that. Draco lives 61 miles (google maps) away from Seattle so no plane needs to be involved. He can easily catch a ride down and back for the day.
You just need to find a driver, chill out for the day and then go home. Don't buy a ticket in advance incase the Parental Unit says no. Otherwise if you can swing multiple days then good otherwise just do the 1 day for this year and plan for next year now.
Sound Transit bus 510 runs about every 30 minutes on the weekend (few extra runs on weekdays) and takes about an hour to get betwen Everett (Hewitt & Virginia) and Seattle (5th & Pike).
Just ignore the stuff about flying and get your license, then. :P
Check out T3h Awesome Blog of Awesomeness!
It's a gaming blog. They're cool guys, I played Kickle's Cubicle with them for hours last year in the classic console room.
1. How far away is it?
2. What happens there?
3. What sort of people will be there?
4. Why is it important to you?
5. How will you get there/come back?
6. How much will it cost?
7. How will I know you're going to be safe there?
8. Will you able able to get food/ drinks there?
Yes, I know you're probably very responsible and sensible, but we need to know our sprogs are safe. Tell her there's at least 2 mummies going to be there (me and 1 other that I know about).
Don't just come to PAX, that's not good advice. Talk to your mum about it all, calmly and rationally. Show her you've really thought it through, and have answers to at least all the questions I've listed, and probably more. Listen to her objections, and if you can't think of an answer straight away, ask her can you check up on it, and talk again, later on. She will probably appreciate you've given it some thought, and will be much more likely to listen if you're calm and listen to her. Its scary letting your kids go places, and hard to know when to let go. Rational discussions work so much better than whining or tears.
Hope to see you there!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
(Mom, I still love you though.)
9. If I (your mom) need to get in contact with you, how do I do so?
10. What will you have to take with you?
11. What will you be bringing back?
The obvious answer for 9 is a cell phone, but PAX can be loud and busy, so maybe suggest that you'll call her x number of times thoughout the day. offer to call her when you arrive at PAX and when you leave, at the very least. that way if you end up participating in a tounament or some such, you won't get interrupted and she won't get quite so mad about you ignoring her call.
As for the last two i suggested, i added them simply because PAX is also about stuff. you could offer to take your own food (moms love the word "snacks"), and tell her that you plan in advance if you might be purchasing some shirts or some such. Also, as a way to apease her for later conventions, take a camera and snap pictures of the going-ons around you. that way, even though she didn't go, she was able to see where you were and the people you were around. And a good picture of you smiling and enjoying yourself will deffinently warm her heart to the idea. Who knows, she may find something interesting in one of the photos, and demand to come along next year.
best of luck and hope this helps ^^b
P.S. most of this is tried and true. i also went to my frist con when i was 16, and years later my mom still asks for pictures of the most recent con i've been to.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Isn't Bothell south of Bellingham? I admit I'm not great with WA geography, despite living here around 10 years now.
Great advice about showing your mom you can be trusted to come to PAX alone. Anything you can do (raise money, research, present ideas calmly) to convince her will be welcome. Do you have the PAX07 dvds? That might help show her how awesome it is.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
psh, LPM, you are a great mummy. thanks though ^^b
also, may i reccomend walkie talkies? no air-time fees, and should work back in the homeland, too ~.^
this set and these ones too seem good for your communicating enjoyment.
I love the pink ones, but can't see Lewie carrying them! We come over to the States every few years, which is why I thought about phones, I'll talk to Lewie more, thanks, Lyanth!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."