King of the Hill and Crazy King: Ascension, Terminal, Turf, Sanctuary, Gemini
Team King of the Hill, King of the Hill Tactics and Crazy King: Ascension, Turf, Lockout, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Gemini, Warlock, Desolation, Terminal
Oddball: Lockout, Midship, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Warlock, Backwash
Team Ball: Lockout, Midship, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Warlock, Backwash, Ascension, Tombstone
YES! You must add Hamberger Hill and its south of the border cousin, Hamberguesa Loco. And it must be misspelled. Sanctuary worked out decently for the moving hill game types. Terminal and Zanz have too many hills on one side of the map to make it fair.
You can also make a game type like CQC. I think the settings are in the wiki still. It'll be kinda like duals xtra plus koh.
Since it's a LAN game, you can add more shotgun and sword gametypes. Maybe a sword ball or shotgun ctf.
I wonder about the distribution of hills for Tombstone. I'm guessing Desolation will have Sanctuary/Midship-esque hill locations (base, base, middle, 45 degrees off center)
I'm actually kind of excited about the ranks being reset. I only recently started back playing the game and most of my friends are much higher rank than me.
Not that it's important, I just like seeing my rank up there with them.
There's going to be another auto-update to address cheating, too. They said cheaters will now know "immediately" that something has changed. So maybe the game bans instantly, or bans sooner than 6 hours, or if they reduced the reconnect time for a host in a game (honestly, it should be very low, because if your host goes to blue screen ONCE, it should change)
Of course, it'll be a wait and see. The previous anti-cheating update from the last map pack kinda reduced cheating.
There's going to be another auto-update to address cheating, too. They said cheaters will now know "immediately" that something has changed. So maybe the game bans instantly, or bans sooner than 6 hours, or if they reduced the reconnect time for a host in a game (honestly, it should be very low, because if your host goes to blue screen ONCE, it should change)
Of course, it'll be a wait and see. The previous anti-cheating update from the last map pack kinda reduced cheating.
We can always hope. I had hoped that they would string those cheaters up by the balls, but this will do fine.
There's going to be another auto-update to address cheating, too. They said cheaters will now know "immediately" that something has changed. So maybe the game bans instantly, or bans sooner than 6 hours, or if they reduced the reconnect time for a host in a game (honestly, it should be very low, because if your host goes to blue screen ONCE, it should change)
Of course, it'll be a wait and see. The previous anti-cheating update from the last map pack kinda reduced cheating.
We can always hope. I had hoped that they would string those cheaters up by the balls, but this will do fine.
The problem is, when you are being bridged out, only you are going to the setup screen, everyone else is fine. They could make it so that it changes host if someone goes red, but that may be overkill. They definitely need to make it change host if 2 people go to the setup screen. I don't see how they can protect against a person using a bridged connection to single out a specific person and lag them out. Not with the current system anyway. Even if they make it change host after one person lags out, your team is still down one guy.
I'd hope this means modders and not lag hackers. I can deal with a bridger more than I can deal with a fucker flying six miles into the sky blasting headshots at 4 billion miles per hour.
I've always wondered how Bungie handles the voice chat during the blue screen in Halo 2. Unless they have some sort of dual host system where one person is the game host and one person is the voice host. Peer to peer would seem like overkill to me, but would explain some people not being able to hear someone talk but other people can hear them just fine.
for halo 3 they need to:
*make different methods of leaving a game. It should send a seperate message if you actually quit the game than lagging out.
* Quitting would show "__gamertag__ quit the game". Lagging/being bridged out would show "___gamertag___ has disconnected"
* dual host proxy system where both hosts are always on a seperate team. each host box would communicate to each other. If one host tries to bridge out the other team, they will have to hope they find the host because if they don't, it'll have no effect, and if they do it'll end the game. I used this method in one of the games I programmed. unfortunately this would only work for team matchmaking games, so maybe i'm just typing shit here for the hell of it. A similar thing happens in Halo 2 when a game splits into two parallel universes. clients start talking to two seperate hosts, and the clients that are talking to the other host cannot been seen because they are in a different session. It's still the same game # though.. :...:
* random stuff i typed up and deleted because it only makes sense to me
the problem with standbying in halo 2 was that Bungie was -way- too generous with the reconnect time, probably in favor of make sure people could legitimately reconnect to a game. before the first autoupdate, you could stay in standby for about ~20-30 seconds. People used to just standby on Zanzibar and walk the flag all the way back in while you were in bluescreen. The autoupdate shortened it to something like 12-15 seconds.
There's going to be another auto-update to address cheating, too. They said cheaters will now know "immediately" that something has changed. So maybe the game bans instantly, or bans sooner than 6 hours, or if they reduced the reconnect time for a host in a game (honestly, it should be very low, because if your host goes to blue screen ONCE, it should change)
Of course, it'll be a wait and see. The previous anti-cheating update from the last map pack kinda reduced cheating.
We can always hope. I had hoped that they would string those cheaters up by the balls, but this will do fine.
The problem is, when you are being bridged out, only you are going to the setup screen, everyone else is fine. They could make it so that it changes host if someone goes red, but that may be overkill. They definitely need to make it change host if 2 people go to the setup screen. I don't see how they can protect against a person using a bridged connection to single out a specific person and lag them out. Not with the current system anyway. Even if they make it change host after one person lags out, your team is still down one guy.
More host swapping in games. They need like 15 second breaks in the action as the host switches or some shit.
Deku, set me up with a DQ girls sig. This thing is totally in!
As far as cheating is concerned, not sure it would help that much, but it would be great to have a spectator mode. What would be even more awesome is to be able to capture video right on the 360 hardrive, and then be able to stream that live to those in your party. That didn't have much to do with cheating though...:|
I also hope they make the Halo 3 code super download friendly. So that not only maps can be downloaded, but new vehicles and weapons can also be stored on the hardrive.
Halo 3 wont have a pistol. Instead, it will be replaced by a french roll. Players will complain about it's over powered nature, and it will then be replaced by a walrus.
In other news I must offer my sincerest apologies for last night to those I told I would be playing. I was gonna take a 30-40 minute nap as I was dead tired and instead I fell asleep and woke up this morning. So uh, oops...
Oh wait. There are times I put off installing CoD2 when my clanmates scream at me. 6 CDs...Ugh god damn eb didn't have the dvd version.
And I'm gonna be on Halo 11EST. That's fifteen minutes. Join Me!
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Slayer Shotguns, Swords: Midship, Lockout, Warlock, Desolation
Slayer Pro and Rifles: Backwash, Lockout, Warlock, Foundation, Desolation, Tombstone, Elongation, Turf, Ivory Tower, Ascension, Desolation, Sanctuary, Zanzibar, Gemini, Colossus, Terminal, Headlong
Slayer Snipes: Ascension, Coagulation, Waterworks, Containment, Burial Mounds, Colossus, Lockout, Sanctuary, Terminal, Headlong, Relic
Slayer Rifles No Shields: Lockout, Sanctuary, Midship, Warlock, Ivory Tower, Turf, Terminal, Ascension
Team Slayer: Midship, Backwash, Lockout, Warlock, Desolation, Tombstone, Elongation, Turf, Ivory Tower, Ascension, Sanctuary
Team Slayer Pro: Midship, Lockout, Warlock, Foundation, Elongation, Desolation, Tombstone, Ivory Tower, Terminal, Burial Mounds, Headlong
Duals CTF: Sanctuary, Midship, Backwash, Elongation, Beaver Creek
Shotgun CTF: Midship, Beaver Creek
Multi-Flag: Sanctuary, Midship, Elongation, Beaver Creek, Backwash, Colossus, Coagulation, Backwash
Single Flag: Zanzibar, Headlong, Terminal, Containment, Turf, Relic, Coagulation, Waterworks, Tombstone
Shotgun Single Flag: Lockout, Turf
Single Flag Fast: Lockout, Ascension, Elongation, Tombstone
Neutral Flag: Midship, Sanctuary, Warlock, Backwash
Assault: Zanzibar, Lockout, Terminal, Relic, Coagulation, Waterworks, Tombstone
Multi-bomb: Midship, Beaver Creek
Neutral Bomb: Foundation, Warlock, Midship, Lockout
King of the Hill and Crazy King: Ascension, Terminal, Turf, Sanctuary, Gemini
Team King of the Hill, King of the Hill Tactics and Crazy King: Ascension, Turf, Lockout, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Gemini, Warlock, Desolation, Terminal
Oddball: Lockout, Midship, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Warlock, Backwash
Team Ball: Lockout, Midship, Beaver Creek, Sanctuary, Warlock, Backwash, Ascension, Tombstone
Territories: Lockout, Colossus, Midship, Coagulation, Turf, Warlock, Foundation, Sanctuary, Containment, Desolation, Ascension, Tombstone
Any complaints or further suggestions?
