I had my front right axle gasket replaced, but now its leaking(much more so than before - it was loose and leaking just enough to warrant having it looked at, but not enough to cause concern). I've already scheduled to get my car back to where i got it done for them to figure out what's wrong with it, but in the meantime, I want to know if driving like this can cause damage.
Before this, the car felt wobbly, as if one of the wheels wasnt perfectly round. I checked the tire pressure on all four, and it was fine. Can the gasket have been the source of the wobbling? Having it replaced didnt fix it, but I'm assuming that's since there's still a problem with it. What could be causing it if not that?
The source of the wobble may very well be a bad CV anyway, though.
I would check for: loose wheel, out of balance wheel, bent wheel, thrown belt(The belts in the tire shift, shows up as odd tread wear), bad/loose wheel bearing.
Another thing that occurs to me is that the bushings that hold the steering rack to the chassis could be loose or worn out. That would cause your problem but not be obvious when the car was having brakes done.
How long can i go ignoring it?
My old Explorer had CV issues that caused a wobbly feeling. Well, it was more of a jitter. Sort of a high-frequency shimmy. A wiggle.
Regardless, if your axle boot is leaking lubricant (I assume that's what you meant when you said "axle gasket"), you really don't want to drive on it much.
What make/model/year of car do you have?
I'll look around a bit to see if I can find a picture of your model to point out where the transmission fluid dipstick is.
The transmission fluid dipstick should be the yellow (or might be orange or red or something) ring near the bottom left in that picture.
Is that even possible? Is that even true(the transmission part) if that is possible? I'm guessing that would be the source of the wobble as well?
I'm planning on getting a 2nd opinion asap but should I just start bending over for a new transmission? =(
Edit: His son (my friend) can only be there to help translate on weekends and I dont entirely trust the coherence of 3 way communication.
I find it hard to believe you need to replace a working tranny because it leaks or has seal issues. I really would like to see what is up.
I'm also assuming it was a bunch of crap. I'll see if i can get a few pics, an estimate and a reasonable explanation tomorrow.
The axle is 'loose', as in you can pull on it back and forth and it moves, whereas the left side does not. It also makes noise upon being shaken, which is also obviously unwanted. This looseness is (i'm assuming)causing the leak, even though he didnt directly mention it.
The guy told me that in order to fix that, the entire transmission would need to be changed since it's directly connected. He also mentionned someone he know that had a similar problem and managed to drive his car for two years simply by keeping tabs on his transmision fluid levels, which is something I can't do because aparently cavaliers and malibus dont come with dipsticks.
I've but two questions left:
1. Is it viable to assume the wobbling is caused by this, or is it definately a seperate issue? (He was unsure, mentionned something about suspention)
2. Are dipsticks available for purchase seperatly, or do they simply not exist for cavaliers?
The thing with wobbling like that is that it usually causes other things to break. so, it may run a while longer, but the longer it goes the more things that will break.
It may still be cheaper to not fix it and save for another car.
but they're listening to every word I say