I was at PAX '04, '05, and '06 but had to miss out on '07 due to some horrible family issues that I'm not going to waste your time on. To put it very briefly: I was unable to attend last year and lost contact with a bunch of really cool people I met the previous three years.
I want to get back in touch!
So Logicbomb; Moefwacky and everyone from The CCST; Aaron and everyone from the GTA bus; Trish; Sara; everyone from Annarchy; and everyone else whose name I can't remember but will never forget; post here, email me, PM or the like. Pretty please with sugar on top.
I'd also like to get any other veteran's opinion of how to prepare for the new (for me) venue and change of location. Anymore long uphill walks? How's the food situation during the event?
Thanks in advance!
Boogle Boogle Bear...
The only long uphill walk is if you're coming back from the Pike Street Market. (Or if you're staying at the Hilton)
You people don't know what uphill is. The Pike/Pine corridor is sooo tame compared to say hiking from downtown to Capitol Hill via Cherry St.
CCST people are pretty easy to find, especially in IRC ya n00b. (And yes, I started with the NecrowombiCon in 2k1, so even with your PAX04 status I can still call you a n00b. :P )
Also, GTA is dead.
Seattle gives a whole new meaning to the term "downtown"
Better? Worse?
That's a bunny slope. I'll see if I can find pics after I get home from work.
Hah! Unfortunately we stopped taking pictures at that point when we realized we weren't actually at the top.
(not my picture, by the by)
Faced with approximately that view (well, we were closer to that spikey building), we discovered we were parked on the OTHER side of that horrid mage's tower. Strangely, though I don't recall actually walking DOWNhill to get to that point. ^_^
Still, I'm anxious to see what you've got!
God, you know I'm now going to have to take my van up or down some of those...
that can't be right. i know maynard ave in the international district is steeper than most of those.