My friend hasn't received her badge yet, and I got mine on August 3rd. The main difference is, she lives in Hawaii, and I live in Oregon. She is also way too shy to email Mike Fehlauer about it, so I'm just going to ask for her.
One thing is that she pre-registered months after I did. Did they send the first batch out early, and then a second one later? She'd just like to know where her badge is.
Sorry about making the thread but, it's either I do it for her, or she isn't going to find out.
~ Fyodor Dostoevsky
I received it August 12th.
Portland, OR
Recieved Aug 1st.
I'm no help.
So no worries.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
One question: are there any advantages to having a press badge, besides it being free?
You'll probably be slightly less hassled be Enforcers if you try to (s)talk to any of the Special Guests or check out the BYOC (which last year was offlimits to anybody but registered BYOC people). I say this as an educated guess made by a guy who's been to 04 & 05 and NecrowombiCon 01.
I'm media too. w00t.
Ill let press in if they wish to tour, take pictures, or somthing.