Mobiles phones safety still in doubt
I really have no idea how to respond to bullshit of this magnitude. The entire article is published in the Opinion section of SMH, which gives them deniability for any kind of accurate reporting, and the man writing it fails to cite any actual scientific research instead citing
other newspapers reporting of scientific research.
Meaning of course, he's completely immune to criticism because every response will be "well that's just what I read".
The numbers cited are of course complete crap. The rule I've heard is any study which finds an approximate doubling of risk in lieu of an actual causal link can essentially have it's results chalked up to the statistical method and there is no figure in there which is any larger then double or any more related to some tangible, measurable property. An increase in behavioral issues? Really? Over the last 10 years where we've had the most spectacular broadening of the criteria for behavioral disorders?
Or how about simply the fact that for every study which can find some risk associated with mobile phones, there is another which fails to find anything at all?
If you really want to beat your head against the wall, try reading the Opinions section of that shithouse MX paper they give away for free at city train stations.
Letter to the editor time? Do they have a section where they publish reader commentary? I'm sure you could get your voice heard there.
Or you can start your own newspaper.
That second idea is substantially more difficult to pull off than the first.
But it provides awesome payoffs.
There has been legit research into this. The evidence supporting a mobile phone - cancer link is very very very weak.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Slightly better journalism.
I guess we also have the media to blame. "Cell phones pretty much okay," isn't a very invigorating headline.
What about "Cell Phones Super Awesome. Found to Cure Cancer and Enlarge Your Penis!"
"Cell phone radiation is radio to Jesus"
"Godzilla slain by cell phone"
And it needs to be said that the danger comes from the cognitive distraction, not from the use of the hands. If losing the use of one hand crippled your ability to drive so much, then everybody who drives a stick-shift would be fucked.
Hands-free kits do not reduce the danger in any significant way.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
It is fucking retarded
I've tried telling this to so many people, but they never get it. People will be scared of things and act "responsibly" right up to the point where it really requires some sort of sacrifice from them.
To be fair, the only real danger is in you paying more attention to the conversation than the road rather than vice versa. Whenever I'm driving the other guy is going to have to repeat themselves more than a few times, because fuck you I'm behind a goddamn truck going 40.