WELCOME TO THE WILD WORLD OF ANIMAL CROSSING, the odd little game for your DS about life in a both capitalist and anarchical society which somehow manages to remain relatively non-violent!
What the... no violence?! This must be a stupid boring game! Well, the over three million people who bought the game and an eventual movie would like to disagree with you.
RELEVANT LINKSOld Animal Crossing Wild World threadThe holy grail to flower hybridingToo...many...patterns!ANSWERS TO STUPID QUESTIONS SO YOU DON'T NEED TO ASK THEM AND LOOK STUPIDI need money.
For the poor beginner, fishing and selling fruit are the best options. Your town will have a random native fruit which will sell for 100 bells each in your town. Selling them to towns where it's not native will get you 500 bells each. Or even better, collect foreign fruit from other towns and use a shovel to plant them in your own town. A tree takes about 7 days to grow to maturity and new fruit grows once every three days. Tree sprouts do not need to be watered. Once you have some capitol to invest, consider participating in the turnip trade, which can make you very rich or very poor very quickly.
How does the turnip trade work? Who/where is Joan?
Joan the sow can be found walking around town most Sundays from 6am to noon unless that day happens to be a holiday. She might sell you a pack of red turnip seeds which, once planted, must be watered every day or else it'll rot. It can be dug up at any time but after 6 days is when it fully matures and can be sold for 16 000 bells. Joan will also sell you white turnips for about 100 bells each which can be sold to Nook for (hopefully) a profit. Nook has two turnip prices every day: one at 8am-12pm and the other at 12pm-11pm. If his buying price exceeds the amount you bought the turnips for, then you might want to sell them for a profit or you might want to wait for an even higher price. But don't wait forever! Turnips will rot the following Sunday and become worthless. You can cheat the system by placing turnips on tables in your house which prevents rotting. Here's how it usually works on this here thread: if someone has an obsenely high price, he/she will make a post to advertize, open his/her town, and accept the multitudes who beg and clamor for the privilege of selling their turnips at a high price. Tipping your host is customary but not manditory. Please don't beg for turnip prices on a Monday or Tuesday since only on Wed-Sat are prices really worth mentioning. One more thing: never EVER time travel backwards when you have a load of turnips in your house! They automatically rot!
Help me with Friend Codes
Talk to Copper, one of the guard doggies at your town gate. Ask him for your friend code. Tell the code, your name, and your town name to all your friends, add it to your sig, and add your friends's info to your own friend list, which you can access by going into the "menu", selecting the "heart" icon, and selecting the "register" icon. The adding of friend codes must be mutual, so don't go randomly adding people who do not add you back. Now, if you talk to Copper again, you can choose to open your town to visitors or visit another open town.
What is K.K?
KK is a guitar-wielding doggie who shows up in the museum every Saturday without fail from 8pm to midnight. (although he doesn't appear if you have your town open) You can request songs (make sure you spell them correctly) and he will give you a bootleg which you can use to play music on your music-playing-device back home.
What's up with flower hybrids?
In addition to the normal red/white/yellows of the tulip/cosmos/pansy/roses, you can get funky colors like blue/black/purple/orange/and pink under special conditions and with lotsa patience. I could go on and on about how to do this exactly, but mostly it requires you to put at least two flowers of the same species directly next to each other. Except for gold roses, which are easily obtainable by watering a wilted black rose with a golden watering can.
How do I keep a perfect town?
Basically have your trees evenly spread about town and don't have too many random items lying about/buried around. Talk to Pelly or Phyllis about the enviornment and they'll suggest how you can improve if you need improving. When all else fails, plant flowers everywhere, because they'll neutralize all negative effects. Just remember to keep the wilted brown flowers watered every day. With a perfect town, you have a higher likelyhood of growing Jacob's ladders, which are special rare flowers. And, if you can keep your town perfect for 16 consecutive days, talk to Pelly or Phyllis again and she'll give you the gold watering can.
There is a strange yellow cat in my town who wants wants to go to/has lost something in my friend's town
Ah yes, you have been infected with a case of the kittens. You'll want to get rid of them as soon as possible because they block out other unscheduled special visitors from Monday to Friday. If you have the kitten, you should contact the town it wants to go to and make your friend open his/her gates. Then slowly lead the kitten to Copper and arrange to visit that town. If you have the mother cat, what you want to do is have your gates open when you are expecting the kitten to be delivered. Try to moniter your DS,
bad things happen if you leave it unattended during delivery. The cats will not be visible in your town if the gates are open or if there is some other visitor, such as Resetti, Lyle, or Redd, but they are technically "there". Therefore, even if you can't find the mother cat, you can accept the kitten delivery anyways, but you definately need to see and find the kitten in order to start the trade. The person who had the kitten will receive a letter in the mail with an exclusive gift. If it so happens that you can't get in touch with your friend to do the trade, then DO NOT continue talking to your cat because it will eventually disappear unless spoken to.
And I got stung and bitten by bees and skeeters while doing it.
Oh, and I got a haircut and it ended up giving me pink hair.
Not a good day for my character.
Code: 3737 3823 8139
Name: Dekk
Town: Gecko
425277757137, Tediak in Pancakes
First time I got it, and two months ago.
I think I'm just gonna wait for the anime movie
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
Edit: Your town is showing up on my list, but I'm getting an error (86420) every time I actually try to connect. Eh?
edit: okay, here's my friend code
I'm Obbi of the town Nurin, rock.
And I just added you, Obbi.
But yeah.
edit: Holy crap those patterns in that link make me want to cry.
And I made a typo on your friend code, which is why you couldn't get in :oops:
Same thing that's happened with the last few games. As soon as that third person joins, BLAMMO.
I need to visit your town and steal your monkeys. We need saru in sarumura. Peewee is an ape, and does not count.
Fuck that guy anyway.
As soon as I sort out my Wireless I will be all over it. But my DS can't see my Linksys WRT5G (or something like that). It's very frustrating.
Scholar and a Gentleman? Critical of bad science and religion? Skeptobot - Is for you!!
Yeah. Fuck Pee Wee. Does everybody have him? I know of about 5 different Pee Wees, and they all suck equally. He's moved back to my town like 3 times. I'm really trying hard to ignore him so he moves again.
On a brighter note, after months of countless country guitars, I finally got a Turban from Wendall, and Sahara actually gave me a massage chair! Now I can finally work on getting that Golden Axe! YES!
Also, has anyone nabbed a jellyfish, or is it really not possible until the 15th?
Also: Sweet OP Eyes5.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
Gimmie Turnip Prices.
I'm awake and at work, but I have no wifi near here. I will be on this afternoon, though.
Also, I am looking to aquire a Pikmin, Bullet Bill, or any of the other recent download items, that most Canadians have been barred from. I will pay very handsomely. I'm talking 7 figures, here. If you want to help a brother out, then tell me where to be, and when.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
Nintendo Network ID - Jammers007
3DS - 1418-6751-8378
Steam - Jammers007
Nintendo Network ID - Jammers007
3DS - 1418-6751-8378
Steam - Jammers007
I only bought 200 turnips, so I think I will risk waiting a little longer. If I don't make a huge profit, it won't be the end of me. I will, however, come visit your town.
That's in about 3 hours, if you can wait.