Red Zone wrote: » So I just got xbox live and I want to play video games (Weapon 9X). Like right now. Speaking of which I would like to say that the best game in the world is I am like the best at this game
bsjezz wrote: » welcome to 2005 buy a playstation
Kuribo's Shoe wrote: » POINTS
Gafoto wrote: » You do have a wicked shitty sig there Shine.
potatoe wrote: » hello pipe!
#pipe wrote: » potatoe wrote: » hello pipe! I totally have a date tonight taters it is at her house
I feel so lonely. I want people to look at my achievements.
Just gonna make sure you can't fix your fuckup.
buy a playstation
also Red Zone you sure make a lot of nothing threads
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
but that's okay because his name reminds me of one of my favorite genesis-era games
He is so hot.
I also have Superman Returns. Who wants to play Superman Returns with me? That game is kinda fun.
I'd play with you but I'm going to bed soon, dude.
And your pic/av combo is so boring.
I almost did not read your post.
i have played so much
i have something like 1100 points now
mostly because of GTA4
Is that fun?
Warren Zevon is only one of the greatest songwriters of the 20th century.
Helping you measure your worth to the human race in a handy numerical format.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Gay people say that.
Are you gay? Do you want to get married in San Francisco?
But potatoe, I was not actually trying to say hurtful things to you and I just didn't post fast enough and maybe I should quote from now on.
I don't really feel like messing with it but it's not the most presentable I've been.
I totally have a date tonight taters
it is at her house
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
sometimes i just need to yell at someone
Is your avatar your evening gown?
oh god
oh god
will you touch her boobies?
touch her boobies
for me