As was recently established here, Giants: Citizen Kabuto was, and continues to be, a brilliant game.
Now, I'm not entirely sure how these Game On threads work, but I really want to throw down in some awesome three-way Giants, and there seemed to be some interest in the Giants Is Awesome thread, so I figured I'd make one. Unfortunately my ISP renders me incapable of hosting an online game, but I know it can be done, and
here's how.How To Get Your Giants: Citizen Kabuto All Up To Date
Firstly, this jazz will not work unless you have Giants actually installed on your system because you can't update it, so if you've lost your discs but you've still got the game installed you're out of luck for multiplayer unless someone hooks you up with the appropriate registry keys (I have no idea how legal this is).
- Install Giants
- Update Giants to version 1.4. This will kill the cheats in single-player, for the record.
- Install the Geforce 3 Patch. This is non-essential, but hey, why not? It's like, ten megs. It improves the graphics in various ways, and adds weather effects, which is neat.
That should be pretty much it.
BugsHelp! The game won't even launch when I double-click on it after updating to version 1.4!
Are you on Vista? You might be fucked. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it does to me. Fortunately I dual-boot with XP, on which everything is fine.
Help! The game crashes if I hang around for upwards of like 40 seconds.
Uninstall the Geforce 3 patch, and reinstall it without the weather effects.
Help! Delphi's wearing a bra.Fix that shit.
As far as I've tested, which is a fair bit, the multiplayer should work fine as long as everyone's version is the same. Failing that, we should be able to use Hamachi to great effect.
Assuming this all goes well, we can then try some mods... like the ones that let you have multiple Kabutos and pretty much any team configuration you want, or the many many custom maps.
Now, who's interested in hosting a game?
Loved the game when it came out. though the story was SUPER campy....
And because I lost my discs and had to use a less than legal method of getting it installed it might fuck up somehow with multiplayer. But theres also a chance of that happening with any old game.
Come on guys, someone has to be able to host.
Haven't really played this in 5 years, so I suspect i'm a little rusty.
Man I never let mine out of my sight.
I could try hosting, I dunno if it'll work.
I've had this game for years man. Woah.
Add me on AIM or MSN or Steam.
Also, that is a fucking wonderful OP.
When did this appear.
I could walk over to my giants cds with my eyes closed.
I've always wanted to play this multiplayer and never ever got to.
edit: Ok I didn't do it with my eyes closed because there's a box between me and the cupboard....but I am holding my giants cd right now.
If someone wants to organise a time I'll happily join a game of this.
Its been a while, so I might be wrong about a few things.
But yes you are building bases, theres three sides: The Meccs which can have multiple people, and jetpack around shooting things, hunting vimps (You have to feed the Smarties), and stealing Smarties. Delphi also builds a base, and I think theres only one, not sure though. Instead of feeding the smarties you transfer the souls of your fallen enemies to them and they summon stuff out of nothing, and Delphi is ridiciously a lot more powerful that your average Mecc, although there are usually a whole lot of Meccs.
Kabuto is a giant fuck off thing that stomps around the island smashing things. He can also make offspring, to do his bidding. I havent played him in a long time so im probably missing a whole bunch of stuff.
Looks like I'm gonna be buying a second copy of this at some point...
Yeah, thats the gist of it. Its a shame that the multiplayer community died out before I really got to play it a lot.
It is an amazing game mode.
Add me on AIM or MSN: Fagadaba.
Didn't expect to still have the discs at all, much less in working condition.
-depends on the game mode, be it capture the smartie or just team deathmatch
-when kabuto's small, he's still big enough to eat you, and all the better weapons for mecc and reaper don't come until they've built their gift shops and party house
This game actually managed to have a fantastically balanced multi.
Delphi/the reapers are my favorites. Slowing Kabuto and then unloading homing missile arrows into him,then making 2 copies of yourself and jumping like a mile or so to flee is amazing. Also,you get a fucking jetski/boat/rocket launcher which is awesome.
EDIT: Works perfectly. Hope there's a game tonight.
Come on guys.