Release date - 03.06.09 (March 6th 2009)
Trailer 1 Empire has a comic-trailer comparison
The song is "The End is the Beginning is the End" by the Smashing Pumpkins from their B-Track and Rarities, now available on iTunes I do believe.
Trailer 2
I am absolutely stoked. Any doubt I have about Zack Synder doing this is gone. The man knows the material
Future Perfect Edit:
The ending has been confirmed as altered. Pray it is not altered any further
Dr.Manhattan Tachyon Edit:
Check out for a bunch of backstory goodies
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I just wish they would've played it before I saw TDK on Tuesday.
Every interview and quote I've heard from Zack whatshisname on this movie has been awesome.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
The rest looks good, though. I'm surprised how well they made Doctor Manhattan look.
... Seriously.
Yeah really. I laughed a little when I saw him.
So, the trailer was pretty impressive.
Check out 1:34 though. It's definitely him clobbering the gunman in the lobby, but he's wearing a suit rather than his costume. Hopefully that'll look better and will be used more in the film....
He just looks too boyish to be a guy in his late 30s or early 40s (even if he is a perfectly fit guy of that age).
I don't even like Watchmen that much but damn does this look promising.
And the EW article, with more pictures:,,20213273,00.html
I mean, I guess he's proud of it. But still...
I echo the holy shit
Also, yeah the movie pretty much looks perfect. Just as I expected, Snyder nailed the visuals down perfectly and it seems like he's going to do the movie scene-for-scene identically to the comic, which is just what I wanted.
Imagine that, they're actually making the movie for people who enjoyed the comic!
Looks good.
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They are.
It reminded me of Andy Sandberg's SNL parody of super hero music videos.
Anyway, visuals look good, but I'm still skeptical on their ability to cut the story down.
I'm curious, how exactly is it pretentious?
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
It's Smashing Pumpkins.
It's also the same song which was featured for Batman and Robin. Feel free to let that freak you out.
But yeah, loved the trailer aside from Ozymandis and the music was kinda meh.
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Looks like robins from Batman and Robin. But I think that was intentional. The costumes in the book took cues from the cheesy costumes of the 60s'-70's, the movie is doing the same using the older comic book movies. Pretty ballsy.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
The whole "This is going to kick superhero movies in the balls and make people take them seriously because we're not some kiddy flick, we're rated R because we have penises and a guy who kills people and another guy who also kills people and rapes them and then makes them... fall in love with him... presumably by raping them and we have some guy who doesn't actually know how quantum physics works and anyway the point is that this movie is going to be so hardcore" thing screamed poser to me when I read Watchmen and I get the same feeling from reading that article.
But it sure does look pretty.
Also, the trailer itself was absolutely stunning. I could pick out exactly where in the comic almost every shot in the trailer originated. That alone says a hell of a lot for their faithfulness to the source material.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
I hope so because I totally just got spoilerfied if that's what happens.
Yeah, I've avoided Spoilers for Watchmen for this long.
I ordered it the other day.
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And then you wandered into this thread.... good idea!
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer