DRAGONBALL MOVIE THREADDragonball is a 2009 live action film adaptation of the Dragon Ball franchise. The film follows Goku, played by Justin Chatwin, and his quest to obtain the mystical Dragonballs before the evil Lord Piccolo, played by James Marsters, does. The film began development in 2002, and is directed by James Wong and produced by Stephen Chow. It is scheduled for release on April 10, 2009.
Justin Chatwin is playing
Goku, you may know him as Tom Cruise's son from War of the Worlds, or the main character in that shitty David Goyer movie. LOOK AT THAT HAIR
Emily Rossum plays
Bulma. You may recognize her as being Jake Gyllenhall's girlfriend in the horrible film The Day After Tomorrow, and being Kurt Russell's daughter in that shitty remake of Poseidon. And yes that second picture is from the film.
James Marsters is
Piccolo. I never watched Buffy.
He had this to say about his role
The character is "thousands of years old and a very long time ago he used to be a force of good, but [he] got into a bad argument and was put into prison for 2000 years. It got him very angry, and he finds a way to escape and then tries to destroy the world. The cool thing is, anybody who has seen Dragonball knows that Lord Piccolo transforms into a character named Piccolo, and that is a whole other ball of wax. [...] Heroic wouldn't be the wrong term by the end, but it's a long journey." He also confirmed Piccolo will retain his physical appearance from the anime. Marsters is a fan of the television series, which he described as being "the coolest television cartoon in the last 50,000 years [because] it’s got a Shakespearean sense of good and evil." He admitted, "When I got the role I had doubts. The more I live with it I realize that I am going to rock this harder than I have anything in my life."
Chow Yun Fat plays
Master Roshi. He was in the awesome movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but has since entered freefall mode with his acting choices.
He did have this to say though
On my career as an actor, it is my first time to play a manga character. Dragonball is read all over the world, have many hard core fans. I hope they won’t be disappointed by my acting (laugh). But to be honest with you, I’m totally satisfied with my performance as Master Roshi.
Randall Duk Kim plays
Grandpa Gohan. He acted the shit out of the Keymaker in the second Matrix film and was also Oogway in Kung-Fu Panda, and is one rad dude.
Yamcha's in the film too, but
fuck Yamcha
The storyboard artist for the film had this to say about the film's rating
While I can’t comment on the Rating of the Dragon Ball film, I will comment on that I’d personally prefer an R rating. My first job on a film was on The Transporter 2. Originally, we filmed an R rated movie, and unfortunately, Luc and Fox wanted more “butts in seats†so it was brought down to PG-13. I really feel that the film suffered because of it. As far as Dragon Ball is concerned, I think that Jim directed an incredible film. I’m sure if his intended cut makes it to the screen, you’ll be happy.
In short this movie is going to be a glorious trainwreck
Official Trailer
The only thing more infuriating than this is the Dragon Ball fans that are defending it.
Will he be transforming into a giant monkey thing?
Goddamn I didn't know Emmy Rossum was in it. New reason to watch it. Let's hope we get to see some naked Bulma booty like in the comic/japanese cartoon :winky:
don't know about the tail, but there are rumors that he'll be turning into a giant CG monkey
edit: and Saph there is going to be a kamehameha
I want to hate the idea of this movie, but I think Marsters own words have given me no choice but to see this.
in the original dragonball series piccolo is like the main bad guy
he's gonna rock this so hard
edit: gee what an excellent totp sombrero, way to embarrass your family
even my family's embarrassed by that
What happened was that he told all the other actors that he was going to play the lead in the Dragonball movie and they gave him a swirly. A swirly to end all swirlies.
oh my god
This. Also did you people really expect his hair to look anything but crazy?
Come to think of it, I wonder how many anime convention attendees will decide to adopt that hairdo.
just imagine if they do a sequel where he goes super-saiyan
then those flowing locks will be bleach blond and glowing
It's the expression, like he doesn't know his hair looks like that... "What, do I have something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?"
The Plan 9 From Outer Space of our generation
I will be there for the premiere