So its not really a game but I believe this does fall under technology if it needs to go in a different spot im sorry.
So some guys found a way to use a laser cutter to give themselves "tattoos"
Link to pics instructions and video of the machine in action.
How crazy / awesome is this? one the one hand its stupid but on the other the possibilities are pretty amazing.
I wonder how long it will be before we see a full body version?
Possibilities are pretty amazing? I want some of whatever crack you're snorting.
I never asked for this!
As far as the possibilities go, its not much different then branding and we have still yet to see the end results. It actually looks very much like UV light ink tattoos.
Now imagine someone taking this idea and expanding on it making a machine specially made to do brandings using custom made images that are way easier to create and get then with current modes.
LOL that is an awesome analogy
In fact I would of sig'd it but I'm just heading off to go home from work
best post ever
I would not do it for myself myself but I'm all for body mods for people who are into them.
No offense to the OP, but this would be a very hard thing to do. Tattoo artist take the curves of the human body into consideration, how it might look - if the part of the skin is stretched, not stretched. - and a good artist also takes into consideration if the motive fits with your appearance, and might modify it according to your proportions. (Excluding the fact that the end result, most likely, won't look like you got cancer in form a Wingdings character on one of your body parts)
Looking at laser burning away the upper layers of the epidermis gives me a very uneasy feeling.