Well, I think it is a given that many of the 21+ crowd shall be engaging in some heavy to severe levels of alcohol. Well with drinking come the drinking games.
There are many standard ones such as Kings (The one were the cards each mean something, everyone has some name for it), Beer Pong (pretty obvious), Power Hours (shot of beer every minute for 1 hour; equals 6 beers) and Flip Cup.
Well I wanted to see what other games people know and also announce the my friends and I came up with and have played (oh yes we got trashed).
Welcome to
A highly complex, yet still simple to play while drunk, this game takes the concept of Wisest Wizard and has changed it into something far greater. The full break down, rules, character sheets, and item list are all listed on my site, enjoy. I hope to expand later on the basic game with team combat, items, looting, etc.
Final Fantasy: Pugna Imbibo Venatus
There's a hell of a lot of simple games that don't require prep or set up.
Big Ben
Crazy 8's
Fuck the Dealer
Kings, as you mentioned
Ride the Bus
Chandelier (also requires quarters or a ping pong ball)
Beer Die (also requires dice)
Jenga (with Kings rules written on each piece)
Moose (requires an ice cube tray)
All of those are suitable for small cramped spaces where you wouldn't want spilling or taking up a lot of space, such as a hotel room. And they mostly work for groups of any size.
Suits is the best game for getting yourself drunk.
So, you get four people and a deck of cards. You go around the four, clockwise, and each person draws a card.
When someone draws a card, they drink.
Beer pong is retarded, yes, but there's fun to be had in getting someone drunk along with you, which is why I like Kings, even though I've only played it once (and I was the unlucky fucker who had to drink the cup: Henie, Triple Sec and Diet Pepsi is not a great concoction).
Why is it called Jerry's Kids, you ask? Because when you walk away from the table, your legs don't work.
Anyway, you need three shot glasses, two dice, and preferably between 3 and 5 people. You fill the shot glasses up with BEER. VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT USE LIQUOR. And one person takes the shots of brew while another rolls the dice frantically in an attempt to roll doubles. If doubles are rolled between the time the drinker touches the first shot glass to their lips and the last shot glass to the table, the drinker must repeat the aforementioned challenge. If not, the dice are rolled to determine who goes next.
Seven means the next person (clockwise), eleven means the previous person (counter-clockwise), doubles means the roller chooses, and snake eyes the roller drinks. If none of these are rolled during the choosing phase, the dice are passed clockwise. The game is fast-moving and has NO END. To give scope to how intense it is, between three of us, we killed a suitcase (24) of natty ice in 40 minutes.
Edit: I just remembered that I also have a video game music-themed power hour that I would be more than happy to give you guys. For those of you who don't know what Power Hours are, it's a playlist of 60 songs all cut to a minute (that fade out, preferably). Everyone gets a shot glass and ample beer, and at the beginning of each one-minute song, the group takes a shot of beer. Works out to 5 beers, or if you're gangsta, 6 or 7 (we used double shots).
There are more rules, don't remember them, but in the end if you can somehow finish you end up drinking 16 beers. You need to remember that Highlander only runs 116 minutes so it is horribly punishing and I only know of two people who can finish, finish meaning they didn't boot during or afterwards.
super smashed brothers brawl
first before you start you have to turn off all the dumb items (use this to your own discretion (basically what it turned out to be was the items from SSB))
every time you die you have to drink your drink (beer/mixed drink) until your player is done flashing once it's come back to life
at the end of the game you have to drink for how long with whatever place you got (2nd place is 2 seconds)
if you get killed by a mr saturn you have to chug your drink (because honestly... if you get killed by a mr saturn you should be drunk)
if someone gets a star the other players have to drink for the duration of the star. and this doesn't stop the game you just have to get good at using one hand to play
we generally played on stock of 5 or 10 but you can do a timed match if you just want to play/drink for a while as well
i'm pretty sure that there are other rules that we made... but i got drunk and forgot most of them ^_^
Play Wii home run derby, and take a shot after every home run you get.
Four people play at a time, bottom two are out for each round.
Amen to that.
just don't pour it too strong or you'll be way drunker than everyone else
suggested 4-6 players
1. Go to VS mode. 1 round battles. Loser takes a shot
2. The winner drops his starting health by 10% for the next round
3. Winner keeps playing, continuing to drop his health by 10% for each additional victory. When he loses, he takes a number of shots equal to the number wins in his streak.
4. If anyone wishes to stop playing Tekken Tag Drinking Game, they must go to Team Battle mode vs the computer on the hardest difficulty setting. Take one shot for each team member lost. (maximum of 8 shots)
See that was what we were afraid of when we first played, that it was too complicated while drunk to play. But so long as you keep character sheets around to remind people of spells, the battle mechanic is just simple subtraction so it really is easy to do while drunk. Granted drunk for me means about 10 beers for a buzz but you get the idea.