Okay, so maybe not quite that extreme, but Charlie Crist, the governor of Florida, has negotiated a deal to buy
300 square miles of land currently owned by the sugar industry, and put it towards watershed conservation. I don't know why this hasn't gotten a lot of media, because it's pretty huge. This is a large portion of the sugary industry in the U.S., and in the long run, may reduce a lot of the punitive/awful tariffs we have on foreign sugar, since there will be less incentive to protect the U.S. sugar industry. It also means that the Everglades gets protected, which is important for a variety of reasons (wildlife conservation, global warming, erosion prevention, flood prevention, etc.).
So, I'm giving props to a Republican governor on this one, something you won't see very often. He went and did this in spite of the fact that the Bush administration, which was supposed to go 50/50 on the deal, bailed out (yes, the Bush administration decided that the environment can go fuck itself; I know
I'm surprised).
HFCS is just as good, you know.
That's stretching the definition of "possibility", though.
I eagerly await the death of the sugar tariff
When the corn lobby fails.
Read: never.
I can't believe I actually checked the USGS for the likelihood of that happening.
You must be easily amazed. I imagine you walking out of your house every morning, all, "Whoa, lawn!" and "Holy shit, gravity still works!"
I want to be mad at the insult but it's a funny post so I just laugh.
I insult because I care.
But seriously, tariffs are rooted in rah-rah nationalism mixed with they're-gonna-getchoo protectionism, and that shit never goes out of style.
Than, that will never happen as long as the Miami Cuban-American community remains a key voting bloc.
It won't after this generation.
Countdown to highly publicized money laundering allegation...10...9...8...
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
I would punt kittens for stuff to be made with Sugar again.
While nobody does this, it can also be a way to make sure that companies don't outsource to dodge trade standards. For example, Columbia is the place to go if you don't want your workers to have a choice about working for you, so we should use tariffs to equal out the benefits of moving to Columbia.
Also, why are we talking about HFCS when the real stupidity is corn ethanol?
I was once told real sugar is better for you then HFCS anyways, so that would be a plus. Does anyone know if thats true or not though?
Ease up the import tariffs on sugar?
That will never happen.
It's marginally better for you, I suppose. I mean, it's still sugar.
I find the fact that it tastes far better somewhat more important.
It bypasses your body's sugar regulation mechanism, so you don't feel as full as you should feel, which leads to eating more.
That doesn't make sense. Insulin release is triggered by an increase in blood sugar. Sweeteners do not increase blood sugar.