Minor details are already being taken into consideration, just wanted to get a 'general list' out for recommendation.
Oooh throw some double damage types in there.
Steam | Live
what about Multi-Flag on Desolation? And are we turning off active camo for Backwash or are we hoping all the boxes present will be OXboxes?
Also, I'd remove Oddball from Warlock, as the portal jumping on that gets more annoying than fun.
perhaps add Shotgun CTF to Ivory Tower? Single flag fast to Ivory Tower?
maybe add single bomb to Turf? Not sure on that one, though..
also, I suggest adding Hamburger Hill.
Also. Sig now. Bitch.
Thank you Fyre.
Steam | Live
You can also make a game type like CQC. I think the settings are in the wiki still. It'll be kinda like duals xtra plus koh.
Since it's a LAN game, you can add more shotgun and sword gametypes. Maybe a sword ball or shotgun ctf.
I'll be sure to remind him.
And yeah, we're all losing our numbers.
Not that it's important, I just like seeing my rank up there with them.
Steam | Live
Of course, it'll be a wait and see. The previous anti-cheating update from the last map pack kinda reduced cheating.
Heh I just noticed I used caps on the "Girls" on some but not all
Steam | Live
We can always hope. I had hoped that they would string those cheaters up by the balls, but this will do fine.
Steam | Live
for halo 3 they need to:
*make different methods of leaving a game. It should send a seperate message if you actually quit the game than lagging out.
* Quitting would show "__gamertag__ quit the game". Lagging/being bridged out would show "___gamertag___ has disconnected"
* dual host proxy system where both hosts are always on a seperate team. each host box would communicate to each other. If one host tries to bridge out the other team, they will have to hope they find the host because if they don't, it'll have no effect, and if they do it'll end the game. I used this method in one of the games I programmed. unfortunately this would only work for team matchmaking games, so maybe i'm just typing shit here for the hell of it. A similar thing happens in Halo 2 when a game splits into two parallel universes. clients start talking to two seperate hosts, and the clients that are talking to the other host cannot been seen because they are in a different session. It's still the same game # though.. :...:
* random stuff i typed up and deleted because it only makes sense to me
the problem with standbying in halo 2 was that Bungie was -way- too generous with the reconnect time, probably in favor of make sure people could legitimately reconnect to a game. before the first autoupdate, you could stay in standby for about ~20-30 seconds. People used to just standby on Zanzibar and walk the flag all the way back in while you were in bluescreen. The autoupdate shortened it to something like 12-15 seconds.
More host swapping in games. They need like 15 second breaks in the action as the host switches or some shit.
Whoever created the standby button is a dick. Seriously who uses it anyway? And really if you needed one just unplug the fucking cord.
Steam | Live
'cause I might get in on that.
I had a 5.0 on the "Vista Experience Index". I'm just waiting on reviews for H2 PC before I actually buy Vista Home Premium OEM.
Steam | Live
As far as cheating is concerned, not sure it would help that much, but it would be great to have a spectator mode. What would be even more awesome is to be able to capture video right on the 360 hardrive, and then be able to stream that live to those in your party. That didn't have much to do with cheating though...:|
I also hope they make the Halo 3 code super download friendly. So that not only maps can be downloaded, but new vehicles and weapons can also be stored on the hardrive.
I should really be paying closer attention. Oh well, instant gratification ftw.
Steam | Live
Oh and thanks to Deku for hooking me up.
Steam | Live
Old Faithful: Some loved it, some hated it. That about sums it up.
Peashooter: Pre-Update: vehicle-killers,Post Update: wth?! like a bazillion shots don't anything?!
I wonder what they will do for Halo 3:?:
Steam | Live
In other news I must offer my sincerest apologies for last night to those I told I would be playing. I was gonna take a 30-40 minute nap as I was dead tired and instead I fell asleep and woke up this morning. So uh, oops...