I'm enjoying the embarassing/weird stories threads so much I decided to create my own, lamer version, in which we share the most beautiful things we've seen. I suppose pictures would be nice if they're available, but I don't have any so I'll be providing a poor example.
So! I was partway through my instrument flight training in Jacksonville, FL, and the time had come for the cross-country flight. Because of some planning errors on my part, we got started later than I'd planned. As we're flying west towards Tallahassee, the sun is setting, and everything is wonderful but I can't see outside because I've got the training foggles on. Luckily, we see a large cloud on our course and at our altitude, so we head for that, since actual instrument time in a cloud is way more fun, and easier to deal with, than simulated instrument time with the foggles. Seeing white puff outside is better than not seeing outside at all.
Now, as we approach, my instructor and I notice that the cloud kind of connects to the ground. It turns out that a controlled burn has become, well, uncontrolled, and the Ocala national forest is on fire. We fly into a cloud of smoke and suspended ash. We're talking with ATC, telling them about what the dimensions of the main cloud are (apparently passenger jets could smell the smoke up around 19,000 feet), when I take a look below.
Forest fire is AWESOME. Through the smoke, it was the exact same purple as the setting sun, and ran in great branching rivers through the trees. I've never seen anything like it before or since.
I love bunnies so much anyway.
Just giant, looming, oppressive presences that weigh on your soul. And then we went into a tunnel with that huge mass above us and I almost fainted. Mind you, I was suffering from deep deprivation then, just lying in a trance and staring out of the window. I think I might have started crying at some point.
In it, Mr. Rogers was to perform, on stage, his song "It's You I like" which tells of superficiality and natural beauty in Mr. Rogers' own special way. Joan Rivers jokingly asked if he would like to perform it right where he was (next to her) and to her surprise, he agreed. He sings his song, directly to Joan Rivers, one of the fakest people in Hollywood, and for most of the performance, her head is just buried in her arms in depression.
It was one of the most real, beautiful moments I've ever seen.
Can anyone find this?
I used to think math was no fun,
'Cause I couldn't see how it was done.
Now Euler's my hero,
For I now see why 0
Equals e^iπ + 1.
Not that, but about Mr. Rogers...
...this is pretty incredible.
Yeah, Fred Rogers is awesome. And that Senator had better have gotten a tote bag.
When I saw this thread I immediately thought about seeing Mt. Rainer from the plane on my flight home from Seattle just this Sunday. Its just so overpoweringly huge. I snapped this photo (Click it to enlarge).
Just look and realize how much higher the mountain goes than the freaking clouds. Incredible.
Don't go to NASA or look at any of their images.
Which are also some of the more beautiful things I've seen.
And don't ever check out Celestia.
You can look at all the pictures you want, but there's something about watching your velocity increase to a thousand times c... and nothing is moving. Just really puts it in perspective.
Huh. I'm in Austin too. Only time I ever thought it was beautiful was during a big power outage, but I haven't been to The Oasis.
i believe he said the rudest.
After all the talk of rude titties I read that sentence wrong.
I'm sure you can figure it out.
Distant second is a glacier calving.
I knew a girl named Arizona. Her buttes weren't that amazing though.
On a scale of Buddhist Monk to George Carlin's ornery ghost.
imagine if Andrew Dice Clay and George Carlin conceived a child. that rude.
Yeah we almost need like 2 or more types of beautiful. Its kinda hard to say that a stunningly beautiful person of the opposite sex smiling at you (girlfriend) isn't the most beautiful thing you've seen.
But at the same time, hiking along mountain ridges in person is also kinda the most beautiful in its own way. Beautiful snow covered peaks everywhere glistening in the sunlight, waterfalls, lakes and valleys.
And yeah, Planet Earth has some very beautiful scenes that simply out-class stuff I've seen in movies and video games. Makes me want to go hiking again.
So that or the mountains in Sarajevo would take the nature beauty prize.
For the other category, definitely gotta go with my wife.
In terms of most jarringly beautiful, there was this time I was staring up at the stars well outside of town, so the sky was very clear and there were a whole lot of stars. I was thinking about these stars, and about how they're these massive balls of fire, so huge, so far away. And for a second - for the first and last time - I saw the stars not as abstract points of light dobbed on a big, black canvas, but as actual bodies, three-dimensional entities, floating across the sky. For a brief moment I got how mind-bendingly huge the universe was, and how awesome it all is, watching these colossal, flaming orbs drift through the nothing, billions of trillions of miles away.
And then it was gone, and I was just looking at twinkling polka dots again. But it was pretty cool while it lasted.
No, I wasn't baked.
Only for me, it wasn't the utter vastness of outer space, it was a simple leaf - imagine all those billions of cells, all in their perfect fractal order, and each cell made up of dozens of organelles wrapped in a membrane literally two molecules thick, and inside those, the endless billions of proteins and sugars whizzing around past each other, each with its on job, working in concert with all he others to essentially, be life.
That was beautiful in a way many people will never, ever know.
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Another one was last winter. It was about one in the morning, and was extremely cold. The ground was covered with snow, made hard and crystalized because of the snow. The trees were covered with little crystals of ice, like they were leaves. It was very lightly snowing, with a slight wind. I went outside and took pictures. It was dead silent, no cars, no people. I also should mention I live in a small, mid-western town. It was breathtaking, and a very halmark moment. I wish I still had pictures of it.