I was too lazy to dig out quake and find a decent source port for it (suggests for ports welcome), so instead I installed Half Life Deathmatch Classic in steam for some old school deathmatch action. Valve remaking id maps in the half life engine strikes me as odd, I wonder if any money exchanged hands to get the rights to the maps themselves. Anyway, I digress, after playing deathmatch classic for awhile and having a blast my brother pointing out
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source, which is a remake of deathmatch classic in the source engine. Essentially a remake of a remake. I've never heard of this before and google image search turns up nothing, does anyone have this and care to comment/provide screenshots of it?
TF2 has convinced me that valve needs to do an old school deathmatch game using that game's graphics.
Hey I made a game, check it out @
http://ifallingrobot.com/. (Or don't, your call)
Now they need to a tf2 style dm game. Seriously, do it.
Killbox with low gravity is the best map ever.
ezQuake: http://ezquake.sourceforge.net/
I never asked for this!
Yeah I just found ezQuake, looks promising. There is also Darkplaces, which looks pretty.
Warsow also looks kinda awesome and I've heard good things about it.
If there is anything more exhilarating in a game then pegging a toilet at someone's head with the gravity gun, then I've yet to experience it.
There is.
Catching said toilet and hitting them with it.
But even more exhilarating is when you play hot-potato with a toiler, chair, heating apparatus, or file cabinet. Tires and tables also make for fun times.
What's the most you've played "pass" with an opponent? I think I've done maybe 4 - 6 pass backs.
Also, HL2DM is free to owners of Nvidia and ATi graphics cards.
I think that it would be more appropriate to say that it's a port. Remake makes it sound like it has been remade with modern graphics.
or, more modern
SE++ Map Steam
Half-Life: Source and Half-Life Deathmatch: Source use the same art assets as the originals and look mostly the same.
I remember one zero gravity server I played on ages ago where I got into a huge game of pass with a filing cabinet. Beyond a certain point I caught it, fired it straight up, and shot my opponent with the magnum whilst they flailed around for something to throw. Indiana Jones style all up ins.
Also, the movement in DMC is just not right or something. I'd like it if id actually made a quake 1 version that worked with valves new servers/browser in steam. That would be splendid.