So, long story short, my fiancee has extremely bad tension problems. Her doctor suggested yoga to help gently stretch it. Classes are way expensive around here, she doesn't want a video (less likely to do it, watching the same exact thing, etc). So we were thinking about Wii Fit. We both want it anyways, and this seems like a great reason to get it. So for those who have played, how good is the yoga on it? Also, I imagine there are other gentle stretching activies that could help, am I right? Thanks
That said, I did go through some of the yoga exercises in Wii fit so far and while it's a bit more challenging to get the posture right than in say the strength ones, they do seem to hit the nail on the head once you do. The instructions are pretty clear (as clear as can be, given the medium) and the exercises that are available (and the ones that become available through extended play) seem a good fit for the interface.
I live in Australia, so for me getting Wii Fit involved getting to a store a couple of days after release and buying a copy, but I all the same I feel it's money well spent. Both my wife and I enjoy the exercises.
I haven't tried wii fit yet, but I have two coworkers who think it's the bees knees. I want it, but I'm broke, so not for a bit yet.
Yeah, I haven't tried the Yoga specifically myself yet but I'd imagine that it sits somewhere between a video and an actual class. The feedback is only going to be able to tell you so much about what you're doing right or wrong (in other exercises the balance board basically tells you whether you are balanced or not, where your centre of gravity is) but that'll probably be more than a pre-recorded DVD would.
While I agree that Wii Fit is a pretty decent game/exercise and the yoga exercises are good, this may cause problems. If she doesn't want a video because she's not going to want to exercise while watching exactly the same thing every time, Wii Fit is not necessarily the best option. Once you've gone through the different poses once, doing them after that is pretty much watching the exact same thing every time. And the encouraging phrases get old very quickly, and sometimes even end up being repeated 2-3 times in a row during a single pose/whatever.
It rocks. Not only do you have the instructor showing you how to do the exercises correctly, you have a little indicator showing you your center of balance. So instead of just stretching, you're stretching while trying to keep a little red dot centered within a bigger yellow circle. That's helped keep me motivated, at least. And I can really feel the stretch from the poses... and I'm a guy who goes to the gym regularly.
If you're really, really serious about yoga I'm sure classes will give you a more focused experience, but for general fitness it's ace.
Oh, and the corniness factor is pretty darn low on the yoga parts. Now, as for that game where you're a penguin and you have to slide around on your belly for fish...
I'd say if you can find it, go for it. You can't go wrong with it anyway.
Just sayin, WiiFit is $100. I just found a yoga/pilates studio near me and it's $100 for 10 classes, $180 for 20 classes, $60 for 5 classes, and $15 for one class. I really really really think that taking the money spent on WiiFit would be better spent on 10 classes, which could realisiticly be two months worth.
It's actually 80 dollars for Wii Fit and it does more then just yoga. I say get it because wii fit is an excellent tool for maintaining a healthy life style and its fun.
Yeah, the strength training and aerobics are very useful too. If you're going for general fitness and nothing more intensive, you're fine with Wii Fit.
This sounds a bit like the OP wants to rationalize buying WiiFit.